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Mobile Clan Dojo's


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To add a new level of depth to Clans this feature will motivate clan members to play together more and create more of a clan feel.

A new room is added "Bridge" once built authorized clan members can move the dojo to specific planets.

Exclusive Missions

Once a Dojo is in orbit around a planet clan members get access to special mission nodes. These nodes have a full range of levels regardless of planet (see below). Mission Types will vary by planet, but there will be a variety on each. This will allow all members of the clan to be able to participate, regardless of level.


There will be special resources that drop only during these missions. These resources will be used for researching clan items and weapons in addition to players being able to craft them. Each planet will have a specific resource, some researching may require more than one type of resource so the Dojo will have to be moved from time to time.

To receive these special resources must be in the clan of the host, have clan who's dojo is currently in orbit around the same planet, or be in the same alliance as the host. Others can participate in the mission and receive all benefits except these exclusive resources


Each time a clan member completes one of the special mission he increases hate with the force of that planet. After accumulating sufficient Hate the player is "Marked," similar to other marks, these hunters can appear while the player is doing any of the special Clan missions on that planet. In addition the Hate clan members accumulate also go towards the Clan total. Once the Clan total reaches a certain amount the Dojo is attacked by the enemy faction of that planet. This becomes a limited time mission where Players must repel the invaders. During the invasion of the Dojo players can still access the normal Dojo so it does not prevent normal use. However if the clan does not repel the invaders by the end of the time frame the Dojo will be forced from the planet. If a clan gains enough hate to be invaded it does not guarantee that will happen, it is a % chance that is checked after a certain about of time. The more Hate the clan gathers above the minimum required the higher the odds.

Once a player is attacked by a hunt squat the "Mark" and all hate he has gained is cleared. This does not affect the clan total. The Clan total is only cleared by repelling invaders or moving the Dojo from the planet. Defeating the Attack Squad that is sent, gives extra Hate to the clan. Special resources have a higher chance of dropping from Attack Squads. Attack Squads are also present during Invasions, therefore higher chance of dropping resources during the clan invasion.

When the Clan Dojo is under attack the Dojo around the planet changed into a mission node. If players want to access the dojo normally durring this time, they will need to go to the Dojo directly.

Data on moving

Travel Time: 12 hours

Cooldown: 7 days

Item Required to Travel: Forma (I think Orokin Reactor sounds better but those are not farmable and would not be fair)

Hatred Level to initiate an invasion: Scales with Clan size.

Attacked by enemy when marked: 5%

Invasion Chance: 15%

Invasion Check: checks every 8 hours, Every 8 hours game rolls D100, 1-15 you get invaded, 16-100 no invasion, hate keeps accumulating.

Invasion Timelimit: 3 days

Time Before another Invasion can happen again: 2 days


Currently the game has 4 rings of nodes around a planet, this would add a 5th ring. This will contain the Dojo and all of the Mobile Dojo missions. Each of 8 mission types will be arranged. Clockwise from the Dojo the missions will be higher levels, 1-7, 8-13,13-19, 20-25, 26-30,31-34, 35-39, 40-43

The mission types are all present, but are arranged differently depending on the planet, i.e. a Defense mission on Earth may be the 1-7 mission, but the Defense on Venus may be the 26-30 mission. MIssion Types: Exterminate, Spy, Sabotage, Defense, Survival, Mobile Defense, Capture, Deception. Hive may be swaped on worlds that are infested hubs (i.e. Eris)

Edited by Lightsmith
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It seems like an interesting idea, but how would our clans be invaded? Would they be like eyes of blight but on the defensive where you and your squads(8 player missions coming into play here) must defend your dojo from the current enemy. Also, since you mentioned Eris how would the infestation attack? Perhaps instead of exclusive components, perhaps only having uncommon and rare components/mods drop for the respective enemies/ planet. Mercury for example, would drop only morphics and polymer bundle. Maybe even have death squads(stalker, zanuka, grustag three) have a larger chance of spawning on these special nodes.

Edited by (PS4)theraputicGreen
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It seems like an interesting idea, but how would our clans be invaded? Would they be like eyes of blight but on the defensive where you and your squads(8 player missions coming into play here) must defend your dojo from the current enemy. Also, since you mentioned Eris how would the ingestion attack? Perhaps instead of exclusive components, perhaps only having uncommon and rare components/mods drop for the respective enemies/ planet. Mercury for example, would drop only morphics and polymer bundle. Maybe even have death squads(stalker, zanuka, grustag three) have a larger chance of spawning on these special nodes.

I saw it slightly like a Eyes of Blight style mission, and the assassinate work similar to Stalker, or even more like the Gustrag, where it kind of ruins your mission.

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It could just replace the dojo with a tileset and a mission. Story would be it is the mission would represent the inner workings of the dojo, that players don't go to normally, life support systems, etc.

It is interesting to imagine actually fighting in your dojo layout, but that would be a logistical nightmare for DE since there are infinite sizes and arrangements.

The purpose for the exclusive components is to motivate players to move the dojo around and they can't get them elsewhere. Earth drops X, and mercury drops Y. So a clan would have to move to earth, get the needed components, then to mercury.

Currently when new clan tech comes out any active clan will have the research going in under an hour. This would slow that up a little and give members a chance to all participate.

Currently the purpose of the clan / dojo is to trade and get equipment blue prints. I wanted to bring a little more depth.

Edited by Lightsmith
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