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Upgradeable Dojo Rooms?


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Hi everyone,

(originally posted in Dojo Feedback. But I deleted it, and am reposting here to be in the right place)

First off, apologies if this has already been suggested or already touched on by DE.


Some clan members and myself were in the dueling room earlier today, and it got me thinking. Why is there no grandstand, or special seating?

So, I propose - Upgradeable dojo rooms!


Each room will have 3 tiers/versions.

Tier 1 is the basic version, the one that is first there when the room is built.

Tier 2 and 3 are just visual upgrades, maybe with some additional functionality.


I think these tiers should be expensive to buy/create, something along the lines of what the old dojo prices were. (I'm in a ~300 man clan, so I'm not sure what the 1000+ clans current costs are)

Obviously these should scale, but it should be easier for the larger clans. Simply because they have more members/more theoretical $ for furnishings.

Or, you could make the credit cost massive, which would bring a nice credit sink into the game.


Even if the upgrades are just simple visual changes to make the room look nicer, I think people would be more than happy to do this.


Here are my examples (unfinished, will continue to add to the thread as it progresses)


Dueling Room

Tier 1: Your basic Dueling Room.

Tier 2: Roof is heightened and two rows of seats/kneeling pads are placed up high (kind of like a grandstand). 5 'seats' are on each row, for a total of 10.

Tier 3: 2 more rows of seats are added, these are slightly more elevated, and are located behind the previous ones. This brings the total seating to 20.


Labs / Oracle

Tier 1: Your basic lab. Nothing special.

Tier 2:  Size is slightly expanded, and 2 workbenches are added for visual effect. These have some samples (fieldron, mutagen, detonite. Depending on the lab), and some tools/containers on them.

I know that doesn't sound that great, but use your imagination. It's hard for me to put my vision into words.

Tier 3: 2 more workbenches are added, bringing the total to 4 (2 on each side of the room)


Obstacle Course

Tier 1: Basic obstacle course, relatively simple.

Tier 2: Several new obstacles are added, making the course more difficult, and more rewarding.

Tier 3: Observation deck in the center of the room is added (in the massive empty space, but elevated to give a full view of the course)



Tier 1: Basic elevator, nothing special.

Tier 2: Increases the eye candy. Not sure how to explain. Just makes the interior look nicer.

Tier 3: Same as tier 2.



Tier 1: See 'Elevator'

Tier 2: See 'Elevator'

Tier 3: See 'Elevator'


Connector Pieces

Nothing much to say here, upgrading the tiers could just make the interior look nicer.

Maybe the main rooms (dueling room, lab, obstacle course) would cost resources to upgrade, and the connector pieces could be the credit sink?

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Better yet, just have room specific upgrades that work similar to the decorations, Rather than upgrade the room,  pay X materiel to add Elevator music,  or add a workbench,  or an observation deck.


you wouldn't place it like you do decorations, these things have predetermined places to be

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