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Weapon Stats And Enemies 101 + Unofficial Stats Calculator


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Hi and welcome, fellow Tenno.


First of all, a shoutout and all credits for the various stats info go to the awesome contributors. You know who you are!


Mini Table of Content

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/34956-weapon-stats-and-enemies-101-unofficial-stats-calculator/?p=322675'>Post #1 - this one, is an introductory for basic balancing between the mods and is mainly aimed for newcomers. So if you are an experienced player, you may skip this entire post and go to post #2.

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/34956-weapon-stats-and-enemies-101-unofficial-stats-calculator/?p=322678'>Post #2 -  link to the stats calculator and provide examples of the calculations behind the various stats.

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/34956-weapon-stats-and-enemies-101-unofficial-stats-calculator/?p=322681'>Post #3 - is about the different weapon types and enemy weaknesses when applying the different damage sources.


So, let's get started!

Bear with me, don't be frighten by the incoming wall of text! Also, there is a risk of this getting a tad philosophical.


The Beginning of a Journey

Ok, what I would like you to do now is take a step back and for now forget everything about tennos in warframes and imagine that mods are the real heroes in this game. When you have done that, you may proceed with the reading.


Now, imagine that these mods can be categorized into three different groups. A damage group, a support group, and a special group. Any mod can be categorized into one of these groups, depending on the mod's characteristic. What exactly these groups mean, will shortly be revealed. However, I would first like to show you which mods belong to which group. So here they are;


Damage Group

Damage, armor piercing, elemental damage, charge damage, and critical damage.


Support Group

Ammo maximum, charge speed. critical chance, fire rate, magazine capacity, multishot, reload speed, and stun.


Special Group

Accuracy, armor ignore, and puncture.


Synergy Between Damage,  Support and Special Group

Now that you have seen the groups, let's start by deciphering one at a time, starting with the damage group.


The Superstars

This group is supposed to represent the mods that have potential to boost the base damage of a weapon in their respective field, to pump out the highest number as possible. The stars of the show.


The Damage mod is the simplest mod of them all. It just adds extra damage to the base value. Followed by Armor Piercing and Elemental Damage, which each have their own unique damage counter. They are scaled by base damage and any related Damage mod.


Generally speaking, armor piercing is strong against the grineer. Electrical damage makes the corpus hate you. Fire damage dominates the infested. And lastly, frost damage is the jack of all trades, not good against any faction nor bad against any faction. The main advantage with frost damage, is the ability to slow down enemy's attack and movement and effective against shields.


The two last damage mod, is a bit different. First of all, the Charge Damage mod only affects melee weapons' base charge damage. And the Critical Damage mod only affects the critical damage multiplier when a successful critical strike is executed.


The Little Helpers

Now you might ask, "But Symph, why do I need the other mods then, if I can just stack up damage mods?". That is a good question, which leads us to the next group, the support group.


And my answer for that is, every hero need helpers or simply put, there is no i in team. Look at it this way. Your weapon is a shell that hosts individual mods, and when they are inserted into the weapon, they act as a team. And since the damage mods tend to require a lot of care and attention (energy- and XP-wise), just like any other stereotypical real superstars. It means, if every inserted mod in the weapon was a damage mod, they would be running their own thing and not act like a team (in a stereotypical sense).


So my point here is, stacking damage mods is not always the way to go, as there are many good support mods which will do the job much better than said mods.


For instance, the multishot mod will give you a chance to fire off an extra bullet or two, for free! The fire rate mod and charge speed mod will help you pull off those devastating charge damage much quicker, than if some other danage mod were taking the spot instead.


Sure, you might still be able to bring down the boss or clear the objectives, but would it still be as efficient if every mod in the weapon was in synergy with each other? That also means, it is not a good idea to stack support mods only. A balance between the groups is considered good synergy. Consider it as a "hidden polarity status".


The Technicians

..."Well, what about the last group then?"


Unlike the two other groups, the special group has a much more subtle link towards the two other ones. They prefer to operate "behind the scenes" rather than directly upfront.


Starting with accuracy, as the name implies, it helps with hitting enemies. However, no mods currently exist for this stat and it is also a mystery as how it works exactly.


