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Posts posted by Reaps989

  1. 27 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

    I did not say she is mid/low tier. I said she is A-B tier in most content. This is where frames need to be anyway. And the melee update significantly impacts the game. It shifted many frames effectiveness. Ignoring that is just ignorant. Is cutting down the duration on skill 1 or range on skill 4 is going to make her a bit less effective? Sure, but only really impacts ESO.

    The point is, she is a great frame. Hardly over powered. And most definitely over rated. I only ever use her for ESO anymore. There are better frames for every other piece of content, if efficiency is what you are going for. Unless you like her play style. Then, yes, you can play her anywhere and not be at a disadvantage. Is that a bad thing?

    Ya, she truthfully doesn't need a nerf if anything other frames that are room-wide nukers should use her as an example since she is easily one of the most durable for that job.


    Edit : /sarcasm And by the logic of melee being OP then clearly high HP/armor frames should get a nerf right? /sarcasm off

    Only content so far where I definitely feel melee being "OP" is maybe railjack, but that's if I ignore the fact I can just go with an FotM primary/secondary to simply not "need" to melee.

  2. 9 minutes ago, CopperBezel said:

    We have the ability to alter our warframes cosmetically to an extent, with accessories, completely free colors, mix and match animation sets, alternate helmets, and variant versions in the form of the deluxe skins. To me, that's a pretty good level of customization that balances between making the frames our own within the bounds of the lore on the one hand, and making them still work somewhat like individual characters in a hero shooter on the other. Adding gender switching would water down the latter IMO, so it's not something I'd want even if it didn't come at the cost of much more modeling work on DE's and Tennogen creators' parts. If they're feeling creative with it, throw in an agender frame or two or something. 

    Now if only we could finally get separate colors for helmets, attachments, and suits to all be freely adjusted as some helmets/suits simply don't mash up with helmets (tho they could if they had different color options)

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

    Saryn is S+ in ESO, every other content she is between A-B. Even in SO or Hydron, you are better-off using Volt.

    In defense arbitration, she is good, but between arbitration drones and possibly nulfiers, she is not that great by any stretch. Plus, outside of frame that can defend the target, you primarily need a strong melee frame. Saryn is good, but not the strongest by any stretch. This applies to her all across arbitration. The meta is melee weapons. They are the strongest and quickest way to deal with arbitration drones, nulfiers and.. anything else. You are sitting here, cast and ramp-up, this is ESO, not arbitration. 

    And ya, why do I need ramp-up when Acceletra and melee weapons can kill most below level 80 mobs (even Graineer) near instantly? 

    I think people are still stuck in the pre-melee re-work and seriously under estimate how ridiculously strong melee weapons currently are. 


    Melee has been strong for ages, yes most melee can kill 80ish pretty much instantly, but all room-wide AoE frames get cucked in Arbitration.

    I wouldn't say her range needs a nerf, simply pointed out the fact she definitely isn't anywhere near low/mid tier. And it's not a thread on weapons, it's a thread about a warframe my brudda.

  4. 32 minutes ago, CopperBezel said:

    Well, some people make the case that talking about tiers of frames doesn't make sense for normal content because the right gear can get you through anything not absurd. Personally I just ignore Adaptation and don't care about collecting any warframe arcanes. But there are also people who want to talk about their awesome slash builds and all the eHP they can ignore in three-hour arbitrations. There are definitely enough overlapping progression tracks that if you optimize everything else, the right weapons and mods and arcanes can carry any frame you like through just about anything that still returns rewards. 


    Just pointing out there are options to bypass simple issues, mods being pretty standard before considering arcanes (which aren't hard to get but actually take longer thanks to BP removal for straight out buying them)


    I mean from a normal content standpoint, 80-100 is pretty fair. And there are indeed frames that have trouble or are indeed subpar. Saryn is far ahead of a majority of frames.

