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Attack On Phobos: Final Fight For Freedom (Read If You Like, The Story Moved :p)


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This thread is meant to continue the Attack on Phobos storyline from "The Dojo" thread. I hope you know Silverbones' rules: no god-mode, and don't be a d!ck.

The following posts are necessary to understand what has been going on.

"I am not sure. Perhaps Felix and I will go to our new facilities and expand our company. Maybe I'll go back to Phobos and visit what's left of my family. Or maybe I'll walk the worlds, helping people in the way."

He stared into his glass, lost in thought.

Agatha finished her second whiskey and ordered a third. "Hm, seems nice. At least you have a family to go back to. Me, I'll just follow the Admiral's orders until I die. That's pretty much it for me. No home to go back to, no family to support." She finished as a third whiskey was poured into her glass. Her communicator beeped and she opened it up, revealing a message from her friend, Ariel, in communications. It simply read: "Something is wrong, very wrong."

"Family... a blessing and a curse, as the Corpus say. Ever since the Gravidus Dilemma, I've spent less and less time in the field. Warbeast to the Grineer, Destructor to the Corpus." He chuckled. "Those were my names."

He saw her glance at her communicator. "If it's urgent, go. I'll pay."

"There is someone I absolutely hate though. She took everything from me. My family, my identity, my whole life really." She began to ramble as she downed another whiskey, her alcohol tolerance fairly low. "I hate her," Agatha chuckled, "I guess revenge is just about as much as I live for," she mumbled into her glass.

Ariel ran through the alleyways of the dojo, attempting to reach her friend in person. Her short red hair was kept in an odd mushroom cap shape around the Zephyr's head, but few questioned it. Reaching the restaurant she barged right through the front doors and past the confused drone spouting things about paying and reservations.

"Don't say that." Abra's metal arm bent the knife he was gripping. "Never say that. Vengeance will consume you without fail. You must avoid that path." A single tear rolled down his cheek. "I was sorely tempted to seek revenge after... after a friend of mine died, but I quickly realized that no matter what I did, she would never return to me."

"Don't cry, pretty boy," A drunk Agatha mumbled to him, wiping the tear from his cheek, her cheeks flushed red from the alcohol.

He laughed dryly, then cried openly, pulling Agatha into a clumsy embrace. Wine may not seem dangerous, but it is just as alcoholic as whiskey.

Agatha whispered quietly into Abra's ear, before silently kissing the skin just under it.

Spurned onwards by Agatha's advances, he kissed her passionately on the lips, metallic prosthetic at her hip and natural hand on her back.

One of the drones hovered nearby awkwardly. "3XCU53 M3, T815 15 4 PUB71C 35T4B7158M3NT..."

Ariel found her best friend locking lips with some stranger, both of them obviously drunk. pushing away the drone and pulling Agatha back by the hair, she injected a serum into the drunk girl's neck before slapping her awake.

"Sorry 'bout her, can't hold her drink well," She smiled as sweetly as possible at Abra as the brain stimulant took its effect.

"What the hells did you inject her with?" Abra mumbled. "The alcohol in her system and lack of inhibitions could..."

Agatha groaned as the hangover arrived, knocking her out of her drunken state, at least for now. when her eyes focused they found a familiar mushroom cap or red hair. "Ariel, what happened?" she mumbled, alert but a bit dizzy. "Ya got hammered and macked on lover boy right here," Ariel replied, jabbing a finger at Abra, "by the way, that was a stimulant to stave off the effects of alcohol, but it only works for a few hours before the real hangover kicks in," She explained to him before turning back to her friend, "We got bigger problems though. The other fleets have excommunicated Admiral Oaker and us and are making their move on the council. They're attacking the Phobos Settlement." "Wait, WHAT?!" Agatha replied, "I thought we weren't going to attack civvies?"

"Phobos..." Abra breathed. Wrenching the injector from Ariel's hand, he plunged it into his neck and injected what was left of the stimulant. Looking at the shocked Zephyr, he growled one word, feeling an old hatred surge.



*Some time later...*

"That's my ship. Modified Void Drive, augmented calibrations on the weapons. It will suffice."

Pulling the two with him, they entered the Druid. A Sentinel looked at Abra sleepily. "Joe, begin takeoff. We have to get to Phobos, fast."

As the Carrier darted away, Abra shoved a Star Map into Ariel's hands. "Type in the coordinates."