Armor ignore is another exclusive stat that is not present for all weapons. Only some weapons are blessed with this technician. What it does is allow the damage to override the normal damage rules and enemy resistance, and instead, apply full damage.


Lastly, the puncture mod is simply an underdog. It's ability to give bullets no-clipping through obstacle and wall sounds great on paper. However, the value is too low in order for it to be as efficient as any other support mod with the same energy cost.




That concludes the first post. Hope you didn't hate it too much, and thanks for reading!

Edited by SymphNo9
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Weapon Stats Calculator

If you are interested in checking out various weapon setups for your own, I would suggest you to check out this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/33427-weapon-stats-calculator-on-kongregate/

Online version (on Kongregate):


Offline standalone for Windows (on Dropbox and no installations required):


It is a weapon stat calculator in which let you experiment with different setups.

Weapon Stats


For guns, the value determines the likelihood of the bullet hitting the target by the cross hair.

For melee, the value determines how often a slash will hit the enemy in close combat. This is usually always 100%.

There are currently no mods that manipulate the accuracy, and the calculation is also unknown.

Ammo Maximum

This only applies to guns. It determines the maximum amount of bullets you can carry for a gun at a given time. Not to be confused with magazine clip size.

Currently there exist mods for all three type of guns.

Equation: ammo_max + (ammo_max * ammo_mod) = new ammo_max


Scenario: 500 base ammo, 15% ammo increase.

500 + (500 * 0.15) = 575 total base ammo

Armor Ignore

This applies for both guns and melee. Armor Ignore should not be confused with Armor Piercing. Weapons with armor ignore will in many cases override the normal damage rules, than a weapon without armor ignore which would otherwise have it's damage reduced by the enemy's resistance.

There are currently no mods that manipulates the armor ignore, however, certain weapon types such as Bolt or Blunt, have innate weapon ignore. See post#3 for further details.


Scenario 1: 25 damage, 100% armor ignore, 80% enemy vulnerability.

25 * 1.0 = 25 total damage

Scenario 2: 25 damage, 0% armor ignore, 80% enemy vulnerability.

25 * 0.8 = 20 total damage

Armor Piercing

Before reading on, if you are new to Warframe, it is advised to check the Damage and the three Elemental Damage paragraph first, to understand the basic damage calculations.

Armor Penetration, not to be confused with Armor Ignore, is treated as a fourth elemental and should be calculated likewise. The damage is reduced by the enemy's AP resistance.

There are currently mods for both guns and melee which manipulate armor penetration.

Equation: (normal_dmg * ap_mod) * enemy_ap_res = ap_dmg

Example 1.

Scenario: 120 damage, 40% armor penetration, 100% enemy normal vulnerability, 50% enemy AP vulnerability.

120 * 1.0 = 120 damage, with normal vulnerability

(120 * 0.4) * 0.5 = 24 AP damage, with AP vulnerability

Total damage = 144

Example 2.

Scenario: 70 damage, 90% armor penetration, 80% enemy normal vulnerability, 200% enemy AP vulnerability.

70 * 0.8 = 56 damage, with normal vulnerability

(70 * 0.9) * 2.0 = 126 AP damage, with AP vulnerability

Total damage = 182

Charge Damage

This applies to melee weapons and the Paris. Charge damage is the special attack that is performed by holding down the charge button for X seconds. All charge attacks ignore armor when hitting an enemy. It should be noted that only the charged normal damage will deal the full damage, while elemental and armor pierce damage will have their amount reduced respective to the enemy's resistances.

Currently mod that manipulates charge damage can only be found for melee weapons. The Killing Blow mod for melee weapons, while the Paris' charge damage is scaled with the Serration mod.

Equation: charge_dmg + (charge_dmg * charge_mod) = new charge_dmg


Scenario: 75 charge normal damage, 80% charge damage mod.

75 + (75 * 0.8) = 135 CD damage

Charge Speed

This applies to melee weapons. Charge Speed is the time it takes to charge up the special attack. However, to fully determine the time from charging up to landing the hit, it is necessary to take Fire Rate (swings) into account as well. It is currently uncertain how exactly charged attacks are affected by charge speed and fire rate.

