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Posts posted by Okiesmokie

  1. My program stops working for no reason everytime, this is the last record in the debug before it stopped working.

    It used to work fine with no problem before version 1.6, dont know if its something you changed that time.


    Alert Received: 28/6/2013 7:41:57 AM

    >> Not checking credit amount

    >> Not checking credit amount

    >> Not checking credit amount

    >> Filter not met, aborting

    Stream item found

    {"created_at":"Thu Jun 27 23:45:59 +0000 2013","id":350399640895631361,"id_str":"350399640895631361","text":"RT @WarframeAlerts: Apollodorus (Mercury): Enemy Comm Station Vulnerable - 37m - 5100cr","source":"\u003ca href=\"http:\/\/twitter.com\/download\/android\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTwitter for Android\u003c\/a\u003e","truncated":false,"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_user_id":null,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"user":{"id":230420713,"id_str":"230420713","name":"Le Prototype ","screen_name":"EvilShadowFR","location":"Green hill","url":"http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/user\/EvilDowshaFR","description":"#Prototype, #YouTubeur, #infographiste, #d\u00e9conneur de 20 ans, #EvilTeamFR, #EvilCommunityFR #TESFR et je suis pas la pour WIGOLER!!!!!!!!","protected":false,"followers_count":130,"friends_count":72,"listed_count":0,"created_at":"Sat Dec 25 11:54:57 +0000 2010","favourites_count":345,"utc_offset":3600,"time_zone":"Paris","geo_enabled":false,"verified":false,"statuses_count":11682,"lang":"fr","contributors_enabled":false,"is_translator":false,"profile_background_color":"FFFFFF","profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/a0.twimg.com\/profile_background_images\/861226489\/450586bfa4a95ed09b6500c3d36a2c97.jpeg","profile_background_image_url_https":"https:\/\/si0.twimg.com\/profile_background_images\/861226489\/450586bfa4a95ed09b6500c3d36a2c97.jpeg","profile_background_tile":false,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/a0.twimg.com\/profile_images\/3758059112\/50a330c89b051732975869c6960db6bd_normal.jpeg","profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/si0.twimg.com\/profile_images\/3758059112\/50a330c89b051732975869c6960db6bd_normal.jpeg","profile_banner_url":"https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_banners\/230420713\/1371083016","profile_link_color":"FF0000","profile_sidebar_border_color":"000000","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"252429","profile_text_color":"666666","profile_use_background_image":true,"default_profile":false,"default_profile_image":false,"following":null,"follow_request_sent":null,"notifications":null},"geo":null,"coordinates":null,"place":null,"contributors":null,"retweeted_status":{"created_at":"Thu Jun 27 23:42:02 +0000 2013","id":350398647906746368,"id_str":"350398647906746368","text":"Apollodorus (Mercury): Enemy Comm Station Vulnerable - 37m - 5100cr","source":"\u003ca href=\"http:\/\/www.warframe.com\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eWarframe Alerts\u003c\/a\u003e","truncated":false,"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_user_id":null,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"user":{"id":1344755923,"id_str":"1344755923","name":"WarframeAlerts","screen_name":"WarframeAlerts","location":"","url":"http:\/\/www.warframe.com","description":"The OFFICIAL Warframe alert notification center. Follow us to receive alert notifications in real time! Ninjas Play Free!","protected":false,"followers_count":23237,"friends_count":5,"listed_count":282,"created_at":"Thu Apr 11 16:22:31 +0000 2013","favourites_count":0,"utc_offset":-14400,"time_zone":"Atlantic Time (Canada)","geo_enabled":false,"verified":false,"statuses_count":3638,"lang":"en","contributors_enabled":false,"is_translator":false,"profile_background_color":"C0DEED","profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/a0.twimg.com\/profile_background_images\/839997277\/8ba0cbfde6de84635fb6ab2cac89ef4c.jpeg","profile_background_image_url_https":"https:\/\/si0.twimg.com\/profile_background_images\/839997277\/8ba0cbfde6de84635fb6ab2cac89ef4c.jpeg","profile_background_tile":false,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/a0.twimg.com\/profile_images\/3507532327\/5a425bb23c3905bc9178b024b941b2ff_normal.jpeg","profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/si0.twimg.com\/profile_images\/3507532327\/5a425bb23c3905bc9178b024b941b2ff_normal.jpeg","profile_banner_url":"https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_banners\/1344755923\/1365706320","profile_link_color":"0084B4","profile_sidebar_border_color":"FFFFFF","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"DDEEF6","profile_text_color":"333333","profile_use_background_image":true,"default_profile":false,"default_profile_image":false,"following":null,"follow_request_sent":null,"notifications":null},"geo":null,"coordinates":null,"place":null,"contributors":null,"retweet_count":1,"favorite_count":0,"entities":{"hashtags":[],"symbols":[],"urls":[],"user_mentions":[]},"favorited":false,"retweeted":false,"lang":"pl"},"retweet_count":0,"favorite_count":0,"entities":{"hashtags":[],"symbols":[],"urls":[],"user_mentions":[{"screen_name":"WarframeAlerts","name":"WarframeAlerts","id":1344755923,"id_str":"1344755923","indices":[3,18]}]},"favorited":false,"retweeted":false,"filter_level":"medium","lang":"pl"}