*Some time later...*

Abra ignored the ping of his communicator as the Druid took off. Pushing the ship as fast as he could, he prayed that they'd get to Phobos before...

His eyes went white.






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In his nightmare, something absolutely alien dug itself free from its eternal prison. Sensing the Heretics above, fighting and mewling like kittens, the being, unmeasurable in its power, opened a multifaceted eye.

Abra stood uneasily, glaring at the monstrosity before him. Forcing his energy into his metal arm, turning it solid gold and ivory, he shouted. "This hand of mine glows with an AWESOME POWER! IT'S BURNING GRIP COMPELLS ME TO SMITE YOU!"

Leaping and reading a mean left hook, Abra saw his life flashing before his eyes. Sophia, Kate, Alain, so many others... they would be safe.









*Somewhere, very far away...*

Abra felt her gentle hand on his face, smelled her rich perfume, saw her beautiful face. "Am I in heaven?"

Sophia shook her head, still smiling passively. "No. You'll have to go back."

He wanted to stay. "Why?"

"My sister needs you, Abra. After Alain ran off with his alien friend, you're the only family she has left."

"She's a big girl now -"

"Take care of Kate, Abe. Take care of them all."





Abra opened his eyes, feeling the hot Phobian wind caressing his face.

"He's awake. Fetch your mother and his friends, Ruth."

A little girl covered in a dirty white cloak bowed and ran out of the Settlement.

Sitting before Abra was a short and stout figure enveloped in a dark brown robe riddled with holes. The man pulled down his scarf to reveal bright green tattoos and glowing emerald eyes.

"Brother?" Abra croaked, his throat dry.

"Who else?" Uriel-ferix Gae'rnklet Nosh'té Stephen smiled, offering a steaming cup.

Abra wrenched the cup from his brother's hand and took a long draught. "What happened?"

Uri chuckled. "Deus Ex Machina."



Ruth walked back into the stony abode, leading Agatha and Ariel. Agatha took the cup and drank, gagging at the taste. "F*ck is this?"

"Language." Both Abra and Uri chided. Uri continued. "It's a healing mixture that Abra invented; two parts water, one part Desert Skate spinal fluid, and a pinch of rock salt, all boiled by a flame fed by Oxium and then frozen with Cryotic, finally being left to melt. The salt's just for taste."

Agatha frowned. "Well, that explains why my headache's gone."

"It also works on hangovers."


*High above...*

Eduardo Imavachev Icandeso. Conqueror of worlds. He smiled at his name. His parents had thought him to be some great conqueror, even as they were killed in the Purge of Charon. he felt the index finger of his metal hand twitch, a common occurrence when he was angry. or excited. He continued to smile as the Djibril exited warp, right over the Settlement of Stickney crater ((an actual crater on Phobos BTW)). Turning to his command deck and his amassed 80 ships still in warp, he vowed to live up to his name. "All forces. Initiate Operation Fallen Skies. DEATH TO THE COUNCIL!" he screamed as the Djibril released hundreds of bombs onto the unsuspecting residents below.

*Meanwhile... *

"They're throwing bombs!" One Phobian yelled outside, his tan skin paling. "Save yourselves!"

Abra and the others rushed outside, seeing the dark fleet above and hearing explosions in the distance.

"No..." Uri dropped to his knees, holding his clueless daughter close. "Not like this..."

"Padgr? Wact gibn noe?" Ruth asked, eyes wide.

"Nothing, Ruth. Close your eyes."

"Padgr?" The nine-year-old girl looked at her uncle. "Tro Abra? Wact gibn noe?"

"Close your eyes."

Ruth looked up at the sky, and a Volihawk was reflected on her purple eyes. She saw the blue sky turn dark, but witnessed the sun grow bright.

It's all right, dearest child.

A hoarse whisper. "Mama?"

The bombs fell, and the world went white.


Assault at Phobos. Deploying troops at attackers' location.


The antimatter fission bombs fell, striking the ground and destroying everything within 10 meters, before sucking in things within 50 meters and re-releasing their mass as energy to everything within 100 meters. Ariel and Agatha stood outside, watching as the carnage unfolded upon the city. "We have to get out of here!" Ariel screamed, before accessing a void vault and activating her Zephyr, Latron Prime, Nukor, and Skana prime, while Agatha unleashed her Mirage, Dread, hikou and Dakra Prime. "Look!" Agatha pointed at the drop pods descending on the destroyed settlement, intent on wiping out the survivors and any defense force left. "You sure you want to to do this?" Agatha said, looking her friend in the eyes. "Yeah. They have strayed from the Path of the Revolution. They are the true betrayers." Ariel replied, stepping out into the unknown.


