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Rhino : Needs Change. Devs Pls Have A Look.


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Helo guys, i was the desiganted tank for many years now in a couple of games, many of withc u already know.

For the past 2 weeks ive been playing only with Rhino so hers my thoughts abouth the "tank" ninja.

- Rhino Charge : It dosent feel like its supose to be there, as a tank i need to stan my ground and protect the oters

not copying Excalibur desire to chest pomp evry1. Also, atm the best thing that rhino charge gives is

the knock back...witch sucks cuz i can do it with my melee anytime. << This abiliti needs to be repaced!

* my opinion : First abiliti shoud be movement enhancement so many times i try to revive a teammate but i cant cuz thy are 900 enemyes that can put me to the ground just by spitting on me. Instead of the actual charge, it coud be like...knock-back imunity, and if u put more points into it i can be that + if the Rhino runs pass some enemy he woud " stagger hit him, or a little daze. or stun " just like american football u all like. It dosent need to do much dmg, just get the job done.

- Iron Skin: now this looks cool, the best and the only thing that makes the rhino "tank" and its bad, like...thats 25%

reason to call rhino a tank. So far i love this one.

- Radial Blast: i have to say its the single most useless thing that a tank can have. A tank needs to protect the group.

He needs TAUNT! YES i've said it. taunt, just aggro the horde of monsters and skull crush them with big

axe :) Again, aoe taunt its a must for all ninja tanks out there. GOGO RADIAL TAUNT!!

- Rhino Stomp: The last one... is it good?...not realy...does it do any good dmg? no.

Having now mobility form the first spell, defence from the second one, c.c. from the 3rd one.

What can be the 4th ? Tanks go in MELEE . Tanks must face the enemy like a proud teno.

Rhino Stomp can become... Rhino Enrage ? Increasing a bit melee dmg or...swing speed..or even

offering more aoe dmg per melee swing or even a bit of all, by upgrading it more.

In the end, i want to say " Sorry me no english " i dont want to stay and correct all the wards cuz i dont have the time, but all i can say now is that Rhino, curently is not the cool kid on the block, its just the fatt one. :)

Edited by Kordo
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I disagree honestly. The first skills knockdown is more than useful to me, let's me carve a path to my down teammate then i can pop iron skin for defense. Radial blast is again another "knock em down so our team can breathe" skill. Lastly rhino stomp is more than a savior skill, I love it's floating effect, lets your team put their heads back on and start dishing out damage.

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Enemies do not have enough health to even bother with half of what you're talking about. The ONLY time ANY players need a tank is during BOSS FIGHT. If you need a tank during a misison, or have one but keep rushing into enemies and dying then you're being stupid or not strong enough to solo the misson.

I can understand wanting to reach players in time to revive them but you're a tank, you take damage and dish it out. I've been seeing a lot of clumsy players lately, I guess they're new to the game.

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just like american football u all like

First of all I disagree with most of what you're saying, the only possible thing I could think of agreeing with would be the taunt. But drawing your attention to the quote I took... you do know that DE is Canadian right? What makes you think they like American Football? They're probably more into Hockey.

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- Radial Blast: i have to say its the single most useless thing that a tank can have. A tank needs to protect the group.

He needs TAUNT! YES i've said it. taunt, just aggro the horde of monsters and skull crush them with big

axe :) Again, aoe taunt its a must for all ninja tanks out there. GOGO RADIAL TAUNT!!

Radial Blast is pretty useless, but Taunt is just a death wish. Ok if they're shooting at you, in which case Iron Skin does its part, but the Infested would just make you feel bad. You can't melee if there are two chargers in your range, aggroing the whole room is out of question ^^" Blast needs some work, maybe something like Shockwave Moas do.

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Radial Blast is indeed really useless. Rhino Stomp at LEAST provides a fair CC duration in which you can peel enemies off teammates / revive teammates if needed. Radial Blast needs to be replaced with someting altogether. An area taunt sounds good in theory, but in this game, mobs aren't going to survive long enough for a taunt. I would expect something like "Battle Roar" as Rhino's 3rd...although I'm not positive as to what it would do. Maybe it slows and fears enemies in its radius? Maybe it is an attack and defense debuff for enemies in the range of the skill? Maybe it's a party buff that increase the attack/defense/attack speed of nearby allies? I dunno, just throwing some ideas out there.

I always thought Rhino needed a skill or passive or something that rendered him immune to stagger. In my opinion, Iron Skin is way too strong. I would love to see it changed to, instead of making Rhino immune to all damage, reducing incoming damage by 50% or something and rendering him immune to stagger for the duration of the skill.

I think the mechanics and idea behind Rhino Charge is good, but I feel like it would make more sense if the skill functioned more like the following:

Rhino charges forward, dealing damage to and knocking over all enemies in his path. While running, Rhino can be maneuvered. It would be different from Excalibur's slash dash, and would have a different function.

Overall I love the idea of Rhino, but feel like he needs some work.

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Curently i can kill in maxim 3 shots any Heavy +lvl 40 (no head shots)

If game is going to be harder, and mobs will have like 5 times the curent hp... the curent spels are bad.

Naturally if the enemies are going to keep scaling then so will our Warframes and our equipment.

I don't see how knock backs, knock ups with gravity defying debuff are bad? He's based on a freaking Rhino for christs sake, and what do Rhino's do? CHHHAARRGE!!!

Warframe isn't some normal MMO with magic taunts and such, it's different and I hope it stays that way. Each Warframe can solo any mission so your idea's are pretty much useless when you think about it.

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Each Warframe can solo any mission so your idea's are pretty much useless when you think about it.

I woud like to see harder boss fights, maybe a little script ?

i can kill any boss in less than 110 shootgun shots solo - This is not cool, harder content - team fights needs to last a bit longer

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I woud like to see harder boss fights, maybe a little script ?

i can kill any boss in less than 110 shootgun shots solo - This is not cool, harder content - team fights needs to last a bit longer

The missions cant last too long since it's instance missions, they need to be fairly quick. Perhaps simply make boss levels bigger?

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