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New Warframe Concept - Hellequin, The Deceiver


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I already know that there are a bunch of fan-made Warframe concepts out there, some are really really good, but I thought that I might add my own idea to the mix and see what people think of it. So here it goes...


"This is Hellequin, the puppet master. He is a great deceiver who compensates power for a plethora of disorienting abilities. Using grand illusions, Hellequin will conjure panic and chaos wherever he goes:
-Spectacle is an ability that creates a burst of light around Hellequin, clouding the vision of those caught in the flash.
-Masquerade allows Hellequin to scan an enemy unit and disguise himself as one of them for a short period of time.
-Changeling will envelop a single enemy in an illusion that will make it temporarily take the appearance of another faction, which will confuse its allies, turning them against it. 
-The carnival has arrived Tenno, Harlequinade creates several holographic projections of Hellequin, which will follow him and distract incoming enemies. When a Hellequin hologram is destroyed, it will release an electric shock that strikes out at the closest opponent. 
In a squad, or left on his own, Hellequin will make fools of your adversaries."
HEALTH: 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)
POWER: 100.0 (150.0 at rank 30)
ARMOR: 10.0
SHIELD CAPACITY: 130.0 (330.0 at rank 30)
POLARITIES: 4 × Scratch (Power) / 2 × Bar (Tactic)
#1. Spectacle - 25 Energy - Hellequin releases a flash of dazzling lights in all directions in a radius of 5/7/9/12 in-game meters. The ability deals no damage, but all enemies caught in the flash become stunned for 5/7/9/12 seconds. Stunned enemies become sluggish and all of their attacks become highly inaccurate. Upgrading this ability increases the AOE the flash emits and the duration of the stun. Affected by Continuity, Constitution (the duration of the stun) and Stretch (the size of the AOE). 
#2. Masquerade - 50 Energy - Hellequin shoots a beam of light that scans an enemy unit (it hits the one aimed by the cursor) that is 7/10/12/15 in-game meters away and then the beam goes back to Hellequin. Then Hellequin creates an energy veil around himself, which disguises him as a representative of that race (Grineer Lancer, Corpus Crewman, Infested Leaper or Corrupted). While wearing a disguise, Hellequin's enemies will ignore him, thinking he is one of their own. The disguise lasts for 5/7/9/12 seconds, after that the veil will vanish and Hellequin's true identity will be exposed. Note that if Hellequin were to attack an enemy while under the guise, the enemy would still fight back. This ability does not work on Stalker. It also worth of note that an enemy will not be fooled if you use Masquerade right in front of them, the disguise only works if no enemy saw you take on the disguise. Upgrading this ability increases the length of the disguised form and the range of the scanning beam. Affected by Continuity, Constitution (duration of disguise) and Stretch (range of the scanning beam).
#3. Changeling - 50 Energy - Hellequin releases a torrent of energy that envelops a targeted enemy which is 7/10/12/15 in-game meters way and makes it take the form of a unit from another faction. While in this state, the enemy will not be able to use its ranged weapons nor abilities, but it would still retain all of its stats (including shields) and it can fight and move normally. However, all of its comrades will mistake it for an enemy and will attack it. The targeted enemy will remain in that form for 5/7/9/12 seconds, after that it will regain its original form. You can also target your teammates and rescued Hostages, having them take the form of the enemy you are facing (works like Masquerade) while any Sentinels they have become invisible. There are exceptions to this power, which are; Grineer Informers and Utility units (Latchers, Rollers and Regulators), Corpus Ospreys and Utility Units (Security Cameras and Turrets), Bosses (except maybe Stalker). Upgrading this ability increases the length of the time the targeted enemy is in the form of another faction. Affected by Continuity, Constitution (duration of the transformation) and Stretch (range at which the ability is cast). 
#4. Harlequinade - 100 Energy - Hellequin creates 2/3/4/5 holographic projections of himself which will follow him in the same manner a rescued Hostage would. Hellequin clones will attack any enemy unit that gets in their path, but the clones do not deal any damage and have only a fraction (25%) of Hellequin's health. However, when a Hellequin clone is destroyed, it will release an electric shock that strikes at the closest enemy within 7/10/12/15 in-game meters and deals 75/100/125/200 Electrical damage. Hellequin's clones will only remain for 5/7/9/12 seconds before they dissipate. Upgrading this ability increases the number of clones, the potency of the electric death shock, as well as its range and the length of the time the clones remain. Affected by Continuity, Constitution (clone "lifespans"), Focus (power of electric shock) and Stretch (range of electric shock). 
*Trivelin - Sacrifices Shield Maximum (-5%) for Stamina (+10%).
*Bagatino - Sacrifices Health (-5%) for Power Strength (+10%).
If you have any ideas, thoughts, opinions or even criticism to share, then feel free to do so. I accept and appreciate any form of feedback. 
Concept Drawing:
Note: Hellequin is based on this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harlequin
Edited by ND999
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It has a similar role as Loki as being a trickster, but I think it's unique enough to not feel like a clone.

