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Posts posted by JollierThanThou

  1. I'm not sure about the assertion that trolling is virtually non-existent. I've either done or been the victim of all the following:


    * Break the windows and Pull your teammates away from the console until they die

    * Kill enemies near the spawns to prevent teammates from earning experience points

    * Destroy fans in the air ducts near extraction so your teammates fall into the room below

    * Pull Toxic Ancients onto the cryopod

    * Put a Snow Globe over the cryopod on Infested defense so nobody can shoot the Infested threatening it

    * Put a Vortex on top of a downed player so nobody can revive him

    * Put a Vortex on the ceiling so the loot from a boss kill can't be collected

    * Switch Teleport everyone above the skybox

    * Switch Teleport a teammate out of the elevator, then hit the button


    My bad I wasn't in this game as long as you were, Sir. When I began around June, it was already farming. Fact.


    I couldn't care less, honestly, about some guys dumping 1 or 300 hours a week into this game, I play when a) there is spare time and b) I don't play other games. A value for you to compare: nearly 2 months in, only mastery rank 7 and 200ish hours of play. 


    Yet I can plan what I want before and go play where the things I need have a chance to drop.


    If you're not, and I quote you, "an entitled millennial brat[,,,]" then just go ahead and buy ressources in the market. What's holding you? Time is not the only component, you know. And only killing bosses is not how you get the materials the fastest way, really not. Every sane second dude here can tell you about the +2 or +3 orokin cells he claimed from a helpless, weaponless container (Edit: not while the insane U9 weekend, to clarify).


    Where does your attitude come from, exactly, if I may ask? Want something, do something. Either play (and use the brains) or pay :)

    Problem is, this game isn't using my brains, at all. I'm walking over to the yellow dots and breaking containers until I run out of free time. Meanwhile, there's a voice in the back of my head: "Dude, you could have spent that time playing XCOM. You would even have had fun."

  3. I second you, OP.


    Incredibly difficult to handle the whiners and complainers. They want all for free, instantly, no sweat and please, it has to be OP and fun.


    Why even start at a game you know beforehand that it's about farming and resources, just to complain as soon as you want the endgame dojo weapon built after 10hours of gameplay? It's not limited to the virtual world, to be honest. Recent surveys also show this tendency about professional job-wishes (high $$$, no sweat, many booby-booty-girls and again, no sress). Sure, it's nice we get a potato alert once in a while, but it's not a must. I thank the DE silently every time, should make a thread once to say thx in general. 


    Plus, some guys think that "oh ma gaaaawwwd I played 20 hours on Vor I didnt get XY", well, how efficient was that play? I suit to my "goal", may it be BPs or mats or NM speedruns to get the mods, time is only one component of many.

    This game wasn't always about farming and resources. When I started playing, it was all about the fast-paced action and the cool movement mechanics. There were only a handful of weapons and frames, but they all played differently. I'm not sure what happened.


    Where does this attitude even come from, this conflating of blind repetition with actual difficulty? And the idea that, if you don't have 20 hours a week to dump into gaming, you're an entitled millennial brat who wants everything now now now?

  4. Worst still, some people look at EVERYTHING they want to build in the future and calculate the total materials they would need, getting discouraged at how long it would take to farm all of them.

    How can you not? You have to know how long a game is before you can decide whether it's worth your time. I'm starting to think Warframe isn't worth mine.

  5. No, I don't. Mostly because, yes the bosses drop rare resources fairly rarely(ho ho~) and only 1 at a time. HOWEVER, storage containers on the same planet can also drop the rare resource pretty rarely as well, but they can drop upwards of THREE at a time. I've walked away with 7 rare resources(not morphics) from a single run(after the drop rate issue was fixed).


    Bosses aren't the best thing to farm anymore if you're after rare resources(thank god).

    So you agree that rare resource drop rates from bosses are too low?

  6. I think the better question is why should it be made easier?


    As it is, all it takes is some good amount of effort and time and you will have blueprints for items.