  5. Just now, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

    Sure there are. It just that you missed when I told the OP who is ragging on over and over how his Saryn is god tier. So I told him to prove it and take her into a survival run only to show him where Saryn starts to struggle. (Right around the point where More eximus spawn then his energy can handle.

    Also, 300 base armor with no other damage reduction really puts a struggle on Saryn. She used to have damage reduction hidden on Toxic Lash, but with the melee changes, I think she's got nothing that any frame with a melee weapon has. 

    I mean, we have options via adaptation and a bit of HP buffer from vitalize. Then slap on molt's augment and you're pretty damn solid as long as you pop null bubbles which you can operator void dash with that tether mine... beyond that where's the issue?

    You don't go insane range so you can localize your pick-ups, slap in a few survival mods, hit 200% power strength to get your status proc, and it should be fine Slap on arcane guardian for a bit more armor, maybe arcane energize, and ggez?

    Then you still have gear-wheel consumes which will trivialize energy issues, can help with when you're missing HP,

    Even then 2h isn't exactly required at any point in time. Most that ever required it was a 1h for NW with thankfully was removed and I think 40+ wave defense at 30+?

  6. 29 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

    I disagree. It's a good litmus test. 2h survival shows how long a frame can scale to the enemy's growing health pool, or how survivable that warframe is. Shows off what kind of CC they can or can't do and expresses the difficulty in doing so. 

    Saryn struggles when she's not in a small map or when she's in danger of taking too much damage. Having teammates be able to take the enemy attention is a great benefit to her so she can just melt them. 

    I think she's a A+ frame, but she's certainly not god tier. 


    Truth be told any frame can manage 2h if you play to their advantages, tho what would you consider a "god tier" frame then? Only frame I can think of that might have trouble at 2h is maybe Nyx.

    Durability wise she's still sporting a few tools to survive.

    • 300 base armor
    • Not terrible base HP to scale up if one wanted to
    • Decent max shields to build adaptation if you choose
    • Can augment molt to get HP which scales with ability strength, molt also taunts even if it'll be brief consdering it's EHP.
    • Can -50% max HP an entire large room.

    There are plenty of options to make her work for an endurance run.

  7. Surprised nobody in this thread simply requested slightly longer duration like 12s to 15 per multiplier

    • Current : 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/110/120
    • Plus 2s : 12/24/36/48/60/72/84/96/108/120/132/144
    • Plus 5s : 15/30/45/60/90/105/120/135/150/165/180

    Yes you could bit +initial combo via corrupt charge and a riven, or hit a few times to get the older timer, tho 12s would at least require a few hits to reach old timeframes.

    I just miss being able to use it to hold an area, strip armor, and improve overall DPS of my primary/secondary weapons when applicable.

  8. 24 minutes ago, CopperBezel said:

    Unless the pseudo-Health-Conversion scales with duration, it's still just six seconds of armor for an ult. And it's armor, so it's diminishing returns to stack that against an Arcane Guardian or two in the highest-level stuff, which is to say, not adding a lot to her potential ceiling either. Players would just get a little more unkillability a little earlier on in the game.

    I don't know, Trinity's whole identity right now seems to be built on the idea of having a massive amount of energy and regen and not being able to use them for much of anything herself. I still think it's hard to change any one part of that formula without having everything else come undone. Because, again, if you want to play support but have some offensive capability, there's Wisp. = . I recognize that they're very different combat roles, but my feeling of "God bless you, kind soul" seeing a Wisp in a public is identical to what I felt seeing a Trinity a year or two ago. And I just don't think it's a good idea to give Trinity a Breach Surge or a Snow Globe or a Vortex or some other tactical defensive ability like that without nerfing some of her other more extreme aspects.

    I'm just going to hop off topic to say that I was more psyched for the heat changes as they'd affect my #3 frame Nezha than I was for all of Ember's new kit. Make sure your melee is using CO while you're at it. XD His 4+2+melee is still not nearly as nice CC + debuff + damage as you can get out of Khora or Vauban or whatnot, but it's always been one of his good bits and the heat changes make it actually reasonably quick business that feels good.