Currently only melee weapons can benefit of charge speed mods.

Critical Chance

This applies to both guns and melee. The critical chance value determines the likelihood of performing bonus damage when making a successful hit per bullet/slash. However, take in note that the mod value is multiplicative of the base crit value of the weapon. It is possible to land critical hits when invisible.

All weapon types may receive modification of critical chance.

Equation: crit_chance + (crit_chance * crit_mod) = new crit_chance

Example 1.

Scenario: 10% base critical chance, 150% critical chance mod.

0.1 + (0.1 * 1.5) = 0.25 = 25% critical chance

Example 2.

Scenario: 25% base critical chance, 40% critical chance mod.

0.25 + (0.25 * 0.4) = 0.35 = 35% critical chance

Critical Damage

This applies to both guns and melee. The critical damage calculation can be separated into two parts. The first part is the weapon's default critical damage multiplier, for many weapons this value is 1.5x damage. The second part is the critical damage mod, which further boosts the base multiplier.

All weapon types may benefit a critical damage mod.


crit_dmg_weapon * (1 + crit_dmg_mod) = crit_dmg_multiplier

crit_dmg_multiplier * any_dmg * enemy_res = crit_dmg

Example 1.

Scenario: 100 normal damage, 50% default crit multiplier, 20% critical damage mod, 33% normal vulnerability.

1.5 * (1 + 0.2) = 1.8 crit damage multiplier

1.8 * 100 * 0.33 = 59.4 total damage

Example 2.

Scenario: 100 normal damage, 45% normal damage mod, 50% default crit multiplier, 20% critical damage mod, 33% normal vulnerability.

100 + (100 * 0.45) = 145 damage, with normal damage mod

1.5 * (1 + 0.2) = 1.8 crit damage multiplier

1.8 * 145 * 0.33 = 86.13 total damage


This applies to both guns and melee. The plain value of killing and considered as normal damage. This is reduced by enemy normal resistance.

Damage mod can be found both for guns and melee.

Equation: (normal_dmg + (normal_dmg * normal_mod)) * enemy_normal_res = new normal_dmg

Example 1.

Scenario: 40 normal damage, 50% normal damage mod, 75% enemy normal vulnerability.

40 + (40 * 0.5) = 60 damage, with normal damage mod

60 * 0.75 = 45 total damage, with normal vulnerability

Example 2.

Scenario: 100 normal damage, 220% normal damage mod, 45% enemy normal vulnerability.

100 + (100 * 2.2) = 320 damage, with normal damage mod

320 * 0.45 = 144 total damage, with normal vulnerability

Elemental Damage

This applies to both gun and melee weapons. Elemental damages come in three different flavors. Electrical, fire and frost. Each element has its own damage counter based on the modified damage value and is reduced by the enemy's respective resistance. All three elements may also be equipped at the same time.

All three elemental damage mods exist for gun and melee.

Equation: (normal_dmg * ele_mod) * enemy_res_ele = ele_dmg

Example 1.

Scenario: 120 normal damage, 40% fire, 100% enemy normal vulnerability, 50% enemy fire vulnerability.

120 * 1.0 = 120 normal damage, with normal vulnerability

(120 * 0.4) * 0.5 = 24 fire damage, with fire vulnerability

Total damage = 144

Example 2.

Scenario: 45 normal damage, 80% frost damage, 150% enemy normal vulnerability, 25% enemy frost vulnerability.

45 * 1.5 = 67.5 = 67 normal damage, with normal vulnerability

(45 * 0.8) * 0.25 = 9 frost damage, with frost vulnerability

Total damage = 76

Fire Rate

This applies both for gun and melee. Fire rate determines how fast a melee weapon can slash or how fast a gun can be triggered. Currently the formula for fire rate is uncertain, as it seems like the fire rate for guns is not correlated with the fire rate of melee weapons.

Magazine Capacity

This applies only to guns. The value determines the clip size of the gun. When it reaches zero, a reload is needed. Also note, if you reload before the clip is empty, only the missing bullets will be taken from the ammo pool and not the whole clip.

All guns can be equipped with a mod which increases the magazine capacity.

