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Missing/wrong Codex Entries In U15.11+ (Mods And Others) [Ver.: 15.11.2]


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Thread Update Status:

- Codex Enemies / Objects : done

- Codex Mods : done

- Codex Warframes / Weapons : done

- Codex Events : done (but not in codex anymore)


Current update:

- 15.11.2


Based on Devstream 38: The mods missing because they're not in the droptables. Tho I still think that the codex should list all the mods in the game.


I can't guarantee that everything is listed, but thats what i found:

+ since ppl said in my last topics that Primed Chamber shouldn't be in the codex, i still say that it shuld, because it's even obtainable with trade or from livesteams, unlike the Excal Prime who's not, and yet he's in the codex.

+ same for Legendary Core


Pre U15 Changelog:

With U11.0.3

- First thread

- 4 mods missing


With U12.0:

- Hysteria, Warcry added

- Lots of new missing mods
- Unranked mods not appear in codex

With U12.4.1:
- Unranked mods still not appear in codex
- Patch log still not correct "Zephyr and Oberon abilities added to Codex/Enemy drops." ... Dive Bomb missing, so only 7 abilities was added
- Added one 'not yet fully in game' Loot Detector aura
- Removed one obtainable Dead Eye aura
- 3 new minor scannable but not in codex objects: FOMORIAN POWER CORE, Broken Light, Sensor Bar


With U12.5:
- Unranked mods still not appear in codex
- Dive bomb added
- Regulator Fixed
- Tethra Mods missing (4 weapon mods)
- Helios mods missing (2 sentinel percept)
- One new entry in grineer codex
+ note : removed Runner from Unscannable list since it's somewhere out there and scannable

+ note : Broken Light renamed to Arc Trap

+ note : 3 new minor scannable but not in codex or bugged objects: Corpus Walker, Corpus Crewman, Shockwave moa (a 2nd entry in profile list)


With U13.0.1 (since u12.5):

- Unranked mods fixed

- Zanuka Hunter (Harvester) added to codex

- 5 new melee mods without any info - not in patchlog (Enduring Strike, Life Strike, Quickening, True Punishment, Warrior's Grip)

- Excal Prime removed

+ note : Lots of new codex entries added, so it'll take a little time to check those out  

+ note : Vay Hek now scennable (probably, will check when i got to him)


With U13.0.3 (since u13.0.1):

- Excal Prime added to codex again

- Removed the 4 hydroid ability mods codex (so 22 mods missing now)

- Still there are 5 melee mods without any info or droptable (mission rewards)


With U13.7.1 (since u13.0.3):

- Cicero mods added to codex (Virulent Scourge, Pistol Pestilence, Maligant Force, Toxic Barrage)

- Dead Eye added to codex

- 4th Fusion Core added to codex (no drop info)

- Tenno Specter removed from codex

- Loot Detector is alert mod now

+ removed some eximus entries from "minor entries"

+ Missing mods reduced from 22 to 17


With U13.8.0 (since u13.7.1)

-all 4 dual fire stat mods missing

-Breeding Ground missing from events


With U13.9.3.1 (since u13.8.0)

-Equilibrium finally in the codex (was missing since 7 months...)


With U14.0.0 (since u13.9.3.1)

-lots of removed entries from scanned list (in profile)

-3 corpus scout removed from codex (the unscannable ones)

-all 4 mirage ability mods missing

-duplicate entry for sentinel weapon - burst laser, no stats, cannot lvl

-Guardsmen Eximus duplicate in codex (only shock)

-6 missing kubrow skill mod (note u14.10.3: 7 missing, not 6)


With U14.5.0 (since u14.0.4)

-Removed Burst Laser Duplicate entryin companions

-New Djinn Duplicate entry in companions

-missing 4 new dual ice stat mods (34 missing mods from 30)

-missing Cryotic Front event codex entry


With U14.5.2 (since u14.0.4)

-Renamed the "Cold Touch" mod to "Vicious Frost".

-Added Cryotic Front and Breeding Grounds to Codex


With U14.6.0 (since u14.5.2)

-Removed duplicate entry for Djinn


With U14.7 (since u14.6.0)

-all 4 new event mods missing

-Gate Crash event codex entry missing


With U14.10.3 (since u14.7)

-All kubrow mods in the codex now (+7 mods)

-Corrected the missing mod in my list


With U15.0.3 (since u14.10.3)

-Removed all abilty mods

-Wrong U15 patchlog - 21 syndicate ability mods, not 20 (21 mods in patchlog)

-Probably wrong U15 patchlog - 31 archwing mods (archwing,gun,melee), not 25 based on codex

-2 unobtainable wrong Shield Disruption mods in Warframe category (same as the obtainable aura mod)

-All 39 syndicate mods (21 warframe, 18 weapon) missing, probably because they don't 'drop'

-All events removed from codex :'(

-Excavation Scanner seems unscannable

-Removed mod counter from codex

-3 new missing entries in codex (Zeplen, Auxiliary Power Core, Primary Power Core)


With U15.5.2 (since u15.0.3):

- Missing entry from codex: Infested Mesa (https://dl.dropboxus...arframe0182.jpg) not the best screenshot

- Missing entry from codex: Cascade bomb (https://dl.dropboxus...arframe0171.jpg)

- Missing tactical alert from codex: Cold Revenge

- 2 Unfinished/unobtainable mods : Vermilion Storm (stance), Astral Twilight (stance)