    Stream item found






    That disconnect code means the Twitter Streaming Server shut down, probably due to maintenance.

  2. If it is saying your PIN is expired, make sure the time and timezone on your computer are correct.  If you are using anything below Windows 8, you must make sure that you have Microsoft's Daylight Savings Time patch applied, or it will not register you as being in daylight savings time right now.


    Also, people may not have the time to look through every page, but I do not have the time to edit a big FAQ into the main post.  However, you don't have to look through every page to find your answer, because there is a search box in the top right.


    If you aren't getting any alerts, please paste the contents of the Debug log.  A lot of people are getting unauthorized errors from twitter, and I'm not sure why.

  3. PLEASE read the thread before you post an issue.  I have addressed the Vauban Alternate Helmet about 50 times in this thread, and am really getting tired of repeating myself.  By asking the same question that 50 other people have, you are bloating the thread and preventing me from seeing actual issues people are having.  There is a search button at the top right of the thread that you can use to search for issues you're having.


    If you have an issue with items not showing you NEED to post your configuration file located in %LocalAppData%/Okiesmokie_Productions/<warframe alerts folder>/<version>/user.config (with username/password/twittertoken/twittertokensecret edited out) or at the very least a screenshot of your filters.  Aswell as the output from the Debug Window.


    As for the change in how you log in to twitter, it is required because they changed the API.  There is nothing I can do about it and you will just have to live with it. Changes:* Fixed a bug where it would save the window position when you minimized the window.  If you  exited the application with the window minimized, it would appear at a negative position  when you re-opened it.

    Download Link: http://wfa.okiesmokie.ca/WarframeAlerts_v1.6.1.2.zip

  4. Small bug found ...

    The "Clear" and "Copy" buttons of the debug window have fixed positions, not relative to bottom right corner

    (ie if you expand the windows, the buttons are full in the middle of it :p)


    Other thing, there is now a big wall of text in the debug. Seems the "source" has a lot of things to say. The source is the whole twitter warframealert page?

    Dont post code here, dont want to share some personnal data :p



    Not important at all, just so you know about it ^^


    That is the json object that the program receives from twitter.  I purposely put it in the debug window just incase people have problems, it will help me track down exactly what went wrong.  Thanks for the information about the debug window buttons though, I overlooked that.


    Possible to use the official RSS as the source? Because relaying Twitter as proxy can lead to troubles when its down like couple days ago, but the source was not affected.


    Addition suggest for personal preference:

    - 'Disable/Enable update' option on taskbar icon right click menu, and change color to grey when its disabled.


    I usually disable updates when playing ingame to prevent internet spike that possibly can lags me or everyone. Useful for people that shares internet, or has high ping network etc.


    Thanks and keep up the good work. :)


    The only time the program updates is when it is first launched, you will never get an update while it is already running.


