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Clan Room Concept


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hi and thank you for looking at my post..


Ok well here is my Idea since there are not that many rooms to build for the clan witch I'm sure there working on it. But I would like to see maybe a firing range. And in this room there can maybe have a terminal access where you mod your guns and test out a load out and see what mod you would like to hunt for.



( now when I say mods I mean like a clan collective of mods meaning someone in your guild must at least have one of that mod your looking to test or have the terminal scan your mods a make a duplicate of the ones that is not listed.)


And what well make this even more fun for people to build and play in this room is a mini game mode...that right time trials I mean its a firing range got have your time trials somewhere. Shoot targets give you point for a leader board see who is the crack shot in your guild plus you can compete with a friend to guild member with quick target play.



well that's my idea hope that anyone that reads this have a good idea to what I am talking about this is my first post ever on a forum so I somewhat have my fingers crossed to see where this goes.


(anyway Good Luck out there on the field Tenno)

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