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Why T3 Void Defense Is Flawed, And A Suggestion To Fix It (Tldr)


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Dear Devs,


    We can only imagine how much work you must have on your plates, and I know I speak for most fans when I say thank you for all you do and how you guys and ladies are generally "awesome". However I would like to humbly submit that T3 defense is very tedious, repetitive, and mentally exhausting at the moment.


I believe this is for several reasons:


Problem1 : More work / frustration for the same reward present in another mission type.


I can earn the same kind of reward (prime parts/bp's) by playing a void capture or mobile defense but spending only 10-15 mins tops instead of the 30-45 mins. necessary for a void defense map.


Problem 2: Scenery doesn't change for the full 30-45 minutes I'm in the map. Repeating the same combat patterns, in the same place, over and over again.


 While in regular defense, people are relatively free to move about and fight in areas other than 2-5 meters from the core (especially in early waves, and especially for infested) in void defense this really isn't possible due to the necessity of staying right next to the core to take advantage of snow globe and to avoid the lasers you can activate.


Problem 3: Same risk as "old" defense archetype, but with added annoyance of no resources.


Currently out of 20 waves, if you happen to fail right when you get it down to 2 waves left, then you lose everything. All the mods, no bonus xp, nothing. On top of this, throughout the entire round no resources are gathered, effectively making it so that the reward for surviving / winning is less than a normal defense. (yes you get prime bp's but you know what I mean :P)


Problem 4: What I call "enemy burn out".


After fighting the same monsters / enemies dozens of times over, it gets quite repetitive in many ways. It is a credit to your game mechanics / design etc. that I can still have those "haha...cool" moments regardless, but I really think something could be done / added to shake things up a bit, not only in void defense, but also regular defense.


Suggested Solutions:


To solve problems 1: Update void defense to operate the same way as current defense. Every 5 waves there is a brief timer with a randomized reward which is plucked from the prime bp's currently in the normal rotation. If you think that 5 waves is too little for a prime part reward (which I would probably agree) then you could make it even more interesting by making the first reward after wave 5 always be a random "good" reward such as a rare fusion core or a random rare mod or even a chance for another key!) then at wave 10 and beyond (ending at wave 20) you would give the players three chances to "choose" the void defense reward they want.



Now obviously this could be exploited to get the parts I want using few keys. "Host defense until the parts I want come up, and then never do it again." Well I think that an effective measure to prevent this would be that if you fail after wave 10 (which is when the first prime part comes up) then you automatically get the last prime part that was a possible reward, however you do not get any bonus xp and it counts as mission failed, and the key you used to generate the mission is no longer available.



To solve Problem 2: You are the game designers, not I, however maybe something like defending multiple locations where every 5 waves the cryopods are teleported to a new location during a process for them to be "extracted" by the Lotus or something? It could provide a nice change of pace and scenery, as well as provide for new combat styles depending on the surroundings where the pods get teleported to.


To solve Problem 3: Very simple in my mind: expanding on the solution to problem 1, you could firstly introduce resources to the void defense map (if not all void maps) and secondly consider making it save what you have earned every 5 waves but not awarding you bonus xp, just like current normal defense maps


To solve Problem 4: You know, let's just hypothesize for a moment here....wouldn't it be great if this game had some shadowy character....something of a "dark link" to our Tenno? And wouldn'it it be really amazing if at random intervals in a void defense mission the entire map would go dark (not completely obviously) with ominous whispers and sounds permeating the air....only to reveal that shadowy dark doppelganger of a Tenno, yet he's different...this time he seems to have been ...touched...changed....by the void...and he shakes and phases in and out and eventually splits into four versions of himself, and our 4 valiant Tenno warriors are confronted with 4 dark apparitions bent on their destruction?


Yeah that would be soooo intense and epic.....too bad no such shadowy character exists in this game....


*nonchalant whistle*



In conclusion: My apologies for the long post, I hope none of this comes across as arrogant or preachy, and even if you don't agree with anything I said, thank you for everything you have done and continue to do to make this a great game for us to enjoy!   :-)



TLDR: Void defense is currently a chore, and not fun, but it could be! Ok...I lied..TLDR isn't possible here...but if you want to know why it's bad and how it could (maybe) be better take a look at my post. :)

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I've only done 1 T3 void as of now, mainly because of the absurdity of them. Even after only 1 time playing it, all of the things you listed (minus the resource thing, that should have been added to the void ages ago) were very, very obvious flaws.


I have only 1 question; by 'dark link'-esque Tenno, did you mean like a sort of Stalker race? Or rather than a race, I feel that's the improper way to phrase it, more like an ex-Lotus mercenary group of Tenno, there to exterminate the current Lotus mercenary group (e.g. you and your crew)? I think that would be cool, and would surly break up the monotony of (any) defense mission(s).

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I've only done 1 T3 void as of now, mainly because of the absurdity of them. Even after only 1 time playing it, all of the things you listed (minus the resource thing, that should have been added to the void ages ago) were very, very obvious flaws.


I have only 1 question; by 'dark link'-esque Tenno, did you mean like a sort of Stalker race? Or rather than a race, I feel that's the improper way to phrase it, more like an ex-Lotus mercenary group of Tenno, there to exterminate the current Lotus mercenary group (e.g. you and your crew)? I think that would be cool, and would surly break up the monotony of (any) defense mission(s).


Yeah by "dark link" Tenno, I was just trying to allude to a shady character who may or may not currently exist in the game...and who may or may not be called "stalker"




Although I wouldn't mind if the devs took the stalker concept further and expanded on its lore more, either with something like you suggest or otherwise....more lore is always good....

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To solve Problem 4: You know, let's just hypothesize for a moment here....wouldn't it be great if this game had some shadowy character....something of a "dark link" to our Tenno? And wouldn'it it be really amazing if at random intervals in a void defense mission the entire map would go dark (not completely obviously) with ominous whispers and sounds permeating the air....only to reveal that shadowy dark doppelganger of a Tenno, yet he's different...this time he seems to have been ...touched...changed....by the void...and he shakes and phases in and out and eventually splits into four versions of himself, and our 4 valiant Tenno warriors are confronted with 4 dark apparitions bent on their destruction?


Yeah that would be soooo intense and epic.....too bad no such shadowy character exists in this game....


*nonchalant whistle*



This would be even more epic if the game could, while you were playing, learn your play style, then for this "doppengänger" fight have these apparitions attack you and fight just like you do.


omg that would be awesome

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Yah This has been said from day 1, that it is stupid to make a T3 defense last longer then 15 waves, making it last a good 40min on average. 

So why make this mission 10x longer then a capture mission with no greater reward?


Not only that I do not think they understand that making defense last long does not make it harder, its the level of the enemy and enemy types that make it hard, so why not just start them at higher level with heavy enemies and make it 10 waves.

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This would be even more epic if the game could, while you were playing, learn your play style, then for this "doppengänger" fight have these apparitions attack you and fight just like you do.


omg that would be awesome

I'd like to see that. I'm mostly staying on the pod with an Ogris whenever I play T3D - that thing was able to oneshot every Stalker I have encountered so far (the highest one was lvl 70ish).

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I'd like to see that. I'm mostly staying on the pod with an Ogris whenever I play T3D - that thing was able to oneshot every Stalker I have encountered so far (the highest one was lvl 70ish).


Yeah, that's part of what I was talking about, since void defense can spell failure if you wander even a few meters away from the objective, it would be nice if they could implement a way to change the scenery every once in a while...

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