    Correct, yet adds nothing but more mitigation to a single ability over other possible outlets. Even if it stayed 75% but had 20% evasion (1/7ish or 1/5th of damage completely removed) what's the point in the armor? Yes it adds even more EHP, more than likely would stack with current HC, but does it need to triple dip?

    Not saying she need offense or CC, simply pointing out the fact she lacks in both of those areas. Wisp is simply an ideal frame to consider why other support frames have failed.

    • Can deal damage
    • Actually can CC effectively (Tho I wish it didn't hit through bloody walls sometimes... slows down defense waves and can actually harm survival)
    • Buffs and sustains team

    But yes heat is bloody amazing, tho I appreciate Nezha's/Vauban's CC over Khora's because mobs will pull DoA "You Spin Me Round" rather than simply hanging. Tho in things like Index I can appreciate it if I need to do 3 rounds without an enemy scoring.

  9. 6 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    Baruuk's is channel, Chroma.. that's literally all he has.. Ember takes careful management, Harrow also has a cooldown on that, Mirage circumstantial, Nezha/Rhino would pale in comparison to our proposed Trin, even If Link's value decreased over time.. and Nidus.. true.. But all of those are 1 DR ability per frame. Trin would just have 2 DR buttons, and the Links would be an afterthought. As you said yourself, she needs to be incentivized to be in combat, and not just immune from it elsewhere. Circumstance is the only way you can hope for 2 DRs.. which she has now, and I agree some easing would be very welcome. Also, with the drain over time, you could just keep recasting it if it gets low.

    Oh, seems I edited after you started responding, so you missed out on this bit..
    ...What if the proposed HC orbiters are half armor value, and/or vanish when Blessing ends? You're right that 900 armor is too much on top of everything else.

    Even with 2 DR's you consider the following.


    • Zero damage potential without hurting your other abilities with negative duration
      • Tho I guess with the above suggestion she could single DD a bit.
      • Yes link can reflect pretty decent damage when enemies have either no armor or it's reduced, but limited to 3 is weaksauce.
    • No realistic CC besides 1 target, EV can be interrupted by pretty much any other CC freeing it.

    As for the frames... (X) = cost

    • Baruuk (25/75/0) - Works as long daggers are around him (3) tho yes you'd be correct with elude but also has his ultimate (3 DR in total) + sleep CC if needed
    • Chroma (75) - His Vex also gives intense damage but his aura is actually quite nice if used.
    • Ember (50) - Ability strength makes her DR much easier to manage, can strip armor. Heat is actually huge even before considering that + CC.
    • Harrow (100) - 1 is a hard CC that matches duration of 4's buff, that's before considering he actually has solid solo/group abilities in his kit
    • Mirage (25) - Well actually depends on group as blast/electric AoE's can destroy light sources nearby. Even then damage steriod, clones are situational DR, and obviously has CC.
    • Nezha (75) - Heat proc path of lawls, chakram already has built in sustain + group steroid (100% + scaling), and easy 2k+ "bubble" (1kish for allies), surprised more people don't abuse her chakram while enemies are speared tho... actually does some silly damage with heat proc.
    • Nidus (lolnidus) - I don't think this one even needs to be covered, CC/Damage/Godmode + easily best spector.
    • Rhino (50) - If there was a "perfect" frame in warframe, this is it.
      • Roar is still hands down one of the best buffs in the game
      • Iron Skin litterally can have 5k+ without much of any effeort, tho unlike Nezha lacks status immunity
      • Still has heavy CC
    • Revenant (50) - Actually forgot to list this one lol

    That being said, even at half armor value or vanishing would still be 450 armor and 225 armor, adding the idea of 30-60% mitigation (60% cap) at 20% evasion (even 15%) that's again pretty bloody intense. Even if there are plenty of armor boosting frames, but I'd think the evasion  (even if the cap remained the same) is already a huge boost considering that's another 42% to 60% DR boost.

