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[Warframe Suggestion Repost] Vespa (Wasp-Themed Warframe: Electric Boogaloo)


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"...In my searching through the ancient infopages of Edaia we discovered, I managed to decipher one creature I took particular liking to. The names, like many things in this ancient datamass of knowledge, are mixed together, and I was unable to determine if the knowledge I'm looking through is attributed to one or two kinds of insects, but images, corrupted as they are, suggest that at least they were very alike, so I went with name, that was mentioned more - vespa. An ancient insect, known for ferocious fights and selfless attacks in swarms, the description seemed to fit my style, so I attributed the rest of my work into this warframe of mine, fitting it with proper armour and ability to fabricate miniscule drones, that I managed to achieve by modifying more common modules. If only there would be enough time to spread the designs..."


Notes, discovered along with the blueprnt. Presumably, made shortly before the cryosleep.


"Vespa" warframe.
Inspired by looks of an ancient earth insect, this warframe is based around it's mobility-aiding and stunning abilities, excellently suiting for both acting as sniper fire support out of reach of the melee enemies or flanking attempts and as a melee brawler herself, her abilities providing both reach and opening for a powerfull melee strike.
Effective against infestation with it's melee brawlers, and, to a lesser degree, against both grineer and corpus, lacking proper abilities to deal with crowds of shielded enemies instantaneously.


Didn't quite know about fanzone forum, so reposting here. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/25073-new-warframe-idea-vespa-a-waspbee-themed-warframe-bear-with-me/'> Main thread in the warframe feedback forum.


Suggested names so far : Wespe, Vespidae, Cabra. More ideas?





The idea behind her look is more of 'having an exosuit', sort of a 'rocketeer' combined with proper armour (wh40k comes to mind...), but showing that she is still more about speed, with most of her abdomen featuring slim and body-fitting armour.

It's a rough sketch made by someone who can't imagine 3d objects, so any criticism is appreciated. Of course, the kind that comes with an explanation is somewhat more appreciated than "don't like it. -1.", but hey, an opinion is an opinion.


Base statistics:

Health: 75
Power: 150
Armor: 50
Shield capacity: 100
Shield Recharge: 18.8
Sprint Speed: 1.0
Polarities: 4x Scratch, 1x Bar and 1x V


[edited for your convenience]

Ability A: Aerial assist
Mod cost 4, Energy cost 50
Warframe utilises it's back-mounted thruster 'wings' to gain ability to glide (with one-time sharp turn, executed with shift), jump higher and spring faster, as well as ability to cling to and walk walls and receiving guaranteed crit on slide-melee and groundpound melee. Lasts up to 20 seconds (or 30?).

Ability B: Vengeful hive
Mod cost 6, Energy cost 50
Vespa surrounds herself with a hive of synthetic bees, that swarm anyone who attacks her, granted they are within range, stunning them for the duration of the skill or gradually reducing their shields. Lasts from 5 to 20 seconds.

Ability C: Poison sting
Mod cost 8, Energy cost 75
A powerfull close-range melee attack, dealing 100 to 200 armor-piercing damage to a single target, leaving behind a sting, that explodes into aoe poison cloud, startlling the enemies around, giving vespa an opening to get away on a safe distance or finish them off.

Ability D: Feral hive
Mod cost 10, energy cost 100
Launches a massive cloud of synthetic insects, distracting and efficiently stunning everything where the cloud lands, with esception of shielded enemies, who retain ability to move and run away while their protection lasts. The insects slowly deplete shields of anything in range, including sprinting allies and Vespa herself (maybe nerfing too much, need opinions on this). Has massive range (cast on a distance?), upgrading increaces duration.



Alternative abilities


Ability A: Wall scaling
Mod cost 2, Energy cost 25
Warframe utilizes it's powers to turn flat walls and ceilings into walkable surfaces, allowing to access greater heights and distances than with usuall wallrun, as well stay still on ceilings and fire your weapon from more efficient positions. Does not raise alarm (unlike Aerial Assist). lasts from 5 and up to 20 seconds at max level.


