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Posts posted by 5h1n0k4m1

  1. hormis les fautes de grammaire / vocabulaire / orthographe, innombrable, et qui ont même reussi à me faire arreter de lire à mi-post

    ce concept de multiple systeme solaire a déjà été proposer il y a trés longtemps, et les devellopeurs ont dit qu'il ne deviendrait pas réalité


    cependant il leur est toujours possible d'ajouter une planète lorsqu'ils auront fini avec celles déjà en place


    ps: c'est "marrant" de voir comment tu écorche aussi le nom / la marque de notre jeu préferer ...c'est Warframe !ffs!

  2. My teammates not following my orders which gets them killed.


    My teammates killing the synthesis target and then getting immortalized by my as punishment.


    Other than that as a Rhino Prime main and a top hunter and Batman.


    I have no weaknesses. o -o 

    i like how you're glorifying yourself (:


    i know how frustrated it can be to see squad member(s) trying and actually to kill simaris targets ):


    I'm someone who intentionally runs into lasers in the void to get radiation procc'd and then shoot unsuspecting teammates.

    dayum, we must have a match one day !

    i and a clan member are doing the same, every time we get in void :)

  3. Ya'll need to play more Borderlands 2.


    Edit: Rereading it 1 more time I'm not sure he meant it as lightheartedly as i tought. Still tough...




    If it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakobs!

    i was an advanced modder on the first opus, luvin' my scorpio mods with best parts from legendaries and cool / nice looking skin



    I encountered a level 6000 something entity once.....

    Must I laugh evilly now as well??

    you could ;)


    Yeah well you can keep your Jakobs. Maliwan for life, and for times when you just want to "make it rain" on enemies, get to the CHOPPER!


    Yes the CHOPPER is a terrible weapon for folks who don't like wasting ammo, but when the target is big / close enough so you don't miss, it doesn't matter.

    maliwan was one of my favorite because of the high proc chance, jakobs was slow firing but heavy power

    ...and i enjoyed playing hyperion also, for their excellent accuracy



    There's a multiquote option so you don't have to do that.

    yea i know right, sorry

    ..i just posted to fast and sometimes i just forget to read all the comments, and jump to the reply a bit too fast

  4. Pace Falm

    You know nothing Jon Snow.....


    Obviously never encountered a situation above enemy level 40......

    *evilly laughing*

    oh, you think so ?


    and you? did you ever happened to encounter mobs over 150 lvl ?


    and sorry for the triple post >.<

  5. It's sometimes more satisfying to torture them with constant status procs and filling their bodies with lead from a high ROF weapon than always one-shotting them. Just sayin' :P

    understandable, i myself prefer to just hit once and go to another target


    peoples' preferences :)

  6. I didnt specify the number of kills. But if i had to then every 100 kills a reward. that would mean 10 rewards instead of 9. not four thousand rewards. Dont know where you got that one from.

    oh sorry, that little array of points made me to think otherwise


    i now understand, and kinda like your point :)


    but how to replenish life support ?

  7. Not everyone is a Boltor Prime/Soma Prime min-maxer you know.

    boltor prime, maybe

    but soma prime, definitely not, it needs to spool up a little in order to do effective damage


    ...i'm a marelok user

    ...sometimes tysis too, but since i reached over 104% of accuracy, i tend to not use as often

  8. "Mara" is not a PRIMED weapon!

    So called "SKINS" (IMO dublicated replacers, not really to call skins) are only usable on primed weapons. Wait another 2-3 years, and your wish may become noticed...

    we were able to use shock camo on mara detron, when they released it

    ...i don't play with mara detron since i ranked it to 30 and put it in a dark corner of my ship, he's covered in dust now

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