    Something other than armor, even another damage boost or weapon steroid (% reload speed, ammo restoration, whatever) would be reasonable over the idea of...

    • % DR
    • % Evade
    • Oh by the way +armor which is also DR

    That's a pretty huge boost of DR on one ability, to the point you might as well scrap link for something more useful.

    Consider the fact of why Trinity isn't used as much.

    • Restore kits (Health/Shield/Energy)
    • CC and kill speed make less need for a "restoration" frame
    • Other frames can support in other ways while still not losing damage/CC.
    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    I could easily live without affinity boost passive, or the status clear.. could even bring down the evade to 15%.
    The HC armor, I was thinking 1.. but they vanish one at a time when you take damage. If there are no targets to Link tether, getting hit once removes that.. and it would become common place to spam Blessing after every hit. Evade gives some variability to that.. between that and the cost, spamming would be redundant and wasteful unless critically necessary... and if it's that necessary, you're gonna need that armor. As you see, my Trin lives and dies on cast time for Link, and effective health orbing for HCs. This becomes a real problem when the enemies are level 80+ and start to be Way dangerous to Well Of Life.. You're right that my Blessing solution is heavy handed. lol, Still want it, though. 😃

    As for Link keeping DR.. I cannot abide that in full. She needs to be pressed into combat, so link needs to put her there. Otherwise it's just a cheaper personal blessing that gets better than Blessing when close range. That is also too much.. and I understand if you still want it. =P

    I mean you could call it a "cheaper personal blessing", yet there's no 100% heal nor said evasion suggested 😀

    There's plenty of lazy DR abilities in-game

    • Baruuk
    • Chroma (can even self-damage shields to abuse it)
    • Ember (And can give it to allies passively if managed)
    • Harrow (complete immunity)
    • Mirage (In shadows)
    • Nezha
    • Nidus
    • Rhino

    And well there are frames with CC that can lock down maps without a care which is truthfully almost 100% DR lol

  11. 5 minutes ago, Benour said:

    Dude what AWFUL and useless build you have there, its wrong on so many levels i dont even know where to start, you not even hitting 75% DR from her blessing :facepalm:

    I mean dropping Abating link would net them a possible 50% ability strength boost to fix that, considering CP and Abating don't double dip on original numbers....

    There's definitely more I wouldn't do (EV because overshields are meh, but are still EHP buffer and equilibrium) to get Adaptation and probably either stretch or another duration mod.

    Not having to mod natural talent would be amazing.

  12. 1 hour ago, kapn655321 said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    Every 0.5% above base = +1% additional health orb drop. Max 6
    Every 1% above base = 1% additional energy orb drop. Max 3
    15% chance to drop Affinity Orb for each orb dropped.
    Damage dealt by allies have a 15% chance to spawn the ammo they used (if any), when shooting a Held-channeled unit, once every 2s.

    Going to respond to these in order. (Also really confused at Abating Link at 100% strength)

    • My build already runs Natural Talent, without question. Can't say I've required Speed Drift, but I admit it can help. I only run it if I know there's two others running CP with CD.
    • Affinity Boost for a passive makes sense yet is kinda just a blanket buff to her Blessing that could've simply been added directly to it.
    • Yes I know about on-death cast, works with EV, tho never understood why it doesn't take energy on WoL... tho it's been reported before.
    • Well ya PoL losing the energy orb simply because it would be passive would hurt those that use it (I've seen one Trinity use it and my account is a closed beta account)
    • Not sure about Affinity but not a bad concept at all. Definite a decent sum of work if we include DR.
    • EV would be interesting but depends on how that applies on additional applications (if it has a cap or not) especially considering the reward mechanic already for damage.
    • As pointed out in a previous reply on DR powers, Link is pretty situational. The DR should be consistent while the "link" mechanic would handle status immunity + reflecting incoming damage. No other DR is as heavily punished at the drop of a hat.
      • That being said, I still think link's reflect should gain a bonus multiplier based on ability strength.
    • Well 20% chance to avoid damage is pretty huge ontop of 2 ticks of HC (900 armor). The status clear is kinda a slap in the face on a few frames. (Harrow, Titania, Oberon, and I think Nezha?)
      • Even at 60% DR you're evading 20% of all further attacks that are coming in which while RNG is still enough without 3s of 900 and 3 seconds of 450 armor.
        • That being said the status clear isn't exactly uncalled for given it's cost, as long as no immunity is provided.


