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Alternate Ways To Balancing (Only Conclave)


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Solution 1 - Conclave Ratings


The beginning weapons with proper builds should be able to reach a burst DPS of around 6,000 to 10,000. This will take roughly one or two seconds of concentrated fire to kill your opponent.


Later weapons achieve the same or more damage in one to three shots. Those remain unaffected by the damage reduction of Warframes in PvP.


There honestly needs to be different ways of looking at Conclave Ratings. Lets say Marelok vs. Akvasto. The Marelok offers more advantages that undermines the advantages of the Akvastos, so the separation of these Conclave Ratings should be higher.


The main point is to base Conclave Ratings on individual equipment. Separate the Conclave Ratings into distinquishable tiers too. This only applies to Conclave, so elitists can't judge players when playing at PvE.


Conclave 0 - 400

- Beginner Weapons or currently called "lackluster" weapons.

- Frames with no abilities equipped.

- This means everything must be lower than 300. Not everything added up, just the individual equipment. You basically can't bring a Soma and a Lato to the same Conclave match.


Conclave 300 - 700

- Well modded beginner weapons or lackluster weapons would probably be able to participate in higher up matches.

- Frames can fit one or two abilities in this range.

- Crap stuff can't be brought here, but well modded crap stuff and mid-tier equipment can still be brought.


Conclave 600 - 1,000

- The best weapons and very well modded mid-tier weapons belong here.

- Not many guns reach above 600 conclave, so that's why DE has to evaluate each weapon and distinquish the capabilities of each.

- Warframes need most abilities equipped to fit onto this range.

- Crap stuff definitely can't be brought there.


Extra Conclave Above and Beyond!

- Let the powercreep worry about this.


Extra Conclave No Restrictions

- You are free to bring any weapon here, it works somewhat similar to what we have now.

- Crap weapons against High End weapons? Go ahead!



Now about maps. Each map is fun and unique. They should not be limited by Conclave Ratings. Each range should have all maps, making there a total of 3 or more different Conclave Rating ranges for each map.


Solution 2 - Damage Reduction Change


If DE is so keen to supporting damage reduction, then at least change damage to health to only half to make more weapons viable. This can work with and separately with Solution 1. Afterall, I do want more maps...




The two solutions above are the only I can think of now. Yes, you can't use a crap weapon against the power-creep weapons that players grown onto. Those are the consequences- alot less diversity. However, these 2 suggestions can easily be looked down upon, and honestly I'm not sure if I truly agree with them. Those are just alternate balancing as opposed to pure number calculations.

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