    These items express how good/opportunistic you are to other players and spark the desire for them to grind for it too.

    The most satisfying part of the journey is the journey itself.

    Warframe encourages this ideal. This ideal in turn encourages re playability!

    Imagine this.

    You kill a boss, you get your item. Endgame reached.

    "Thanks for coming! ^^ "


    It should be made less time-consuming because it's hilariously bad right now. You need 37 control modules to build the clantech weapons, 13 for the warframes, 3 for the sentinels, and 1 for the Pangolin Sword. That's 54 control modules. With current drop rates, you have to kill Hyena more than 500 times. You don't think that's completely insane?

  7. Serration and split chamber are there to give your other mods more power.  Your speed trigger argument is fine, but the thunderclap one is not.  Stunlock is crazy powerful.

    I think there's a lot of wiggle room in Thunderclap. The hard limit on rifle stun duration is 1.46s (the reload time on a Burston with max Fast Hands). Really, though, I was looking for an example of a non-DPS mod worth equipping. Imagine a version of Thunderclap that costs 90 points to equip and stuns for 1.2 seconds. It would promote specialization in parties--say, three players built for DPS or ammo efficiency, and one built for stunlock.

  8. This is as much of a balance issue as there  can be, there should be "best DPS build" but it should be trumped in utility by something else, and that should be trumped by a third option, that is countered by a fourth option and so on.

    This is the big one for me. Split Chamber and Serration are pure upside and they outshine other DPS mods, including the ones with downsides. Speed Trigger needs to give a much bigger DPS boost than Split Chamber, so you have a legitimate choice between ammo economy and DPS. Thunderclap needs to have a strong enough effect that you're willing to give up damage for it. And so on.

  9. They are still learning what is a good thing and what is a bad thing, Frost Prime was a screw-up, everyone complained about him being given out for free after the event. Now people are complaining because They aren't giving out something after the event.

    This. There are two groups with opposing goals here. There are players who need to have better stuff than everyone else, and they hate the other players, the ones who need to have every item to chill their obsessive-compulsive tendencies.

  10. That's great. Really it is, you got yourself an extremely fast firing, hard hitting shotgun there. This ain't gunz, and there ain't no K-style, and there are far more options than just THAT shotgun, and many different playstyles.

    I'm not asking how many playstyles exist, but whether the new mod makes that number increase or decrease. As long as Accelerated Blast stacks with Flechette, the number of correct shotgun builds goes down. I'm glad Dark Souls and GunZ players were able to work around the lack of balance in those games. But I'd rather play a game where the developers give you an opportunity to make genuine trade-offs with your weapon. If there are seven best shotgun mods, then every shotgun effectively has one mod slot.

  11. Because there is no one "best" build. Sure, theirs min-maxed builds in just about every game, but does that mean everyone has to be min-maxed? Hell no!


    Bit of background. If you played Dark Souls during the pre-artorias DLC, you'd know of the Giant Mom builds. Those builds were boring as all get out, and as soon as people got bored they either left the game or went on to make some of the most inventive builds.

    Sure there is:


    Accelerated Blast
    Hell's Chamber
    Point Blank
    Shotgun Spazz
    Tactical Pump
    On-Faction Elemental Mod
    As far as the Dark Souls example goes, I think it's important to have variety at the top end of the power curve, too, not just the middle. If there's one clear outlier, players get bored.
  12. Just how the hell are they sidelined?! If it's fun to use, then USE it. Why would you let something as gear tier dictate what to use? Don't go limiting other peoples options just because you follow tiers.

    Why do you want one obvious "best" build, instead of a hard choice between many good but different-playing builds?

  13. I'm sorry, but.... the hell is wrong with stacking mods? Because watching my Sobek clear a room with Shotgun Spazz, Accelerated Blast, and Flechette in a glorious explosion of grineer giblets is too awesome to pass up.