Ability A: Sting

Mod cost 2, energy cost 25

launches warframe forth in a melee strike, dealing weak AP damage and leaving poison DoT, knocking target over.

Ability B: Flight
Mod cost 2, Energy cost 25
Warframe activates it's back thrusters to allow for prolonged gliding and higher jump, as well as allowing for a limited double jump and navigating the battlefield without the need to come through crowds of enemies. Additionally rises sprint speed and adds guaranteed crit damage to slide-melee combo, as well as the slamming attack. Lasts as long as Volts' speed, wiki doesn't have any info on that sadly.


Ability C: Teleport Spike

Mod cost 8, Energy cost 75

Vespa sends out a powerfull projectile, dealing high AP damage and teleporting Vespa to it's impact site, creating a startling explosion.


Ability D: Stinger Swarm
Mod cost 10, energy cost 100
Vespa launches up to four homing sting projectiles, that speed up as they move, essentially dealing more damage with more distance travelled, causing an AoE blast, allowing the warframe to support her team from distance.


Ability D: Stinger Barrage

Mod cost 10, energy cost 100

Vespa uses her shield energy to power her abilities, removing shield regen, but replacing melee with quick and powerfull poison sting dashes and increacing her mobility with her thrusters, allowing to personally paint the floors with your enemies.



Can be outfitted with 'Queen' helmet, granting 20% power duration in exchange for health.


Is a part of https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/32471-warframe-batch-suggestion-the-earth-mourners-cell/'>Earth Mourners Cell suggestion.

Edited by GTG3000
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I really like the design and the idea of the wings. I don't like the skills that much but I didn't read all the alternatives.

Don't think it should be in fan zone but I guess one could argue that it belongs here as well.

I'm not a fan of duplicated posts but it also shows dedication :p Really just meant to say I like the design

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I really like the design and the idea of the wings. I don't like the skills that much but I didn't read all the alternatives.

Don't think it should be in fan zone but I guess one could argue that it belongs here as well.

I'm not a fan of duplicated posts but it also shows dedication :p Really just meant to say I like the design

I'm not a fan of duplicated posts either, but I have this itch of "you posted in a wrong forum", and I know for sure that, well, not everyone reads outside of forums they prefer, so eh....

The abilities besides aerial assist and poison sting were suggested by people of the other thread (they came in peace!), so maybe you would like something from the alts.

And thank you.)

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  • 2 months later...



"...In my searching through the ancient infopages of Edaia we discovered, I managed to decipher one creature I took particular liking to. The names, like many things in this ancient datamass of knowledge, are mixed together, and I was unable to determine if the knowledge I'm looking through is attributed to one or two kinds of insects, but images, corrupted as they are, suggest that at least they were very alike, so I went with name, that was mentioned more - vespa. An ancient insect, known for ferocious fights and selfless attacks in swarms, the description seemed to fit my style, so I attributed the rest of my work into this warframe of mine, fitting it with proper armour and ability to fabricate miniscule drones, that I managed to achieve by modifying more common modules. If only there would be enough time to spread the designs..."


Notes, discovered along with the blueprnt. Presumably, made shortly before the cryosleep.


"Vespa" warframe.

Inspired by looks of an ancient earth insect, this warframe is based around it's mobility-aiding and stunning abilities, excellently suiting for both acting as sniper fire support out of reach of the melee enemies or flanking attempts and as a melee brawler herself, her abilities providing both reach and opening for a powerfull melee strike.

Effective against infestation with it's melee brawlers, and, to a lesser degree, against both grineer and corpus, lacking proper abilities to deal with crowds of shielded enemies instantaneously.


Didn't quite know about fanzone forum, so reposting here. Main thread in the warframe feedback forum.


Suggested names so far : Wespe, Vespidae, Cabra. More ideas?





The idea behind her look is more of 'having an exosuit', sort of a 'rocketeer' combined with proper armour (wh40k comes to mind...), but showing that she is still more about speed, with most of her abdomen featuring slim and body-fitting armour.

