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Posts posted by Zaethod

  1. Hey I built a basmu for insane fire rate (39.00) with Vigilante Fervor, Speed Trigger, Vile Acceleration, and finally Shred. I also had a Firestorm, Vigilante Armaments, and Split Chamber equipped. The goal naturally was to get the healing pulse to basically always be up but when I went into a mission despite emptying the clip with both fire modes the healing pulse did not proc. I was standing still on the ground of a corpus tile set so there might be an issue with the map not the level but I loaded into a second mission to verify and the issue persisted. I have another Basmu build that works as intended so i dont think its an issue with me and wanted to see if anyone else is having the same/similar issues.


    Edit: I got no proc or effect upon reload with this build whatsoever neither visual nor actual

  2. As a general rule you will wind up wanting to build most items as MR doesn't truly matter aside from status after 16-18(until we hit MR 31 as the cap) I'm not up to date on the most recent requirements. For actually farming these items I personally recommend akkad (erris) for the large number of players who frequent it. That's a person opinion of someone who has a lot of time spent farming if you are trying to min max your time there are guides out there for the absolute fastest way to level each and every thing. 



    I recommend building a variety of low end and super high end weapons. By the time you hit end game you will be able to easily afford the middle tier of weapons.

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