    Another buff added to Blessing that hasn't been done before could be interesting but the overall boosts to WoL ontop of anything else is pretty overkill. 60% DR + 20% evade + status clear handles quite a bit..



    • Like 1
  13. 11 hours ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

    Go into a solo survival mission. If your Saryn can't go past 2 hours solo, she's not god tier.

    Might have something to do with no damage reduction, no hard cc abilities, and only damage. 

    2h solo survival a "best" warframe does not make. Tho once an enemy's armor is stripped (which she can easily do), what's stopping her?

    Saryn is extremely powerful in defensive-type missions such as mobile defense, defense, ESO, and if we're talking survival this also falls into place but if you know your tilesets in survival you can sit pretty much within a set radius without much care. Even then until survival has suitable rewards for sitting in a mission for 2 hours then that's hardly how one should base the strength of a frame. Can't say most will care even in Kuva survival to go beyond 30 minutes, which she still kills plenty effectively..

    She is easily considered a 'god frame' when you can zip around the map, melee, and trivialize missions. Yes she has ramp-up, but considering the content/rewards that matter the only time she falls flat is eidolon hunting. And well I guess exploiter orb and profit taker.

    She isn't the only frame who can do this, but she's well above 95% of Frames who must have LoS to deal damage and don't scale nearly as effectively at their assigned task.

  14. 7 hours ago, CopperBezel said:

    I think the idea of a pure-support frame that just offers regen and defense is a bit out of touch with the game at the moment. With her abilities as they are now, all she can really do solo is be properly unkillable (and make operatives unkillable in defense and defection etc.) at the cost of having any other abilities, and unless you're setting up a squad through recruiting chat, everyone you're going to meet in a public match has some kind of solution for energy regen, so EV isn't amazingly useful as a support. 

    And Well of Life is just not a sensible part of her kit at all and would need a replacement even if she kept her role and the broad strokes of her other abilities. How would it ever make sense to cast that when, even if you're a bit low on energy for a Blessing, you could just drop an EV to power it instead? X /

    I kinda get the sense that because she's best in class for what she does, has a role in very specific squad contexts, and doesn't create any particular problems in any other areas, she's going to stay as she is for a long time. Similar to Ivara, really. An extreme specialist you wouldn't want to play most of the content of the game with and aren't going to see around in a public mission, but everyone has one for that one job here or there where she's needed. The alternative would be to give her a rework on the level of Wukong's, where she loses her one big thing in trade for being a viable option for normal play, converted over into a support-leaning but still offense-capable frame like Wisp or something, and I just don't see that happening in her case. 

    Well ya Wisp has heavy buffs, possible damage, even the fact it jacks loki's decoy/swap is a tad wrong. Which honestly given her addition it's not entirely surprising to not see Trinity or Harrow in the current state of game. And ya energy kits which we can equip to our gear wheel also nullify her effectiveness greatly. Tho now it's "been done" and stepping on other frames' effectiveness is depressing.

    Can't say anything from her kit "need to go", besides WoL, tho the above at least brings her to a more fluid setup rather than trying to wukong her. Which if we consider Wukong's Defy it's actually superior to link. (Yes a bit off topic)

    • Taunt + Invul
    • Damage based on enemy attacks, reflects damage by retaliation.
    • Gains armor superior to said 75% reduction, tho only applies to health

    EV is the only thing keeping her afloat besides for healing lures, non-capsole defense objectives, and such with Blessing. Especially as even from a revive standpoint due to operators having avoid mode there is always safe-revives without needing to be tanky at all.

