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Clan Syndicates


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Clan Dojos get a new room "Embassy" (or something like that). This room houses a representative from all the Syndicates. For space purposes it will be a single room, likely rounded, perhaps with alcoves for each syndicate. -Alternatively each syndicate would have their own room but with six syndicates (and who knows if more come in the future) this might make to many rooms in the Dojo.

Gaining Reputation

How to gain reputation: Clan members donate Reputation Items (Medallions, Datums, etc.) which provide an amount of gain for the clan. These items are donated in the Clan hall. This option keeps players playing the Syndicate missions even when they are maxed with their reputation. So not to limit Clan's growth and diversity, clans can get reputation with all factions donating the items only yields positive reputation gain, not negative. Like for individual players each tier requires a certain amount of reputation, this would scale with the type of clan (Moon, Ghost, etc) just like with resources.

-Three options for how it works

1. Clan activates a faction and only while that faction is activated can Items be donated, and of course only corresponding items. The activation can be "deactivated" but there is a penalty (either lose all reputation, but not highest rank, or clan can only change active syndicate once every amount of time, a week for example).

2. Like above but the Syndicate AND it's Ally Syndicate can have items donated

3. All syndicates are active at the same time.

Of the three options, the first will lead to the longest time for a clan to get ALL possible options, but members who are not the corresponding syndicate wouldn't be able to contribute much. The second has a similar issue, but as 2 can be increased at a time, the overall time it would take to max out a reputation and move on is lessened. Third option would be the most inclusive option and would allow all players to participate.

Clan Syndicate Offerings

The clan spends reputation to unlock the offering, then players can spend their individual reputation to get the now unlocked item for themselves. Or players can pay credits.

Current I don't have a lot.

Sentinel skins:

Carrier Skin - Steel Meridian

Wyrm Skin - Arbiters of Hexis

Helios Skin - Cephalon Suda

Death Cube Skin - Perrin Sequence

Shade Skin - Red Veil

Djinn Skin - New Loka

Along that line, companion weapons.

Tenno armor pieces.

Tenno Helmets unique to each Syndicate.

Unique weapons.

Call syndicate reinforcements items.

Exclusive weapons / blueprints

Liset Skins

Special rooms / decorations for Clan Dojo

Edited by Lightsmith
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