Equation: magazine_size + (magazine_size * magazine_mod) = new magazine_size

Example 1.

Scenario: 12 clip size, 35% clip size increase mod.

12 + (12 * 0.35) = 16.2 = 16

Example 2.

Scenario: 4 clip size, 15% clip size increase mod.

4 + (4 * 0.15) = 4.6 = 5


This applies only to guns. Multishot can be considered as "double damage", in the sense of you fire extra bullets. For rifles and pistols, the mod is a probabilistic mechanic meaning every time you fire a bullet, there is a likelihood of firing one extra bullet depending on the mod´s value. However, shotguns act differently than rifles and pistols. They gain a flat increase in pellets, see example 2.

All guns may benefit of such mods with multishot.


Rifles and guns; 1.0 * multishot_mod = multishot_percentage

Shotguns; num_pellets + (num_pellets * multishot_mod) = new num_pellets

Example 1.

Scenario: 1 bullet at a time, 25% multishot mod.

1.0 * 0.25 = 0.25 = 25% chance for an extra bullet

Example 2.

Scenario: 6 pellets at a time, 40% multishot mod.

6 + (6 * 0.40) = 8.4 = 8 total pellets.


This applies only to guns. Puncture allows bullets to go through terrain and objects, such as walls and enemy bodies. While this sounds good on paper, it should be noted the mod increase values are not very high, and it is often necessary to level the mod to max rank in order to be as effective as other mods at a similar energy cost.

All guns can be equipped with a puncture mod, though it should be noted that "Bolt" type guns (Bolt, Boltor, Paris, etc.) may not benefit the effect of a puncture mod.

Equation: puncture + puncture_mod = new puncture


Scenario: 0 base value, 0.25m puncture mod.

0.0 + 0.25 = 0.25m. Not very much!

Reload Speed

This applies only to guns. Reload speed is simply the time it takes to reload a new magazine. All guns can be equipped with a reload speed mod.

Equation: reload_speed / (1 + reload_mod) = new reload_speed


Scenario: 2s base reload time, 60% reload speed mod.

2.0 / (1 + 0.60) =1.25s reload speed


This applies to both guns and melee. Stun chance determines the chance of performing a hit which staggers the enemy for a brief period of time, unable to move or attack. Some weapons have innate stun chance.

All weapons can be equipped with a stun mod.

Equation: stun + stun_mod = new stun


Scenario: 50% base stun, 15% stun mod.

0.5 + 0.15 = 0.65 = 65% stun chance

Edited by SymphNo9
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Weapon Types

There are five different categories for weapon types. Bullet, bolt, slashing, piercing and blunt. These types determine the bonus damage only for normal damage hits. All elemental and armor piercing damage still follow the normal rules of damage for the respective resistance.



Guns may be bullet type. No bonuses and ordinary damage rules are applied for this group.


List of bullet-type


Afuris, Aklato,Boar, Braton, Braton Vandal, Bronco, Burston, Dual Broncos, Furis, Gorgon, Grakata, Hek, Kraken, Lato, Lato Prime, Lato Vandal, Latron, Lex, MK1-Braton, Sicarus, Strun, Twin Vipers, Viper , Vulkar





Only guns may be bolt type. Bolts ignore all normal resistance and deal full damage with normal damage. With exceptions; the heavy grineer group (Commander and Seeker) takes regular damage. It should also be noted bolts have a travel time and may drop or veer over a certain distance.


List of bolt-type


Akbolto, Bolto, Boltor, Kunai, Paris





Only melee and the Dread may be slashing type. Slashing is the equivalent form of bullet type but for melee weapons. The only bonus damage slashing weapons receive is against Infested Chargers, Leapers, and Runners. The damage is a 3x multiplier.


Note: Dual Ether also has innate armor ignore on normal damage, overriding enemy's normal resistance!


List of slashing-type




Cronus, Dark Sword,Dual Cleavers, Dual Ethers, Dual Skana, Dual Zoren, Ether Daggers, Glaive, Gram, Hate, Heat Sword, Jaw Sword, Kestrel, Machete, Mire, Orthos, Pangolin Sword, Plasma Sword, Reaper Prime, Scindo, Skana, Skana Prime



Some melee weapons and some guns are piercing type. Just like bolt types, piercing weapons ignore all normal damage rules, with a few exceptions;


Against the medium grineer group (Ballista, Lancer, Shield Lancer, Trooper), they deal 1.5x damage.

