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Raptor Boss Redesign (With Concept Art/model)


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I for one am tired of there being so many things in the Corpus arsenal that are just resized Ospreys, so I figured I'd start redesigning them. First up is Raptor.




I tried to preserve the Corpus aesthetic with some blockiness to its segments, while maintaining the rounded armor surfaces of standard Corpus proxies. 


Gameplay Mechanics:


-Still flying, however the new Raptor's larger design requires it to constantly fly slowly over the arena, rather than floating in one spot like before.

-Still has the same attacks (missile bombarding, mines, and blasters) as well as an Opticor style beam from its tail segment

-Modular design: Rather than the basic Osprey setup, the new Raptor would be composed of segments filling different roles, with one side covered in impenetrable armor (maintains the invincibility phases by rotating the defended sides toward the player) and the other being vulnerable to damage.     -Head segment: Primary offensive ability. The head cannot be damaged, but will instead self destruct when the last remaining segment is disabled.

     -Missile segment: Armored side faces downward by default, and flips to bombard the players when the rest of the segments enter the invulnerability phases.

     -Wing Segments: One of the wing segments will be invulnerable until all other segments are disabled.

     -Mine segments: These sections generate the highly explosive mines, though the Raptor will spread them out more evenly across the arena.

     -Shield segments: These sections generate the Raptor's shield that must be depleted before it can be damaged. One segment will keep its weak side hidden until the other is disabled.

     -Tail segment: The source of the Raptor's deadliest attack. This segment is armored on all sides and can only be damaged by firing into its barrel.

-Not dead yet! :  When most segments reach 0% Health, they will fall to the ground and generate a magnetic field around them until the Raptor is fully destroyed. Segments are held together magnetically and will reconfigure to keep even weight distribution.



More images: http://imgur.com/a/d2Nsi

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  • 4 weeks later...

Slight issue with the rotating armor part. A player on solo couldn't damage it if the armor cant be damaged and always faces the player. 'less Raptor takes a couple minutes to turn around that is.

It isn't permanently turned away from the player. If the piece is in use (ie dropping mines) then the vulnerable side is facing the ground. It works similar to the current Raptor's invulnerability phases, except that it wouldn't be entirely invulnerable.
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