    Cool stuff,

    would you mind telling me what language and tools you used?

    Also any chance of you releasing the source at some point in time?


    I'm using C#, I might possibly release the source eventually, but right now it's pretty messy.

  5. It's not actually using 50% CPU, it shows that because it has idle frames in the thread where it is doing nothing at all.  You won't see a performance hit, and if you run other programs the CPU usage will go down.


    You can see this yourself if you compile a very simple program.



    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {  while(true) {    // Do nothing  }  return 0;}

    will display 100% CPU usage, but it isn't actually.


    It acts this way because it is using the free CPU cycles that no other process is using.  In the next release I'll add a 10ms sleep or something just so you people don't get the placebo effect and think it's actually effecting things :P




  Changes:* Added a 10ms sleep to the twitter loop so that people don't complain about false CPU Usage.* Main window location and size is now saved in between sessions.
  6. My "get pin" button, not working :(


    It should open it in your browser window.  Try closing all your browser windows before clicking it and see if it opens a new one.


    You make my day.


    Works fine for me.


    To get PIN was easy with your button.



    Maybe change "Current Version:" to "Current Version:" on topic post :)


    Thanks, I forgot about that, will change that now.


    Yep you know, was just hanging on the forums and saw you posted in your thread, i had to check and BAM! an update!!

    Couldnt wait to dl it ^^


    Will report any bug if find some ;)


    Thanks a lot!




    Once the twitter code is generated, seems to launch without any issue.

    Now, have to wait for new alert to pop, and see if the program catch them :)

    Thank you okiesmokie ;)


    Dumb questions/requests time:

    1. The vauban alternative helmet isnt in the list, cause you just wait for an alert to pop first? Do you think adding "Esprit Vauban" in "other" field would catch it? Cause for the other frames, the alert only says "XXX helmet" and doesnt use helm name.

    in any case, i also added Vauban Helmet to other filters :p

    2. Coud possibly Main Window size and position, and settings window size and position, be saved?


    1. The alerts haven't said the names of the alternative helmets, they have just been like "Ashe Helmet", so there would be no way for me to distinguish between the alternate helmet or the helmet blueprint.  This may change, but we'll have to wait until an alternate helmet alerts pops up.


    2. That is something I can easily add to the next version.


    Not Found

    The requested URL /WarframeAlerts_v1.6.0.0.zip was not found on this server.



    Wow you're too quick.  I removed it because I just read about the DE RSS feed, so I edited the program to use that to show the alerts that are already existing when you run the program.


  Changes:* Updated the RSS feed for the "existing alerts" functionality to use the RSS provided by DE  (http://content.playwarframe.com/alerts.xml)
  8. I'm using JSON aswell, the problem with my app is that they retired the v1 API yesterday, so you can no longer use HTTP Credentials to login.


    I am in the process of updating the code to use OAuth, and it should be released tomorrow.  OAuth is kind of a pain in the &amp;#&#33; to use, that's the reason I didn't use it initially.


    When the program is run for the first time, you will have to authorize it via the twitter website, and type in the PIN code that it gives you.  You should only have to do this once, so it's not as big of a pain as it could be, I suppose.

  9. You're damn right ^^

    Sorry :)



    Btw, when i said "You really should add this info on the first post" i was talking about the need to use username and not email ;)

    users wont read 29 pages to "hope finding" their answer, faster to ask and wait for it :p


    There's a search button at the top of the thread.

  10. Hey everytime i log in with your program it immediately logs me out saying invalid user and password. I verified its correct and i actually do log in for a spit second before a pop up appears saying that.



    Its says login error everytime.


    Please read the thread, this has been addressed about 10,000 times.  Use your username NOT your email address when logging in.


    This is the last time I'm going to answer this question.

  11. I think it refers to the normal helm, as i dont think the esprit already appeared in any alert. can you confirm?

    Okie needs the item to appear at least once to be able to set filters.


    It was intended to be the normal helmet blueprint, but the way they have been doing other helmet alerts, I would not be surprised if it triggers for both.