"S**t! Fall back fall back!"

"F**k!!! AAH!!"

"Jesus!!! Everyone get to the evac ships now!!!"

"Oh God oh God!!! Ruuuu-"


Abra cried, holding onto the broken body of his brother. Uriel painfully patted him on the shoulder, then started to sing between bloody coughs. "Ooh, child, things are gonna get *cough* easier..." His gaze unfocused.

Abra closed his eyes. "Ooh, things' will be brighter..." He completed the tune with a heartbroken sob.

He saw Ruth nearby, miraculously unharmed, but with a haunted look in her eyes. He looked up at the ships above, feeling his sadness harden into anger, then hatred...

And finally...


The Oberon unseathed his Galatine Prime, blue energy burning brighter.

"Time to sow the earth with blood."


Rose lied on the ground covered in sand and blood. She looked around to see two Excaliburs get up slowly and look at two figures in the distance. She got up and stumbled to them. "Must be survivors."

The Excaliburs fired at Abra as they stood back. "Why the hell won't he die?" One of them shouted as Rose backed up with them.

"You cannot stop me. I, who stood against Sentients. I, who faced Death and spat in its face. I am no longer Abra. I am the WARBEAST!" He lunged at the Excaliburs, blood red energy covering him.

"Uncle?" A small girl with dead purple eyes fell to her knees, crying. "Make it stop..."

Blood from the Excaliburs splattered all over Rose as they both fell to the ground. "Ple...please don't kill me!" She shouted as she began to cry loudly.

"You caused this! You... you made... my niece... CRY!"Ignoring the terrified Tenno before him, the Warbeast saw the pods dropping with the murderous reinforcements.

Without another word, he - it - howled, racing to the killers, his Galatine slicing into them.

"Please!" The little girl sobbed, hugging Rose. "Make it stop!"


Agatha watched as a rebellion member slashed a fleeing family. Ariel shot the rogue tenno with her latron, arms still visibly shaking. "You OK?" Agatha put her hand on her friend's shoulder. As ariel was about to respond, a shattering cry came from down the street, the sandstorm the bombs creating obscuring the owner of the voice, but the two of them ran towards it, while a battle between Oaker's ships and the other 4 Freedom Fleets continued.

Edited by Achaix
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The Warbeast stood knee deep in corpses, red lines - reminiscent of bloody tears - smeared across his face by hand. The dark knight turned his gaze skyward, to the dark ships with the emblazoned word: "Freedom".

"Freedom... is this truly freedom? To smell the stench of a fallen friend? To hear the cries of fatherless children? To feel nothing but sorrow, madness and rage?"

Fresh tears fell on the ground.

"If this is freedom... I wish to remain a servant, a slave."

"But freedom - true freedom - is different. It must be earned for oneself. It must be bled for... it cannot be forced onto others."

More soldiers - Phobian resistance fighters - stood by the Warbeast, hearing his words, letting the teachings enter their souls. He turned to the men; scarred, dirty, but strong and willing.

"We will show them. Our bodies are feeble things, but we will fight tooth and nail to show them."

"Our freedom - our soul - will never die."

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"If you have come to this planet, you know. Oh, you know." The Warbeast offered his hand to a fallen Phobian and pulled him up. "These attackers speak of freedom, but spread only slavery to their plans."

He pointed at the dark ships overhead. "I fight for my people and our justice. Will you stand in our way or join the fray?"

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"You... dense... fool. I am tempted to kill you just to spare us from your idiocy." He turned to his men "The Freedom Fleet must be stopped. Use all the turrets we have; you must keep them from landing. Do not attack these Excrosion fighters; they have less motive, but more skill. Aid them." The young soldier, called Rapha, nodded and left with a swoosh of his tattered cloak to alert the three hundred men they had found, all wearing brown robes that blended with the landscape.

The Warbeast looked back at the insulted soldier.

"I think I will call you Fra'ki. "Moron", in our language. An apt name."

"At this moment, the Freedom Fleet has already sent antimatter fission bombs, killed hundreds of civilians, and is sending reinforcements. I will kill them slowly."

