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Posts posted by hke12

  1. If I would be a bad guy I would sh't myself if a Rhino start to attack my ship in a party hat

    but the hats was only a joke, what I realy want to see is a flintlock or a medieval sword

    This isn't tf2, this would look pretty $&*&*#(%& and make warframe into another "COLLECT THIS HAT THAT MEANS SO MUCH!"

  2. No man :( Warframes with hats looks super awkward...picture Rhino with a party hat =_=

    If I would be a bad guy I would sh't myself if a Rhino start to attack my ship in a party hat

    but the hats was only a joke, what I realy want to see is a flintlock or a medieval sword

  3. Soo I have an idea for platinum shop:

    skins for weapons:

    You attach them to normal weapons, it doesn't give stats but it's look cool

    Something like lightsabers with different colors, and things like that

    Maybe hats, it worked for tf2

  4. So I like runnung with my warframe because it's a good thing when you try to escape.

    But only problem when there are stairs! I get stuck on them when I try to run up but if I don't run they kill me!

  5. So i got a defense mission with infected enemies, the only problem that they can only melle attack so I jumped at the top of a box and I just shooted them.One of them attacked the middle thing once, but then he just standed near it.

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