    Edit: See, the most recent alert is for the Ash Scorpion Helmet, but they do not include the name of the helmet in the alert.

    Gefion (Ceres): Enemy Comm Satellite Vulnerable - 30m - 6400cr - Ash Helmet (Blueprint)


    So I foresee some people being upset when an alert says "Vauban Helmet (Blueprint)" and it turns out to be the alternate helmet and not the helmet required to make him.

  12. You should make a donate button. I'd love to donate maybe a dollar? And if a lot of people donate, then you can get lots of $$. Then it would be more encouraging for you to continue working on this program.


    I didn't release this program to make money, so I'm not going to add an intrusive donate button or anything like that.  If you really have your heart set on donating something, you can PM me and I can give you my paypal information, but donations aren't really something I'm looking for.



    Well, I wouldn't have downloaded this if you had mentioned anywhere in the OP that you need a Twitter account to use it. Now it's just ended up an annoyance.


    I'm not exactly sure how it's "ended up an annoyance."  You can choose not to use it if you like, but I don't see how that would annoy you at all.  There are plenty of other programs that don't require twitter login (but also do not have the features of my program), so feel free to use those instead.

  13. Sorry about the lack of updates, I've been pretty busy lately.  I haven't even had time to play Warframe, so I am actually not up to speed on what exactly came out in Update 8.  I've went through this thread and added the things that I have seen people mention, but if you know of any alert rewards that I still need to add, please let me know what they are.


    I've also added the highly-requested feature of having an option to loop the sound. Changes:* Configuration files automatically convert to the newest version. (Thanks to Sire404 for the method)* Made the "Other" setting more user-friendly.  Also removed the case-sensatitivy from it.* Added Vauban Chassis, Vauban Helmet, Vauban Systems, Forma and Void Key to the item list.  Please post in the thread if you are aware of any more things that need to be added.* Added an option to loop the sound until the window is active, or you click the tooltip that pops up.  ** Note: Clicking the 'X' on the tooltip will not stop the sound.  You must click the actual tooltip           or make the window active.  This is due to a limitation in the Windows API where you cannot           distinguish between the tooltip timing out, or the person clicking the 'X'* Possibly fixed some of the null-reference errors people have been getting.  Not 100% sure, as I   haven't been getting them myself.

    Download Link: http://wfa.okiesmokie.ca/WarframeAlerts_v1.5.0.0.zip

  14. Modified all the sound paths, will keep you up to date with results ;)



    Ok, now it seems sounds are played correctly. Thanks for pointing the cause of the issue ;)

    Btw, if you can "fix" it ... dont know you, but i do prefer using relative paths when possible ;)



    now, place for a question, here are my filters settings:

          <setting name="Filters" serializeAs="Xml">


              <ArrayOfFilter xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"





                  <AlertSound>D:\Warframe\Warframe Alerts\Sounds\Generic\genericWeapon.wav</AlertSound>





                  <OtherRewardsFilter>Glaive;Paris;Plasma Sword;Pangolin;Jaw;Heat Sword;Heat Dagger;Dark Dagger;Ceramic Dagger;Dark Sword;</OtherRewardsFilter>


                  <OtherValue />





                  <AlertSound>D:\Warframe\Warframe Alerts\Sounds\Generic\genericAlert.wav</AlertSound>





                  <OtherRewardsFilter />







                  <AlertSound>D:\Warframe\Warframe Alerts\Sounds\Generic\genericHelmet.wav</AlertSound>





                  <OtherRewardsFilter>Banshee Helmet;Saryn Helmet;Volt Helmet;Trinity Helmet;Rhino Helmet;Ash Helmet;Mag Helmet;Loki Helmet;Nyx Helmet;Frost Helmet;Excalibur Helmet;Ember Helmet;</OtherRewardsFilter>


                  <OtherValue />



                  <Name>Large Credits</Name>


                  <AlertSound>D:\Warframe\Warframe Alerts\Sounds\Generic\genericCreditsLarge.wav</AlertSound>





                  <OtherRewardsFilter />


                  <OtherValue />



                  <Name>Small Credits</Name>


                  <AlertSound>D:\Warframe\Warframe Alerts\Sounds\Generic\genericCreditsSmall.wav</AlertSound>