"Let me repeat myself: Will you stand in our way or join the fray?"

Edited by Achaix
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"I killed two morons who, upon seeing me, decided the best course of action was to shoot and kill! What if there was a pregnant woman in my place, shot down by ignorant fools who think this is a game? There are children here, yet you bring mercenaries." Azure eyes flaring, the Warbeast turned away from the group and ran to battle. "We have wasted enough time with this pointless debate. But if you try to harm my people, you will die."
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Eduardo hit the broken surface of Phobos, the power suit around him glowing orange from the sheer energy being forced through the systems. A group of resistance fighters attacked him, their bullets simply pinging uselessly off the armor.

He walked over, completely silent except for the whirring of servos. As they continued to fire he approached one, unleashed his chainsaw venkas, and sliced the man through his throat, the spinning mono-filament blades spewing blood everywhere. As a few began to run he picked up another fighter by his head, and watched the man scream for his life as Eduardo crushed his head, sending the rest of the fighters running.

"Someone is gathering them." He mused, before calling for the rest of his team of mechsuits to drop onto the moon.

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Eduardo laughed, even as his squadmates' shields were destroyed.

"Everything you do, I CAN DO BETTER!" He shot a delayed fragmentation round that obliterated the Rhino squad.

The mech raised its arms triumphantly, slashing the air with the mech-sized Venkas. "Who's next?"

"I AM!" A black and blue blur cut through a Venka's whip, then landed on an evacuated building, revealing itself to be the demonic Oberon.

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"Who do you believe yourself to be? A god?" He stared at the armoured traitor, the fallen conqueror. "There is no need... for gods that only TAKE!"

He swung his blade, knocking another of the suited fighters away.

"For gods... OF DEATH!" With an inhuman howl, he leapt at the monster of metal before him, the rage of the Warbeast fueling his desire for vengeance.

Eduardo cackled at the Oberon before him, before launching a group of missles at his enemy.

"I do not think myself a god! I only seek vengence! Vengence against the regime that slaughtered my FAMILY!"

he shot into a building before leaping into the hole, allowing his missiles to reload.

"For those who were lost in the Purge of Charon, and those from the Prometheus Project, I will destroy the council, even if it means my DEATH!" He cried out as he unleashed a full salvo of tracking missiles from every part of his body at Warbeast, before the energy in his suit overloaded and created a set of 20 energy tentacles emanating from his back.

"Feel my anger, you mutt of the Lotus!"

Deflecting most of the missles and bearing the brunt of the others, the Warbeast snarled. "Fool! You follow your wrath, blindly obeying your impulses! You are not human anymore..."

The Warbeast cleaved the building (empty of civilians) in half, revealing Eduardo within.

"You are a dog I must put down!"

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"I'm Ruth... you're not wrong, that leg is broken." The girl's purple eyes glowed, and healing energy flowed from her hands to Rose's left leg, mending skin and fixing bone.

Ruth smiled at Rose's surprise. "I wanna be a Trinity when I grow up."

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"Inhuman would be right, my friend, after what the council did to me. They took my body, changed it, warped my mind. I HATE THEM! EVEN NOW I CAN HEAR THEIR VOICES! KILL! KILL! KILL THE ENEMY OF THE TENNO! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" The Myrmidon became a cyclone of fury and metal, orange energy alight.

"You have lost your mind..."

David, in black armour and blue eyes, readied himself to strike Goliath, the giant with red eyes and bronze skin.

The Warbeast's arms started to glow with blue fire, turning into cyan, then pure white.

"These hands of mine glow with AN AWESOME POWER!"


The Warbeast saw them in his mind's eye. Kate, Ruth, Agatha, Rapha... they would be safe.

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Wracked with pain, he saw the beautiful blue sky above and felt the rough sands beneath him. He rose uneasily.

"He's awake!" Someone - Rapha - whooped. "Warbeast? Are you-"

"No... my name..."

"What is it?"

"My name... is Abra."


The village witchdoctor danced, whooping in joy, her huge Raksa kubrow yipping.

"The prophecy, the prophecy! Oh, how foolish I was!"

Her sister huffed. "What is it?"

"They're all Chosen! All of them! Oh, how wonderous our universe is! Can't you see?" She produced the ancient scroll. "The Song applies to them all! They are all Heroes!"

Asura's Wrath - In your belief ( Vocal ) - Englis…: http://youtu.be/loTcZHoIYfQ

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