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Melee 2.0 Is Broken Within A Pvp Setting


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Note: I only have experience in Conclave, not Dark Sectors... So everything I talk about is sort of coming from a conclavers perspective.


So I was pretty pumped about the Kronen having an amazing spin attack damage, and I thought it would allow for a slight shift in the pvp "meta" (from copterring to damage).  However, it's pretty clear after doing a lot of practice and testing that this is not the case.  Damage will never have and advantage over copterring when it comes to melee.


I can have a Kronen that one-shots people, but it doesn't matter if someone has Dual Zoren or Dual Kamas that do not as near as much damage, but stun-lock someone, allowing an opening for a shot for them to take while you can't move.


This is also problematic because while I complain about copterring being OP, the truth is that if you took copterring away, the dual zorens and kamas would have NOTHING else going for them.  


On the flip-side, if you were to buff their damage to match the kronen, the kronen would have nothing else going for it.


And if you were to buff the dual X weapons to have the damage of the kronen, and then removed their copterring, then we would have no variation within the weapons.




Copterring is invaluable in the fact that you can stunlock players and get kills.  But to make a melee meta around it, allows for very little variation.  The same effect goes into place no matter what. 


My point is that PVP doesn't allow for a variety of choices of melee weapons at high-level play.  


Some might disagree or agree, but that's my bit of "feedback", nothing else.

Edited by Auramau
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