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Posts posted by Ryoken

  1. Ran with my clan last night. We were able to farm up the glaive, rifle scavenger, and the melee DMG boost. We are a clan that is on the east coast, so that is pacific tz for ya. We played between the hours of seven and midnight. A couple of us stayed up later to get enemy radar. At the end of the day, it is all random and you just have to hope.

  2. Just benched my own Saryn.  Been playing her since she came out.  When the molt nerf hit today, I shook my head and shed a tear.  She was supposed to be a light tank, or at least that is what she felt like.  Now she is little more than a door stop.  Oh well.

  3. 3. Allow us to "force" the return with a follow-up melee click, this could provide decent single target damage avenues where you immediately recall the glaive after it bounces off an enemy.


    I would totally love to see this.  Instead of the Melee button, I think the block button would be better.  This would prevent people that are twitchy on the melee key from returning it too early.

  4. I am not sure where you are getting these numbers from, but I am 1 shotting Lvl 50 Grennier with a throw.  It is a charge weapon, not a slashy weapon.  When modded properly, it can totally destroy targets.  Also, when you are attacking Ancients, aim for its boot.  It will pass through the boot just fine and hit again on the way back. 


    I have both Dual Ether and Glaive maxed out and I love them both, but they are completely different for playstyle.  Just keep practicing and with a bit of work, you will be railing guys by bouncing it off a wall and hitting a guy around the corner.

  5. No one is mentioning Sonar.  If you have a regular group, they will love you for this skill.  It will highlight a point on enemies that you can shoot for 400% dmg.  This is a boss killer.  She is no tank or DPS dealer by any means, she is a very solid support frame that relies on team work.  I have a lvl 30 and if I did not tank for my Clan, I would be running her for the DPS boosts. 

  6. I run a Saryn and in a defense mission, I can drop my Molt and with a Snow Globe from Frost, it is cake walk time.  It is a total turkey shoot and I currently use that combo to help lvl up Warframes and gear of my allies. 

  7. if i could i would give you one, i've got like 5 of them (all got in the first day of update 7 XD)



    btw yes, some mods are rarer, or that is what i think. Now i have 2 redirection but some time ago they were almost impossible to get, rare mods were dropped more frequently that uncommon and common, and when you dropped a common it never was a redirection/vitality/flow mod XD


    If you could give me one, I would take it in a heartbeat.  But you cannot win them all I guess. 

  8. I have, but I chalk it up to the fact that there are so many catagories ontop of the normal mod cards.  So you have Common Abilities, Warframe Boosts, Rifle Boosts, Shotgun Boosts, Pistol Boosts, Melee Boosts, Sentinel Boosts, and Cores.  Jump this across uncommon and rare and there you go.  I am still trying to get a Fire DMG Mod for melee... Have not seen one in over 100 hrs of gameplay.  At the end of the day, just luck of the drop.

  9. Straight up game play.  Let me ask you this.  Why do people play WoW even though once they hit "end game" it takes months to years for new content to come.  Is raiding the same bosses over and over again fun?  I think the gameplay here is a lot more solid, and I enjoy running with my clan.  We have fun, we kill things, and then we look forward to the new stuff the next week.

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