                  <OtherRewardsFilter />


                  <OtherValue />



                  <Name>Medium Credits</Name>


                  <AlertSound>D:\Warframe\Warframe Alerts\Sounds\Generic\genericCreditsMedium.wav</AlertSound>





                  <OtherRewardsFilter />


                  <OtherValue />



                  <Name>Orokin Reactor</Name>


                  <AlertSound>D:\Warframe\Warframe Alerts\Sounds\Tubers\orokinReactor.wav</AlertSound>





                  <OtherRewardsFilter>Orokin Reactor;</OtherRewardsFilter>


                  <OtherValue />



                  <Name>Orokin Catalyst</Name>


                  <AlertSound>D:\Warframe\Warframe Alerts\Sounds\Tubers\orokinCatalyst.wav</AlertSound>





                  <OtherRewardsFilter>Orokin Catalyst;</OtherRewardsFilter>


                  <OtherValue />





                  <AlertSound>D:\Warframe\Warframe Alerts\Sounds\Generic\genericArtifact.wav</AlertSound>





                  <OtherRewardsFilter>Enemy Radar;</OtherRewardsFilter>


                  <OtherValue />





                  <AlertSound>D:\Warframe\Warframe Alerts\Sounds\Generic\genericSkin.wav</AlertSound>





                  <OtherRewardsFilter>Dual Daggers;Manticore;Dagger Axe;Brokk Hammer;</OtherRewardsFilter>


                  <OtherValue />






    Will the "Custom" filter allow me to catch "Vauban" BP and any "Blueprint" that didnt match the other (wpn, helmet, skin) filters?


    Yes that should work


    Does it show the new Vauban alert missions? 



    Using it a few days now and its awesome ;) 



    was gonna ask about that, need alert for vauban parts :D


    C'mon guys, I literally addressed this on this page.  If you look two posts up you can see it x_x;

  15. I noticed the settings are reset each update. Dear developer, see here for the solution:



    I was not aware of the Upgrade method, I will implement this in the next release, thanks.



    About the Vauban stuff, I can't add it until an alert with it appears first, because I have no idea how they are going to phrase it.  This is the first time they will be releasing a warframe via Alerts, so there's no way to determine exactly what wording they will use.  Your best bet is to just put Vauban in the other box to pick it up until then.





    I come back with "my" issue, i havent seen reported by any other ...

    It seems when the program autostarts with windows, the sounds wont be played.

    If i manually start the app, sounds are played

    I use sound pack by arsonide


    I thought it could be cause of program launching before sound drivers are properly loaded, so i used planner to launch after 1 min delay.

    But still no sound.


    Any idea about what could cause the issue?

    Dont know if you need it, but can post my settings too.


    (q: is there some king of "spoiler" code i could use to hide the wall of text from the settings file?)



    I'm thinking it has something to do with the working directory of the app.  Does the sound play if you type in an absolute path to it instead of just "notify.wav"?  ie: C:\WhereverTheProgramisInstalled\notify.wav


    also: if you type [ spoiler ]<text>[ /spoiler] without the spaces, it gives a spoiler box.




  16. I'm missing the "All ? Rewards" option. And yes, I do have installed.

    This is a very nifty app though. Thank you!


    That option hasn't existed since one of the very early versions.  The screenshot in the OP is very outdated.  The option was removed because it was confusing people.  Since everything you get from rewards are blueprints or artifacts (afaik), if you check the "Other" checkbox and type in "Blueprint;Artifact" (without the quotes), it should display every "?" alert.


    Works pefectly I love it great work, just a note though, when using another .wav for the sound the alerts don't seem to appear at all, and the new sound can't be heard, nothing big though.


    I'm not quite sure what the issue with this is, the platform *should* have support for multiple formats of .wav, but apparently it doesn't.  There is some explanation a few pages back where someone found out what the required format was, you should take a look at that.


    I am curious. Why do we need to login to twitter from this app?