It's a rough sketch made by someone who can't imagine 3d objects, so any criticism is appreciated. Of course, the kind that comes with an explanation is somewhat more appreciated than "don't like it. -1.", but hey, an opinion is an opinion.


Base statistics:

Health: 75

Power: 150

Armor: 50

Shield capacity: 100

Shield Recharge: 18.8

Sprint Speed: 1.0

Polarities: 4x Scratch, 1x Bar and 1x V


[edited for your convenience]

Ability A: Aerial assist

Mod cost 4, Energy cost 50

Warframe utilises it's back-mounted thruster 'wings' to gain ability to glide (with one-time sharp turn, executed with shift), jump higher and spring faster, as well as ability to cling to and walk walls and receiving guaranteed crit on slide-melee and groundpound melee. Lasts up to 20 seconds (or 30?).

Ability B: Vengeful hive

Mod cost 6, Energy cost 50

Vespa surrounds herself with a hive of synthetic bees, that swarm anyone who attacks her, granted they are within range, stunning them for the duration of the skill or gradually reducing their shields. Lasts from 5 to 20 seconds.

Ability C: Poison sting

Mod cost 8, Energy cost 75

A powerfull close-range melee attack, dealing 100 to 200 armor-piercing damage to a single target, leaving behind a sting, that explodes into aoe poison cloud, startlling the enemies around, giving vespa an opening to get away on a safe distance or finish them off.

Ability D: Feral hive

Mod cost 10, energy cost 100

Launches a massive cloud of synthetic insects, distracting and efficiently stunning everything where the cloud lands, with esception of shielded enemies, who retain ability to move and run away while their protection lasts. The insects slowly deplete shields of anything in range, including sprinting allies and Vespa herself (maybe nerfing too much, need opinions on this). Has massive range (cast on a distance?), upgrading increaces duration.



Alternative abilities


Ability A: Wall scaling

Mod cost 2, Energy cost 25

Warframe utilizes it's powers to turn flat walls and ceilings into walkable surfaces, allowing to access greater heights and distances than with usuall wallrun, as well stay still on ceilings and fire your weapon from more efficient positions. Does not raise alarm (unlike Aerial Assist). lasts from 5 and up to 20 seconds at max level.


Ability A: Sting

Mod cost 2, energy cost 25

launches warframe forth in a melee strike, dealing weak AP damage and leaving poison DoT, knocking target over.

Ability B: Flight

Mod cost 2, Energy cost 25

Warframe activates it's back thrusters to allow for prolonged gliding and higher jump, as well as allowing for a limited double jump and navigating the battlefield without the need to come through crowds of enemies. Additionally rises sprint speed and adds guaranteed crit damage to slide-melee combo, as well as the slamming attack. Lasts as long as Volts' speed, wiki doesn't have any info on that sadly.


Ability C: Teleport Spike

Mod cost 8, Energy cost 75

Vespa sends out a powerfull projectile, dealing high AP damage and teleporting Vespa to it's impact site, creating a startling explosion.


Ability D: Stinger Swarm

Mod cost 10, energy cost 100

Vespa launches up to four homing sting projectiles, that speed up as they move, essentially dealing more damage with more distance travelled, causing an AoE blast, allowing the warframe to support her team from distance.


Ability D: Stinger Barrage

Mod cost 10, energy cost 100

Vespa uses her shield energy to power her abilities, removing shield regen, but replacing melee with quick and powerfull poison sting dashes and increacing her mobility with her thrusters, allowing to personally paint the floors with your enemies.



Can be outfitted with 'Queen' helmet, granting 20% power duration in exchange for health.


Is a part of Earth Mourners Cell suggestion.


teleport spike sounds like like the yellow flash from Naruto were he throws a kunai then teleports to its location

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We have necromancers in our midst!








teleport spike sounds like like the yellow flash from Naruto were he throws a kunai then teleports to its location


Welp, some people get same ideas? I stopped reading naruto long ago (and watching it long before I started reading), so I acn't really comment on that. Blame the person who soggested that power?

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