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Solaris/apollo- The Melee Support Frame


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Hi all, this is my first attempt at a frame.


Little backstory.  I was thinking of frames, levels etc, and it came to mind that there is not really a way to deal with ice levels ( this isn't what the frame has evolved into but) and how melee in general bites at higher level content.


Thinking along those lines, i started with one ability and another, and here are the results of my postulating



Health- 85(255 max)

Shields- 165(495 max)

Shield recharge 23

Sprint 1

power 100(150 max)

Armor- 100

Polarities- 4=, 1 V aura slot, 1 V slot , and 1 D slot





Solar Flare- 25/0 -  Solaris ejects a fire whip from his armature causing medium damage unraveling it.  Reactivating this ability causes Solaris to use his whip as a melee weapon.


Solar flare does 75/125/175/225 damage( armor ignore)  on release.  Affected by Focus. Solar flare gains 0/1/2/3/4 charges that last 10 seconds.  When reactivated Solaris flings his whip( think epyon from gundam wing) in front of him piercing down through armor and slicing enemies' cores.  Each charge does 75 damage affected by focus, Continuity and constitution will add one charge each when maxed and increases the duration within which you can use the charges. Melee is disabled during this period.

Molten metal augmentation-- Solar flare does not cause splashback on solaris.


Ability 2- Grab-35-  Solaris flings his whip forward and pulls himself towards target enemy/ledge

This ability would allow you to pull yourself to your enemies 5/7/8/9/10m closing the distance, or alternatively you could use it to reach locations. stretch affects this distance

Molten Metal augmentation-- Grab does 25/50/75/100/150 damage.  not augmented by focus.


Ability 3- Warmth- 50/75-  Solaris releases heated nanobots that affect players increasing their shields durability

This ability has a few quirks to it.  First it removes shield recharge delay while slightly increasing their recharge rate by 25%.  Additionally it refills your shields for the duration to full power in ice levels. Lasts 10/20/25/30 seconds(not affected by continuity or constitution) Focus increases shield recharge.  45 meters

Molten Metal augmentation-- Warmth cannot be used during molten metal.  If molten metal is cast then warmth is deactivated.  After the duration of Warmth, shields have fall off to return to their original levels losing 3% per second.


Ability 4

Molten Metal-100- Solaris Super Charges the nanobots and sends them to enemies in the vicinity corroding their armor.

Lasts 30 seconds(constitution and continuity) Armor reduction of 20/25/30%.  Melee bonus 100/200/300%.  Melee however causes 10% (original with all mods before molten metal)damage return due to overheated armor splashing in your face.  Molten metal also augments abilities



So there's my idea, and i'll get back with some sketches and stuff of him.  Also Solaris is the name i originally chose, but Apollo would seem more fitting since he's the god of the sun in greek mythology.


Any flaws that i can address/ problems that you find so we can make this a very viable frame.  Also stat suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by r3dzer0
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