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Haze The Warframe Of Mist/ Steam


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Haze deals with the gaseous state of water, and his abilities benefit against enemies suffering electric damage.


Skill 1: Static Cloud: Haze creates a damaging cloud around a target damaging them, if the enemy suffers from electrical damage the target is slowed as well.


Skill 2: Vapor Form: Haze becomes a living cloud gaining unit walk allowing him to run through enemies taking no damage for the duration as well as bieng immune to knockdown. Any enemy he passes through is damaged and enemies suffering electrical damage will cause lightning to arc off of them and damage nearby enemies.


Skill 3: Fog of War: Haze grants invisibility for his entire team.


Skill 4: Thunderhead: Haze summons a lagre cloud overhead strikes nearby enemies with electrical charge, enemies that are killed will by this ability  will restore a portion of Haze's shields. if enemies killed are already suffering electrical dagame they will also return some of Haze's energy as well

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Turn Static Cloud into an AoE placeable like Vauban's Tesla, this way it could be placed at a choke point to slow incoming units


I like dat 2!


Maybe more like casting blind on enemies within a radius? Doesn't make much sense otherwise as the Tenno would be conspicuous walking steam cylinders.


So long as he isn't hanging in the air like a free Grineer pinata giving free target practice lessons after cast time...sounds pretty sweet


After that...I'm intruiged, been thinking of a way for air to become a viable frame, as the shinobi were keen on fire (Ember), earth (Rhino), water (Frost), and air which Haze seems intriguing....In practice he would need a lot of re-balancing as the elemental frames tend to do. 

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Hm... Thunder is caused by cold and warm air colliding. Clouds are frozen water, and steam is basically water gas, caused by boiling water. So to me, it doesn't make any sense that a Steam based frame would be able to form cloud and thunderstorms. It would have to be a weather controling warframe. Besides, Haze consists of dust in the air, so that is not related to steam?


I think you should make a 2nd set of abilities, where you focus on steam based abilities, and get some feedback on both of them.


I hope I was correct with my information, if not, let me know!

Edited by Zareek
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