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Posts posted by Kenshin666

  1. just to be clear, I disagree with iztal being great for interceptions. The invis, being stationary, is really best for warping away and hiding to recover. Itzal is too fragile to take a beating the interception will give. You shouldn't really be sitting in one place invis just guarding a single point or you are going to lose or at least have to be carried by your team. Plus shield dargyens will come right up on you and electrocute you because everything knows you are somewhere around there (which is, of course, why it is a good idea to blink off.)


    Fluctus actually has poor range and quick damage fall off. It's a great trash clearer and good for all the missions but interception and defense. I wouldn't use it for the open space ones either, mostly the corpus ones with tight pathways. 


    Grattler is THE gun for J3 golem. A must. It is also sufficient for interceptions and defenses. No experience with the velocitus here. 


    I would put a magazine increase on the fluctus, btw, that thing has like no ammo in its clip.


    Interception and defense are great places to get the good cards but I got a lot of really good mods doing jupiter mobile defense (I think that's right, or was it mars, whichever is a corpus MD.) That is also a great place to level up things you can't level up in the interception.


    Kazsas and knux have the highesy base melee damage in game. Both are nice but the knux takes a lot of resources to research in the lab. Less to build. The grattler is the hard one to build with something like 3.5k required oxium. I saved up for a long time for that.


    Veritux is perfectly good, and centaur is just fine as are the other melees. There is, btw, no block animation. So you will only know you are blocking because you are pushing the button.

    Velocitus vs Golem works pretty good as well:

  2. I know, but thats the thing, each frame having its own exilus mod? As far as we have in Ultility mods we have the Movement ones, Enemy Sense, Loot Detection, Intruder, Retribution and Anti-knockdowns. To make an Ultility mod for each frame would go to the "This mod is useless" for some frames and great for others.


    Its better to make universal ones.

    Or both perhaps? More things, more happiness imo :)

  3. Hello everyone.


    So syndicate exilus mods (jump or otherwise such) Protruding javelins for excal, smoke jump (super jump mechanics) for Ash/Loki, Chaos jump for nyx etc.. the same kinda way the ice/electric/fire/poison jumps work. Would be cool right?

    Lets hear some ideas!

  4. How about making the melee charge attack activate the finisher move? if its coming back into the game. Or then going with this. Im not loving the pauses either...


    Ok, how does this sound:

    When RB is active, the behavior of SD changes a little. When directly aimed at an enemy (ie, enemy is in crosshair) SD becomes Dash-to-Finish. sending your excal to designated enemy, running the finisher animation when there. Aiming anywhere else, even right next to an enemy, will trigger it's default behavior. 

    I personally could work with this. Leaving me the choice of slaughtering every enemy I can get to while also giving me the option to single out one or two enemies for finishers, without having to deal with extra key presses (which, from a programming standpoint, would add another layer of complexity).

  5. This is indeed a problem,  but I can think of a fairly simple solution: make the skin available for any player that is member of a clan, with the exact display dependant upon your rank in the clan. This way all players get a unique skin. Obviously, you'd have to avoid favoritism in that the Warlord gets a definitely cooler skin, merely different skins. Granted, there will always be disagreements in taste and which looks coolest, but that can't be avoided. So long as they are similar in style with only different color designs, icons, and a minorly different tip design it should be fine. (I'm speaking scarfs here, but similar principles could be applied to anything.


    EDIT: Wkfire beat me to it. @Jamescell, it's only unrealistic if you assume the Warlord gets a skin clearly designed to be cooler and reward them for the rank. If the skins are similar, with the main differences being for the purposes of being able to distinguish them such as colors or slightly different icons/logos, it's fine. Granted, there will always be some disagreements on which icon or color layout/setup is coolest due to stylistic preferences, but seeing as that cannot be avoided I see no real reason to worry about it overmuch.


    I like this idea as well.

  6. Good points... but still i would like to see some "look-at-mee-im-a-warlord" stuff.. because we definately earn them ;)


    The system should be changed into having maybe 1 to 2 warlords per clan.. and maybe set the gear-havin-fun-lovin-clan minimum size to 10 or so?


    This to eliminate one man clans sporting management level gear.

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