Against the light corpus group (Crewman, Prod Crewman, Sniper Crewman), they deal 4.0x damage on headshots.

Against the light infested group (Chargers, Leapers, Runners), they only deal 0.5x damage.


List of piercing-type


Despair, Snipetron


Ceramic Dagger, Dark Dagger, Fang, Heat Dagger



Only melee may be blunt type. Blunt also override the rules for normal damage and always deal full normal damage. With the exception of the heavy grineer group (Commander and Seeker) where the calculation is with regular resistance.


List of blunt-type




Amphis, Ankyros, Bo, Fragor, Furax



Enemy List

All enemies are separated into different hit boxes, meaning depending on where you hit them, the damage will vary accordingly to the hit box. For instance, hitting an enemy in the head often deals more damage than hitting the same enemy in the body.



Flameblade, Powerfist, Sawman


Normal 100%

AP 100%

Electrical 100%

Fire 100%

Frost 100%



Normal 300%

AP 200%

Electrical 200%

Fire 200%

Frost 200% 


Ballista, Lancer, Shield Lancer, Trooper


Normal 33% - 0.5%

AP 150%

Electrical 42% - 0.5%

Fire 42% - 0.5%

Frost 33% - 0.5%



Normal 100% - 1.5%

AP 300%

Electrical 84% - 1.2%

Fire 84% - 1.2%

Frost 66% - 1.0% 


Bombard, Commander, Heavy Gunner, Napalm, Seeker


Normal 66% - 0.35%

AP 100%

Electrical 66% - 0.5%

Fire 66% - 0.5%

Frost 66% - 0.5%



Normal 200% - 1.0%

AP 200%

Electrical 133% - 0.9%

Fire 133% - 1.1%

Frost 133% - 1.0% 


Latcher, Nervos, Roller

Non-weak point



Weak point




Crewman, Prod Crewman, Sniper Crewman


Normal 80% - 0.5%

AP 100%

Electrical 160% - 1.0%

Fire 40% - 0.5%

Frost 80% - 0.5%



Normal 0%

AP 400%

Electrical 400%

Fire 100%

Frost 200% 


MOA, Railgun MOA, Shockwave MOA

Midsection and Gun

Normal 100%

AP 100%

Electrical 200%

Fire 50%

Frost 100%


Battery Pack (black)

Normal 200%

AP 200%

Electrical 400%

Fire 100%

Frost 200%


Legs (colored part)

Normal 50%

AP 50%

Electrical 100%

Fire 25%

Frost 50% 


Mine Osprey, Leech Osprey


Normal 100%

AP 100%

Electrical 200%

Fire 50%

Frost 100% 





Normal 80% - 1.0%

AP 50%

Electrical 40% - 0.5%

Fire 160% - 1.0%

Frost 75% - 0.5%



Normal 160% - 1.0%

AP 100%

Electrical 80% - 0.5%

Fire 320% - 2.0%

Frost 150% - 0.5%


Runner, Leaper


Normal 100%

AP 50%

Electrical 50%

Fire 200%

Frost 100%



Normal 200%

AP 100%

Electrical 100%

Fire 400%

Frost 200%


Crawler, Nauseous Crawler, Noxious Crawler


Normal 100%

AP 50%

Electrical 100%

Fire 200%

Frost 100%



Normal 50%

AP 50%

Electrical 50%

Fire 100%

Frost 50%



Normal 200%

AP 100%

Electrical 100%

Fire 400%

Frost 200% 


Ancient Healer, Ancient Disruptor, Toxic Ancient

Lower Leg / Arm

Normal 100%

AP 100%

Electrical 0%

Fire 200%

Frost 100%



Normal 25% - 0.4%

AP 100%

Electrical 0%

Fire 50% - 0.75%

Frost 25% - 0.4%



Normal 75% - 1.0%

AP 200%

Electrical 0%

Fire 100% - 1.5%

Frost 50% - 0.75%

Edited by SymphNo9
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Armor piercing and armor ignore are the SAME THING. Really, they are. The "difference" is that some weapons instead of having normal base damage have armor piercing elemental damage as base damage.