    That being said, a project on trying to rework or fix Trinity over frames that are hurting worse or are even more niche would be a waste of resources. Hell Vauban was reworked and yet they managed to give him 2 "bleh" abilities... he's great for armor strip now but not sure how they manages to screw up his traps yet also give him one of the weakest damage buffs which hits a SINGLE target a time)

  15. 12 hours ago, Marswipp said:

    Most of the standing gains for Ostron and Solaris United are expected to come from their respective bounties.  

    Standing-wise, yes, the bait blueprints for PoE are much more cost effective than having to spend standing on individual use baits.

    Then again, both of the changes mentioned trade relatively complex resource grinds for a much simpler standing grind.

    I don't disagree, just the fact standing has a small cap meaning you actually slow down progression to make the game feel like it has more playthrough than it actually has.

  16. 9 hours ago, Syasob said:

    It's quite confusing how you want to nerf poor Trinity to the Void and at the same time aknowledge that she's already underused in her current state.

    Well yes EV would receive a nerf for those that are simply slapping it on targets without taking them down. And Blessing truthfully could be left alone, even with the DR nerf on it she'd receive a considerable amount of boosts.

    • Higher base armor, which doesn't sound like much but 9% to 20% is helpful when considering you're paper without Link/Bless.
    • Casting Speed : Less stationary time, more mobility, more survival.
    • WoL not being completely useless but also has some other uses over ghetto-bless. (Mostly mod, companion, and otherwise)
    • Link being able to re-apply before running out of duration or simply having a longer duration removes a bit more clunk to her hit.

    And I was speaking from a "needed" statepoint, if you think Trinity is suffering there's plenty of other frames (Hell I haven't seen a Harrow in MONTHS)


    8 hours ago, zhellon said:

    Bring back the old vampire, where you and your allies need to shoot at the target to get energy. And you will get a lot of challenges and fun with this. 

    The problem is that the build for duration and vampire is even lazier than the build for vampire only. When you have a minimum duration, you are not able to get an advantage from DR, which means that you either rely entirely on allies, or jump like a monkey in an attempt to avoid damage.

    At the same time, when you have a duration, you can lazily click on 3,4, then just as lazily click on 2 and you don't even need to kill the enemy, because any lazy nuck frame will do it for you.

    I don't disagree, I actually prefered old EV, when they started to make it pulse it sorta helped conflicts of room-clearing frames making it impossible for others to net energy. So it's a double edged sword, truth be told I would've taken Harrow's method of energy restore but it's a tad late for that.

    Quite a few frames are guilty of lazy powers, especially relating to DR so I can't really fault lazy-link. Not to mention unlike other DR's, the only other frame with a condition similar to it is Nidus' para-link tho that has some other applications.

    Bless kinda has a range limit by affinity so it's usually over-shadowed on anything but defense-like missions if you actually care about your entire team as you'll always have someone 300m+ off doing something but usually has something to say in chat if you can't manage to res them in time.

  17. 10 minutes ago, affropiaf said:

    seams great, but for the blessing i ll prefer : 20 % to 90% (depending of ur health at the time of the cast ( the less u have the higther dmg resistance u get)

    That was an interesting mechanic but also promotes less power strength, could incorporate it into it's mitigations to say an extra 30% bonus (maximum) based on missing health?

  18. Passive

    • It isn't exactly a bad passive but the range increase is minimal at best, would be nice if it saw a minor boost to at least have "some" range to it.
    • If the above isn't an option, maybe doubling the revive speed bonus (3s vs 4s revives)

    Only really noticed how little this passive has done over the years as when going for a revive you're mostly racing to get in range rather than maximizing distance.