    There's less diversity when mods stack. It's like the sidearm situation. It's fun as hell to tear everything apart with Despair, but sometimes I miss Twin Vipers, Lex, and Akbolto being the best at different things, now that Despair is better at everything. Chilling Grasp and Incendiary Coat used to be fun. Now they're permanently sidelined.

  14.  You consider two mods being good together a problem?

    It's less that they're good together, and more that there's no other reasonable choice. If they were mutually exclusive, you would have to choose between raw DPS (Accelerated Blast) and ammo efficiency (Flechette). If they're not, you just mindlessly stack both. It's more powerful, but less fun to theorycraft, you know?

  15. I really hope DE doesn't bend over like they did with the Braton vs Braton Vandal and buff this mod to be the same or better than Primed Chamber.

    Yeah. There are some... interesting consequences if they buff Charged Chamber. When they buffed the Braton, they merely obsoleted the Brandal. If they buff Charged Chamber, Primed Chamber users will be able to stack the two mods for triple damage (if it's additive) or quadruple damage (if it's multiplicative).

  16. In numbers i agree it is the 1 thousand. But does that mean we forget the opinions of the 100? Also the question is the amount of complaints for this mod made more than 100 different individuals? Because i can see multiple threads on this issue, but the amount of people clearly barely exceed 100, let alone 1000. Overall we are not even counting who are making the complaints to this.


    Yet staying ignorant to this fact, how about the 2,999,000 who don't voice their opinion. What do we make up of them? That only 0.0000~~~(too lazy to count) opinion are of use? And if the other 2.9 million players say nothing, should we also do nothing? That is a no, but a group of 1,000 to atleast 10,000(being very optimistic) decides for the 2.9million players.


    If you get what i mean, there isn't a greater good, but the vocal minority.


    (I will discuss more tomorrow, 2am now, Time to sleep!)

    I think you're almost asking the right question. You ask "Should we forget the opinions of the 100?" I ask, "Are the warm fuzzies of exclusivity worth giving the middle finger to every single completionist?"


    There are so many ways to promote competition and make the winners feel good. Why choose exclusive items, when exclusivity backfires every single time DE tries it?

  17. yay, let's compare warframe to a heavy diseasy wich destroys families and lead to suicide. there is no problem in relativising something so trivial like warframe with something like an alcohol addiction. you act like a real grown up. congrats.


    if warframe compares to anything like that for you, you should go and see a doctor.

    i bet you won't prostitue to pay for plat. i bet you won't jump of a cliff because you didn't get that mod. i even bet, that in 2 months you don't care anymore




    warframe is a game. in a game there are winners and loosers....


    ...well looser is the wrong word, let's call them who got the snipetron vandall (good weapon, still sucking sniper...) second. the whining about not getting that mod, won't help.


    you didn't go top 100, you don't deserve it. nothing more or less to say. all people who are b*tching about not getting that mod are just sore losers

    What reaction, precisely, did you expect from me? You weren't trying to be constructive. You just wanted to be a sanctimonious dbag.


    Stop pretending that you can see inside everyone's head, and give up your illusion that everybody is some Zen practitioner with total emotional mastery. Sometimes it feels nice to vent, and DE making a bonehead move is one of those times.

  18. difference is: this is a game. it should be for entertainment. i don't get how people can get so upset about something like this, taking things to serious? cool down, get a break, it's just one lousy mod.

    to me it seems like if that mod decides wether the game is fun or not


    Wow, I never thought about it that way. I feel so much better now.


    You know, you ought to turn your talents to solving bigger problems. Maybe tell a depressed person to cheer up, or tell an alcoholic that he just needs to practice moderation!

  19. I really don't know what to do about the Vandals. They bother me more when they're strict upgrades, but honestly they'll always bother me a little no matter what. I could only live with Vandals if they didn't grant mastery, and if there were an armory for the dojo with display racks for everything except exclusives.


    Primed Chamber is even harder to address as long as it's possible to stack it with Charged Chamber.


    I don't know. Maybe this game just isn't for me. I mean, the gameplay is decent, but 100-percenting Warframe is not worth the stress.

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