    The program can already find alerts without them. (it actually does it once before it tells me invalid username or password)


    I have answered this about ten thousand times in this thread.  Please re-read through the thread if you want a detailed explanation.


    hello everything, I installed the program, but at alerts any windows doesn't get out though in *show debug window * everything is correctly displayed by show debug window, I need to install any filters or how to correct it? in what there can be a problem?


    You need to check the things you want to display in the configuration dialog.  It should pop up the first time you run the program.


    i think, if you check the last option, which says "other" and write nothing in it, you should get "?" Alerts which are not in the list above.


    Please correct me, if i am wrong with this, Okiesmokie.


    I don't think that would work, because I'm checking if the string is empty before checking for other filters.


    So will just checking catalyst and reactors only show those alerts?




    Still getting those nullpointer reference errors, not sure what I am doing wrong.


    Does the software require any runtime libraries, for example visual C or similar?

    The machine the alert program is on is a laptop that is folding proteins and sitting idle most of the time with a squeaky clean install of windows 7 with all updates.


    This is hard for me to track down, because I haven't been able to reproduce that at all.  The only requirement for this program is the .Net Framework 4.0 Runtime.  If you didn't have that, you wouldn't be able to run the program at all, though.

  17. great tool

    thumbs up

    Little improvement:

     does the bollon popup also popup in  Fullscreen apps ?

    iam using it on htpc in combination with dvbviewer in Fullscreen but always miss the alerts because the alert noise is not loud enough ^^


    It's a limitation of windows that balloon notifications are not able to be displayed over fullscreen apps.


    would have loved to use this but no matter what i do it just tells me that i have the wrong login in an it closes down instantly even though i know its 100% right. so it looks good, sounds awesome, but un useable by me.

    thanks anyway. 


    Make sure you are using your twitter account name NOT email address.



    Added a new release the fixed a couple bugs. Changes:* Fixed a bug where the incorrect sound was being played when you had multiple filters.* Added Manticore and Dual Daggers (Which are actually Dagger Axe, but they mis-reported them on twitter twice) to the filter list.* Began including this changelog file with releases.

    Download Link: http://wfa.okiesmokie.ca/WarframeAlerts_v1.4.5.1.zip

  18. Sorry guys I haven't had much time to update this the past few days, between being sick and being busy.  I will try to get some bugs fixed tomorrow and upload a new version.


    Ah, thanks for this neat little program. My only critique is that it doesn't seem to have filters for either kind of potato. Granted, we can always add them, but it just seems incomplete, especially considering they're such sought after rewards.

    It does, they are called Orokin Reactor and Orokin Catalyst, not potatoes ;P

  19. Maybe a simple question, but when you check an item in the filter list, does it exclude the item or include it?




    I think there may be a problem when the same type of alert already in the main list appears again.

    There was a reactor alert already in my list from the day before and another showed up today.

    There would be another window pop up stating and error or something, seems from the debug the program stopped working until i closed the error window.


    Jumped from 3am to 9am.


    Count: 5

    0: Olympus (Mars): Enemy Operative Located - 30m - 2000cr

    1: Olympus (Mars)

    2:  Enemy Operative Located

    3: 30

    4: 2000

    Alert Received: 9/5/2013 3:33:58 AM

    >> Not checking credit amount

    >> Not checking credit amount

    >> Filter not met, aborting

    Error parsing tweet: Martialis (Mars): Weapons Researcher Located - 12h - 4500cr - Orokin Reactor

    Exception Occurred: System.NullReferenceException

    >> Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    >> Source: WarframeAlerts

    >> Stack Trace:    at WarframeAlerts.MainForm.RunThread()

    Thread Created

    Connecting to Twitter

    Count: 5

    0: Numa (Saturn): Enemy Tech Discovered - 30m - 2000cr

    1: Numa (Saturn)

    2:  Enemy Tech Discovered

    3: 30

    4: 2000

    Alert Received: 9/5/2013 9:41:57 AM

    >> Not checking credit amount

    >> Not checking credit amount

    >> Filter not met, aborting



    The error here is that they used 12h instead of the 720m that they normally used.

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