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Posts posted by AttObl

  1. MFW when there's an alert with something I want besides credits.



    MFW when I get a critical hit on a heavy Grineer with a pistol, especially if it's the Lex.



    MFW when there's an assassination alert without the assassination target.



    MFW when I arrive early (or late) to the boss fight.


  2. That bug happened to me at one point when I try to face him solo with Volt, and I spam lightning bolts on him. He can't shoot, but if I recall, he can attack me when I'm in melee range. I can't do anything to stop Vor, so I had to restart the mission.

  3. TBh. Warframe.  been with WF since January. took short breaks but im still here!  I'd say Skyrim aswell but one expects that such a game will take you for a few hundred hours.  and ArmA 2 i expected it to be quite horrible. found myself enjoying it. playing more than expected ventured online aswel.. a year or two later (hadnt played it for ages.) bought the expansion pack. Operation Arrowhead. went in with friends. we played for ages online.  and that from a game i expected i wouldnt like at all.

    +1 for ArmA II + Operation Arrowhead. Good, realistic FPS games.


    For me, it has to be Knights in the Nightmare. I didn't hear about this game when I bought it on impulse, but I was in for a surprise: That game introduced me to the Dept. Heaven series, and it's one of my favorite DS games. I can't explain the gameplay, but think of a bullet hell shmup mixed with strategy, and you're a wisp that controls your soldiers as you fight against the darkness. It's complicated, but once I get used to the controls, I'm having so much fun with it.

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