    Base Stats

    • Increase armor for primed variant between 50 to 100.
    • Reduce casting times of all abilities

    It's long overdue when buffs come off you're insta-gib tier, there isn't another Prime with less than 50 armor. Obviously the casting time suggestion is more of a personal gripe as I find it ridiculous it is one of the few frames where it feels absolutely required. Considering she's purely support there's very little reason she feels so ungodly clunky without it. We're talking almost 1.5+ seconds of stationary cast time on every ability.

    Also before "You have two mitigation buffs" replies against the minor 50 to 100 armor. (Which is 9.53% to 20.24% extra migitation which only effects health)

    • Nullifier : Rare but can/will happen.
    • Arbitration Drones : Currently can block your link, RIP that 75% mitigation.
    • Comba/Scrambus : Can cast through a wall, Nul strips all and Sap hits EV/Link.

    And while some will claim "Natural Talent should be allowed in the Exilus slot", which would indeed solve that issue... the fact is Natural Talent helps overall DPS/Burst applications on other frames.


    Well of Life

    • Remove augment mod (Give efficient Endo to those that actually bought this) while adding it's effects passively (Tho probably ideal to remove the energy orb)
    • Using on a downed ally will bring them back up for 3x-4x of base energy cost. Yet power strength will determine total HP returned on said revive
    • Remove HP boost as orbs will be enough to make up for it's loss when the target goes down.

    The idea here is to add a slight boost to a vastly under-used power, which truth be told is maybe used for CC on scan targets at best currently.

    Energy Vampire

    • Reduce energy per tick (I'd even argue upwards of half) but provide bonus energy if target is killed with effect still on.

    Only real gripe with this ability is the fact you can be rewarded for not taking out targets and CC'ing them, some actually build around negative duration to further promote the laziness of this setup. Hopefully promoting the idea of the Trinity user playing an active roll in killing selected targets or allies knowing to pop that target.

    Those that actually kill their target will get the current returns while those who do not will at least be punished for lazy play.



    • Increase duration to 20s or allow re-application before timer is up.
    • Damage mitigation works regardless if targets are linked.
    • Allow power strength to effect damage returned to enemies that are linked. (2x cap if a cap is introduced)

    Considering the number of frames have personal damage mitigation methods, this is more of a QoL change overall.


    • Truth be told I can't find something to do with this besides nerf it's mitigation to 30% base and allow up to 60% cap.

    The range being restricted to affinity range already kind of put this power in it's place, that being said there's little reason currently to push beyond 50% power strength unless boosting EV or making a abating link build. Even then in it's current state most parties aren't running Trinity and simply run map-clearing setups (Saryn, Equinox, Volt, etc)

    Disclaimer : At no point would I say Trinity is "gimp" nor "requires" these changes, she's viable as is. Sorry for the long post.

  19. Ever since returning recently there has been quite a bit of positive, but this feels like a heavy step backwards.

    I understand the slight logic behind changes like bait overall being "cost effective" if we consider turn-in values of fish and other such nonsense. But why was it even remotely logical in the sense you're capped at (MR*1k) + 1k every day?

    Yes, you spent less time making said bait. Yet originally one could craft 20 bait at a time without spending said daily standing while either ranking up or for other unlocks. That's before considering Arcanes. Which a solid example is the fact you need to spend 10k standing on EACH Arcane compared to unlocking the BP, a bit of farming, and making yourself a rank 3 Arcane that day if you wished to do so.

    Obviously DE will do what they want, but there's zero reason to spend 10x/20x more standing than you originally had to for the same item. It is indeed less work but at the very least consider reducing prices on arcanes, increasing total number of bait provided for said standing, and maybe even allowing one to decide between BP OR the current system.

  20. 4 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Damage redirection stuff (minus Mallet for some reason) is kinda terrible in this game,
    what with enemy Health etc scaling way higher way faster than their damage output.

    So, I can only imagine that a buff big enough to make Link damage useful in high-level missions (I assume you mean Sortie and beyond)
    would let Trin utterly annihilate anything in the Star Chart just by casually strolling through missions, and I'm not sure that's warranted 😛

    ... then again, maybe my imagination is overexaggerating, and / or it'd actually be totally fine
    to have such an effect in such a limited manner (again, Mallet exists lol). Hm, dunno.