Base damage is 10.


Mods: 100% normal damage, 60% armor piercing, 60% fire


First of all, the damage is taken by 2: 10 * (1+100%) = 20 The resulting value is called "base damage".


Than, all elemental damage is calculated using the base damage. 20 * 0,6 = 12.


Thus, in the end, your damage looks like this:


Normal damage: 20

Fire damage: 12

Armor piercing: 12


The only thing "armor ignore" does, is changing the base damage from normal to armor piercing, so your damage looks like this instead:


Armor piercing: 20

Fire damage: 12

Armor piercing: 12


I can't tell you wether the game adds the two armor piercing damages up or if they are shown as separate numbers popping up but it doesn't matter.

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Armor piercing and armor ignore are the SAME THING. Really, they are. The "difference" is that some weapons instead of having normal base damage have armor piercing elemental damage as base damage.


Armor ignore does not change the base damage from normal to armor piercing. Try shooting a corpus crewman in the head with an unmodded paris/bolto/boltor.

Edited by Argoms
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Yes, they die.



And the calculation of the reload speed is incorrect. Sadly it doesn't work that way which makes reload mods even worse than they are already...


R = Reloadspeed

S = Speedmodifier

NR = New Reloadspeed


NR = R/(1+S)


Reloadspeed does increase the speed of the animation instead of directly decreasing the reload time.

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That does not make much sense. Why would you take the base damage times 2?


I just tested my Skana Prime on grineer powerfists with normal strikes unmodded, and it did excatly 35 damage.


Also, armor piercing, aka. armor penetration does pop up as a seperate number from the base damage.


And some other testing on grineer lancers.


Skana Prime with a 15% Armor Piercing.


Results: 11 normal damage, 7 armor piercing damage.




35 * 0.33 = 11.55 = 11


35 * 0.15 * 1.5 = 7.875 = 7


So I am not sure what you are talking about. Although, the thing I should change is, change the wording "Armor Penetration" to "Armor Piercing", in order to not confuse further.





Oh, my bad. You meant with a 100% mode. 


Well yea, of course, then you are completely correct about the times 2 base damage. But that wasn't my point with the example. The example just assumed, "base damage" was with damage + any damage mods. I will edit the wording.

Edited by SymphNo9
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Yes, they die.

They die but they do not take 2000% damage from the bolt.  The bolt ignores the 0% normal damage modifier and does full damage, doubled for a headshot.  Armor Ignore and Armor Penetration are very much NOT the same thing.

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They really do. But just on headshots. It's a guaranteed one-shot with any weapon yielding a ap mod.


@ OP: I suggest adding a brief and compact description of the basic functioning of the dmg system at the top of the post. The short version for the impatient users, followed by your detailed description.

Edited by Buddlschlumpf
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They really do. But just on headshots. It's a guaranteed one-shot with any weapon yielding a ap mod.


@ OP: I suggest adding a brief and compact description of the basic functioning of the dmg system at the top of the post. The short version for the impatient users, followed by your detailed description.


I can shift everything one post. So the version with the examples is bumped down to the second post, and the enemy list goes to the third one.

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Maybe something like:


"Here is a quick and dirty overview of how the damage calculation system works. The calculation is done for each hit separately (each single pellet on shotguns).  For more detailled informations, look further below.


Step 1: The damage of your weapon is multiplied with 1 + %weapondamagemod.

E.g. 90% serration with a damage of 20: 20 * (1+90%) = 38

This is further on called "base damage".

Multishot does not directly effect the base damage, it adds additional hits. E.g. with 80% multishot, in 4 out of 5 cases you get 2 hits instead of 1.


Step 2: The base damage is used to calculate your elemental damage values. Each elemental damage mod adds damage of its kind. Your base damage is not affected in any way.

E.g. 60% fire damage in the above example: 38 * 0.6 = 22.8

You now deal 38 normal damage and an additional 22.8 fire damage. Hence you have 2 damage numbers popping up on every hit.