I would suggest that Changeling disguises the enemy into another faction instead though. Would be odd seeing a desert skate on the ice planet.


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I would suggest that Changeling disguises the enemy into another faction instead though. Would be odd seeing a desert skate on the ice planet.


Hmmm...yes that might be a good idea. It would even give the enemy an ability to fend for itself in a realistic matter. I merely chose the Desert Skate because I thought it would be funny seeing a Grineer Napalm or Super Heavy turn into a gibbering beast for a few seconds. Yeah, I genuinely think you might be on to something there. Thanks for the quick reply :)

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Yep, I thought you might be critisized for the concept being similar to Loki's. Regardless, there aren't enough sneaky, tricky warframes out there and too many direct-damage-based ones, so I still support the idea of Hellequin as being sufficiently original and much needed variety for the Warframe community.

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This ability will become far more complex, so I might as well explain what it does in detail right here and how transformation would work. So here are a few examples:

Let's say you have Unit A (Grineer Lancer) and Unit B (Corpus Crewman), if you use Changeling on Unit A, it will take the form of Unit B, and alternatively, if you use Changeling on Unit B it will take the form of Unit A. However, things are not as simple as that. Let's say you have Unit A, Unit B and Unit C (Infested Leaper), then you use Changeling on Unit A, while Unit B is also present on the battlefield (for example if Corpus are boarding a Grineer ship or vice versa), then Unit A will take the form of Unit C. However, if Unit C is present instead of Unit B (like when Grineer try to exterminate Infested from one of their ships), then if you use Changeling on Unit A, it will take the form of Unit B as it normally would. Got it? Now here's a list of all enemy units that would transform (take these as Unit A, Unit B and Unit C respectively): 


Lancer/Trooper/Elite Lancer/Shield Lancer - Crewman - Runner/Leaper - Stalker*

Sawman/Flameblade/Powerfist/Scorpion - Prod Crewman - Runner/Leaper 

Ballista/Scorch/Eviscerator/Hellion - Sniper Crewman - Runner/Leaper

Seeker/Napalm/Bombard - Elite Crewman - Crawlers/Nauseous Crawler/Noxious Crawler

Heavy Gunner/Commander - Tech - Ancient Healer/Toxic Ancient/Ancient Disruptor

MOA/Shockwave MOA/Railgun MOA/Fusion MOA - Charger - Desert Skate


Note that Grineer Informers and Utility Units (Latchers, Rollers and Regulators) as well as Corpus Ospreys and Utility Units (Security Cameras and Turrets) are immune to the effects of the Changeling ability. 


*If Stalker is targeted by this ability he will take the form of a Lancer (if no Grineer are present), Crewman (if no Corpus are present) or Leaper (if no Infested are present). 


It is also worth noting that when targeting Changeling on a Corrupted unit, that unit will take the form of its regular counterpart. For example, if a Corrupted Grineer Lancer is targeted by Changeling, he will transform into a regular Grineer Lancer. Or if a Corrupted Ancient Healer is targeted by Changeling he will take the form of a regular Infested Ancient Healer (Corrupted Ospreys are still immune to the effects of Changeling). 


You can also target your teammates or rescued Hostages and turn them into an enemy unit, which would work the same way as Masquerade, with Grineer Lancer, Corpus Crewman and Infested Leaper being the default transformations. Note that if a teammate has a Sentinel, it will become invisible while under the effects of Changeling (it becomes inactive until the disguise is lifted or blown).

Edited by ND999
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