U15.5+ Changelog:

With U15.11.2 (since u15.5.2):

- Missing entry from codex: Ogma Elite

- Missing entry from codex: Corpus Rover

- New missing Events / Tactical Alerts

- The duplicate of Shield Disruption removed from codex ... along with the normal mod

- Missing Even mods for Eyes of Blight, Mutalist Incursion, Overtake Tactical Alert

- Syndicate mods now in the codex


Without the ones accidentaly released with transmute bug and the legendary core
the correct number of fully released mods: 411 (408 mods + 3 cores)

+Starter mods not included (like lvl3 max serration)

+Legendary core, unleveled cores not included

36 Mods missing from codex (15.11.2):

-Aura : Shield Disruption (~u15.5-15.11)
-Sentinel : Guardian
-Sentinel : Targeting Receptor
-Sentinel : Investigator
-Melee : Voltaic Strke

-Melee : Volcanic Edge

-Melee : Vicious Frost

-Melee : Buzz Kill

-Melee : Auger Strike (u15.5)

-Melee : Prime Heavy Trauma

-Pistol : Jolt

-Pistol : Scorch

-Pistol : Frostbite

-Pistol : Maim

-Pistol : Bore (u15.5)

-Pistol : Primed Hatred Charge

-Primary : Rime Rounds

-Primary : Frigid Blast

-Primary : Sweeping Serration

-Primary : Fanged Fusillade

-Primary : Primed Chamber
-Primary : High Voltage
-Primary : Shell Shock

-Primary : Thermite Rounds

-Primary : Scattering Inferno

-Primary : Piercing Caliber (u15.5)

-Primary : Breach Loader (u15.5)

-Primary : Primed Ravage

-Primary : Primed Point Blank

-Primary : Primed Fast Hands

-Stance : Astral Twilight (u15.11)
-Warframe : Aviator

-Warframe : Primed Flow

-Warframe : Primed Continuity

-Archwing Gun : Magma Chamber (u15.8)

-Archwing Melee : Searing Steel (u15.8)


17 Events missing from codex (all):

- Fusion Moa Event
- Artifact Defense Event
- The Informant Event
- The Sling-Stone Event
- The Arid Fear Event
- The Gradivus Dilemma
- The Hunt For Alad V
- The Cicero Crisis
- Oxium Espionage
- Tethra's Doom
- Specters Of Liberty
- Breeding Grounds
- The Avalanche Offensive
- Cryotic Front
- Gate Crash

- Mutalist Incursion        
- Eyes of Blight       


8 Tactical Alert missing from codex (i think they should be mentioned like events):
- Hyena Facility
- Shifting Sands

- Cold Revenge

- Pack Mentality        
- Toxic Terrors        
- Fleet Footed        
- Fight or Flight        
- Overtake      


1 Core missing from codex (questionable, but i think it should be there)

-Core : Legendary Core


1 wrong entries in codex

- Enemies-Grineer : Guardsman Eximus (2nd entry scannable, but same as the other excpet only shock listed)

- 2x wrong Shield Disruption mods under warframe mods category (fix backfired, since now Shield Disruption missing from codex)


1 Unscannable / Unfinishable entry in codex (was scannable before)

- Excavation Scanner


15+ possibly missing entries from codex (see spoiler for the rest pre u15):

-  Zeplen (archwing quest mission https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37487856/Warframe0114.jpg)

- Auxiliary Power Core (archwing corpus sabotage https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37487856/Warframe0132.jpg)

- Primary Power Core(archwing corpus sabotage https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37487856/Warframe0133.jpg)

- Cascade bomb (patient zero quest) (https://dl.dropboxus...arframe0171.jpg)

- Infested Mesa (patient zero quest) (https://dl.dropboxus...arframe0182.jpg)

- Ogma Elite (Eyes of Blight event)

- Corpus Rover (Overtake Tactical alert)

And some older minor missing enemy / object entries that scannable but not in codex:


Infested Spawn Pod
Tenno Specter
Warframe Cryopod
Grineer System (console in mobile def)
Corpus System (console in mobile def)
Artifact (objective in defense alert)
Hostage (hostage in rescue)
Orokin System
Fomorian Power Core
Arc Trap
Sensor Bar

Lephantis's 3 head (in the first part of battle)

And the unreleased and not in codex mods: (bugs and accidentally released mods)


- Vermilion Storm

- Electrical Resistance
- EMP Aura
- Fire Resistance
- Frost Insulation
- Laser Deflection
- Pistol Amp
- Shotgun Amp
- Affinity Amp
- Toxic Resistance
- Lightning Blades
- Team Armory
Warframe mod:
- Ancient Retribution
- Resillent Focus
Sentinel mod:
- Sacrifice
- Looter


u15-15.5: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/331997-missingwrong-codex-entries-in-u15-mods-and-others-ver-1503/

u14 : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/263819-missingwrong-codex-entries-in-u14-mods-and-others-ver-14103/

u13 : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/210118-missingwrong-codex-entries-in-u13-mods-and-others-ver-13931/
u12.5.1: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/198413-missingwrong-codex-entries-mods-and-others-after-1251

u12.4.1: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/190972-missingwrong-codex-entries-mods-and-others-after-1241/

u12.0.1: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/173481-missingwrong-codex-entries-mods-and-others-after-1201/

u11.0.3: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/135243-missing-codex-entries-mods-after-1103/

Edited by Ungorisz
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