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Posts posted by Chunder

  1. Thanks for the fixes. As with the foundry being reverted back (for now) I personally much prefer this old one. It is far more simple and easier to use. You have access to everything on one screen without having to click on any other tabs. Simply scroll down the list, find the item you want to build, see what you need and go out and get it and then craft it.

    The saying, "If it's not broke, don't fix it" fits in perfectly here. Change for change's sake isn't always the best. Sure I'll get use to the new UI, but I find it more "complicated" when compared to the previous one.


    Would be nice if the community would've had some input on the new UI before it came live, or at the very least us founders. I'm sure you'll listen though if other's voice similar concerns and fine tune (if not revert back) the foundry UI. :)

  2.  Removed Slide Cooldown

    - Fixed an issue causing players to not acquire Pickups when rolling, sliding or using a power through them

    - Fixed an issue causing some traps in the Orokin Void levels to not take any damage from certain weapons


    Thanks for the update! I particularly like these changes/fixes. :)

  3. rank on contribution? i say no


    it would be nice but it may just become an e-peen contest, so again id say no. unless restrictions could be made

    I did not mean clan rank, but more a "top 100" chart of who was able to farm and add the most materials. Similar to the Warframe rankings already in the game. I've edited my original post to better clarify what I meant. :)

  4. While clan members donate material to the clan's dojo, many clans would like to say thanks to those who contributed, especially when they add platinum. Other's may just want to brag that they did the most farming and added the most materials. Either way I think most people would love to have a clan chart of some short that shows who has donated what to the clan's dojo and rank them in order, similar to the Warframe rankings already in the game, by who's the biggest contributor, and hopefully if this system is implemented it'd be able to show what has already been added before.

  5. As soon as I heard about the dogo's, a defense mission instantly popped into my mind. What could be cooler, and funner then defending your dojo from a massive Grineer assault force? :)

  6. I was coming to make sure this bug was reported as well, doing a search doesn't show any topics about this yet for me. I've noticed people purposely exploiting this bug a lot recently to easily take the boss down and get the loot. Hopefully this can be fixed in the next update, better AI pathing, or just simply spreading the boxes out more. :)

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