    But invulnerability / status protection are Harrow and Oberon territory, do we really need another Irradiating Disarm situation?

    Eh they took away self-damage (which is fair, it was OP as hell), I could see power strength effecting it without it being insane. Just tweak the scaling, but just linking to more targets would be quite a decent upgrade in general without having to touch link itself.

    Even at higher level missions it tickles enemies, even if somehow it reflected the entire sum of damage at enemies (say they could hit for 1k, you reflect 1k) by that time they need usually need 10-50x to even start to put a dent. And you'd still end up using a weapon.

  21. 6 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    I really want the pitiful durations on Link and Blessing to be increased, like, 30 seconds for Link at least, and then maybe 15-20 for Blessing.

    Make all her abilities one-handed, and mid-air castable.

    Link being recastable while active wouldn't exactly be game-breaking, either.
    (For comparison, Mirage's Eclipse has more than twice the duration, 5 times as much damage reduction, and can be recast.)

    For EV, maybe add some synergy - while Link'd to the EV target,
    the Energy pulse also covers an area around Trinity, based on Affinity sharing range.

    This could come in tandem with a bit of a range boost for Link.

    ... yes, I kinda want to make those no-Duration high-Range EV-only builds go away,
    let's try and make her damage reduction funzies actually fun and worth building for, or at least more so 😛


    I run 123% Duration, if I need energy faster I'll kill the EV'ed target (or throw EV on targets just before they die, which is stupid easy with Natural Instincts) or tell the group to make sure to focus EV targets.

    Trust me, I dislike the idea of "EV trinity". It's a nice option but not required. But them being squishy AF is kinda a trade-off.... but if you really wanted to kill them off you change the augment so "bye bye" over-shields.

    +1 to mid-air casting, extremely frustrating. I don't think increased duration or range is required,.. but linking to a linked target to produce EV and the WoL suggestion wouldn't exactly be bad.

  22. 21 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

    By design, you're not suppose to kill the target when affected by WoL. As by mechanics, you must shoot at them to restore health, but before this resetting of HP was implemented the target would die quickly from 1 player that no one else could benefit from WoL which resulted in Trinity needing to recast it again to the point of constantly. With the way it is now, it allows players to know it's there for them to use without having to worry about 1-shotting it. So if you find yourself with a Trinity that WoL the wrong target that needs to be killed (i.e. Ancient Healer) then you know it was from someone who wasn't thinking.

    Unfortunately, I'll have to say no to the changes as it kind of invalidates Blessing. As what can already be seen with EV's performance, players almost never runs out of energy unless there's no enemies to target. The same can be said with WoL with this implemented, unless you get hit by something that deals damage past maxed HP. 

    Yes, by design you are not meant to as they kept the design concept that was "lifesteal" on a marked target. Which is flawed in most cases as other frames already provide this mechanic better over the years. And yes, I know originally the "reset", let alone bonus HP, was not provided being a later addition to the game to help with this.

    It's a mechanic that clearly wasn't functional before, nor now. I don't see how it invalidates Bless it provides full health/shield (well with 25% power strength) with % damage reduction (Capping at 50% power strength). Mind you this power is also instant, requires no target, and effects all group members without considering the concept above which would still require said target to die.

    EV, while boring in it's mechanical aspects at least provides a reason to "kill" the target. It's an "evil" I accepted on Trinity as without EV, you realistically have no use (or at least would be a better choice to pick another frame) for Trinity. You can recharge energy on Harrow and smash group invul as needed, the only time this fails is due to no targets to kill... thus not confirmed energy.

    She'll always have a use in Boss fights as she can keep energy to continue healing, otherwise you have to hope for adds for Harrow or enough regen for Oberon. Or at the very least energy packs you can use via gear wheel.

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