Step 3: The dice for crit are rolled. If your hit is a crit (yellow), all damage of that hit is multiplied by %critdmg of the weapon. Yellow hits have %weaponcritchance to crit again, having the damage multiplied by %critdmg again. These are "red" crits.


Step 4: The damage is subject to modifiers depending on the enemy you hit. See post #2 for details"

Edited by Buddlschlumpf
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Your post as a standalone is nice, but I still feel like even that is too advanced for newcomers who just bumped onto the forums to look for starter info. People tend to lose the motivation to read on if the first thing they see is a bunch of formulas combined with a wall of text. So I think it would be better off if the intro was a very mundane intro, explaining the concepts and mechanics without any calculations and such. Like, "Look, fire damage burn people, and scales with base damage + any damage mod". In a sense, it is like writing papers...if the abstract/intro isn't catchy, people will just move on to the next one. I know I didn't do a very good job myself in the first place, but good thing I reserved the third post ;)

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That's how the damage works in warframe:


First of all, your weapons damage is amplified by its corresponding damage mod. This so called resulting base damage is then used to calculate the elemental damage types (armor piercing, eletrical, fire, freeze). Those elemental damage mods do not change the base damage of your weapon, they are damage dealt additional to your base damage.


Multishot adds a chance that with one shot you score 2 hits. If multishot is over 100%, you have a guaranteed second and a chance for a 3rd hit.

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Thanks for the info, this is very useful. What would be even better would be to do the testing for these dmg mods on a video maybe post it on youtube. I'm sure people would love to see those numbers pop up on the weaknesses at least. Excuse my bad english typing.

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Thanks for the info, this is very useful. What would be even better would be to do the testing for these dmg mods on a video maybe post it on youtube. I'm sure people would love to see those numbers pop up on the weaknesses at least. Excuse my bad english typing.


Sure, not a bad idea. I will look into that

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Whoah hey, multishot correction:

Multishot isn't a probability mechanic. It is methodical and predictable. Everytime you fire a bullet, you have a multishot counter, and when it exceeds an integer multiple of 100% (1), you get an extra bullet


so 120% multi shot works as such:

first bullet gets MS (120)

second gets MS (240)

third gets MS (360)

fourth gets MS (480)

fifth gets 2x MS (600)



Edit: this accounts for the difference you noted about shotguns. they appear to always get extra pellets because of this mechanic


Edit2: I'm not sure about the stun mechanic, but I have a feeling it works similar to MS, and isn't a probability thing

Edited by aliasAnonymous
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Factual inaccuracy spotted:




The critical damage mod is additive to the base value.

It's multiplicative. The mod itself multiplies your crit chance and then gets added to the base value, as denoted by the +. So a +100% crit damage mod will double the base damage inflicted on crits, not add another 100% damage on top of it..


Source: unmodded snipetron, 150 damage on crit, 300 damage with +100% vital sense mod.

Edited by krisp
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Whoah hey, multishot correction:

Multishot isn't a probability mechanic. It is methodical and predictable. Everytime you fire a bullet, you have a multishot counter, and when it exceeds an integer multiple of 100% (1), you get an extra bullet


so 120% multi shot works as such:

first bullet gets MS (120)

second gets MS (240)

third gets MS (360)

fourth gets MS (480)

fifth gets 2x MS (600)



Edit: this accounts for the difference you noted about shotguns. they appear to always get extra pellets because of this mechanic


Edit2: I'm not sure about the stun mechanic, but I have a feeling it works similar to MS, and isn't a probability thing


Oh I see, I'll have to test that later. Thanks for the info!



Factual inaccuracy spotted:




It's multiplicative. The mod itself multiplies your crit chance and then gets added to the base value, as denoted by the +. So a +100% crit damage mod will double the base damage inflicted on crits, not add another 100% damage on top of it..


Source: unmodded snipetron, 150 damage on crit, 300 damage with +100% vital sense mod.


Oh...so essentially the crit damage mod is just another damage mod, but for those crit strikes. And you actually don't modify the base crit multiplier with the crit damage mod, as it is always 0.5 then?

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