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Posts posted by Stenchfury

  1. Does anyone knows how melee weapons model swaps are gonna work now?

    Meaning: I see that the new tennogen sword can be used on any one handed sword; and so the Chroma's Dynasty big sword model can be used on various two handed weapons; does that mean that a Galatine or Jat Kittag Tennogen entry can be applied to War or Fragor for example? Or is that done only on request?

  2. I'm considering adding something small for the next selection, was looking a bit into syandanas; still have to decide what to get on next; I just got Nidus and I'm loving it; Oberon too is one of my alltime favourites but he has already a deluxe skin and a nice Tennogen helm and it's going prime soon. I started working on some Hydroid madness but I've seen Faven is working on his Graxx version for him; so would try to avoid coming out on the same round :P

  3. On ‎26‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 10:47 PM, IceFlame1019 said:

    What is that exactly? oO


    also, I've hit a wall I may not be able to surpass with my current equipment.  :/

    If any Tennogen "veterans" read this, what's the level of poly detail you use for creating the Normal map for your submissions?  Or do you use some sort of art program to custom-draw the Normals?

    My computer can't handle the level of poly detail I'd like to get to in order to render up a Normal map with the finer lines seen on Limbo's body, so...how do you go about this?  I've been Googling it but most resources just say that the high-res model should be in the "millions" of polys.  Blender is lagging beyond 200k, and for some reason I can't get the model to import into Sculptris, I get an error saying "Too many connections to a vertex (max 24)" though I don't have any such vertex overloads.

    Blender it's nice but doesn't handle millions of polygons very well; you can try do as Rekkou suggested; and if it still gives you issues you can try just modelling the main and secondary shapes; and paint height map details in Substance Painter (it's a relatively cheap program and it's immensely useful).

    Otherwise If you are serious about it, save up for Zbrush (you can try the software first to see how your system handles it) that thing can chew up quite a big amount of polys :P


    P.S. just found out that i answered to an old message, so nvm :P

  4. 2 hours ago, hawttdawgg said:

    As mush as I love all of these selections, it seems the TennoGen diversity is lacking. It is great to see Ivara get some skins, but why does Volt need more? Volt has plenty of love in terms of skins and especially helmets. Some frames seem lacking in potentially amazing cosmetics such as:

    • Inaros
    • Nezha
    • Equinox (granted, content is difficult for this)
    • Nidus
    • Titania

    And, perhaps, opening up submissions for armor sets.

    The regular cycle for TennoGen is amazing, and opens up a new world of cosmetics that benefit artists, developers, and the community, but it really would be nice to encourage more rounded content, and put effort into fleshing out some of the less decorated frames.

    I'm quite sure that every frame will get his moment of glory; some creators were already working on some Nidus stuff; naturally ppl will focus first on more popular frames, but eventually stuff will be made for everything; probably even Equinox :P

  5. Love it, looks like a good start;

    only thing I would warn you about is not to make parts that would look too much like eyes, especially if they are positioned at eye-position.

    So having a ridge that resemble a brow, with sockets below it that has eye-looking things in it, MIGHT not be a good idea.

    The rest looks like some pretty balanced main shapes.

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