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Posts posted by Mousarchy

  1. is it fine to semi-necro this? the bug is still prevelant and you did alot more than I could to explain...so I feel bumping you is better than me just making a new post on this subject 7 months later.

    just came back and its a shame one of my favorite builds is basically gutted cuz i decided to incarnon one of my favorite weapons (navigator miter) but ya. sometimes it breaks on first sometimes on 3rd like you said...and I feel losing that punch DEF hurts the charm of HAVING a sawblade shooting gun shredder

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  2. cant argue some of these. while motion sickenss one i feel is to each person its different.
    but ya its odd that there isnt a statement or icon when the mancannon is loaded.

    and one that bothered me ((and the reason i lost hte first round or 2)) is you lose most your hud when you are in gunner seat...you know like the VERY IMPORTANT "mission failure in :20 " when there is a hull breach.

    otherwise its just a massive handful of bugs taht need to be fixed...and I mean ALOT. like...more game breaking bugs than Raids even.

  3. On 2019-12-05 at 6:06 AM, Jarriaga said:

    The problem there is the number of pellets in shotgun weapons.

    Is they behaved like rifles, status chance vs. rifle would be significantly higher even at base due to inate multishot. Splitting status across all pellets is a balancing mechanism so a shotgun with 20% status is not vastly superior to a rifle with 20% status with same damage stats.

    They could "fuse" all the pellets into a single slugshot, but at that moment shotguns would pretty much be snipers rather than shotguns.

    late as hell but whatever.
    first off thats assumeing they didnt do a rebalance for shotguns afteer the change.
    second. a 20% status shotgun is VASTLY inferior to a 20% status rifle if we disregard damage.
    infact a 90% status shotgun is vastly inferior to a 90% status rifle ((hell even a 50% status rifle sitll procs more often))
    if i can have a pyrana with a 50% status chance proc asingle time pre magazine. it shows a major issue.
    the only time shotguns are deemed "good" by most people ((for standard pellet type shotties)) is when you hit 100% status. because otherwise they dont properly proc.

    TL;DR. I would love to be able to run a >100% status shotgun without feeling like im nuttering my gun. sspecially considering alot of rifles proc attiquate amount of status at 30-50%

    edit: the fact that Kohm,despite being used alot, wasnt riven nerfed before shows that DE is aware that no one would use the gun if you couldnt get 100% with the riven.

  4. also i just realized...basd on waht your requesting...you dont know how her 3/4 work do you? considering you are asking for her 4 to be able to restore shields...which it does...even over shields >.>

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  5. 18 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

    You can safely expect the normal Kohm to get a disposition nerf. Why? Because the Kuva Kohm now exists, and it can reach 100% status with the dual stat elemental mods without a Riven, and DE's reasoning for not nerfing the Kohm in particular for the past year was tied to how nerfing disposition could kill these status builds.

    this owuld not be an issue if DE removed status probability for ACTUAL status chance.
    they can do it for crit so why not status. status probability is stupid and is more inharently obvious flawed when 99% status is 1 hear and there and 100% is full broken shredder. but i guess its easy to balance a weapon class if your expect to force everyone in a build for that coveted 100%

  6. to be fair. Warframe isnt really taht great for the streaming anyways.
    if you watch warframe vids its either informational ((better at youtube vods or 'teachers')) or you are there for the streamer themselfs.
    warframe is one of those games you have to play. since if you just watch it...its REALLY drab. for the past year or so 90% of streams were spinnerax.
    way before taht almost every warframe stream was nothing but the void.

    warframe,imo, has never been a top tier streamer friendly game cuz its drab to watch someone else play it cuz nothing exciting happens.

    • Like 1
  7. I love mag.
    her 1 is a quick long range CC
    her 2 attracts doom into faces ((try it with projectile weapons. its beautiful))
    her 3 strips armor,restores lost shields,augmented to stun.
    her 4 while slow. restores shields and over shields to everyone around her for each damage tick. 

    my mag is ran with high eff/half duration cuz kohm/lanka/dual cestra/miter. is beautiful with those orbs. aim at a big guy and shred him to pieces. 
    press 1 pull a crowed. press 4. boom your whole party rocking over shields.

    or alternatively high duration/range mag. augment 3. press 3 and stun the entire map for a year.

    honestly the only thing i want changed is synergy. have her shards effect more things.

    atm her shards only work on her 2. acting as projectiles.
    but it should also work with 1. causing them to shred enemies they pass through procing bleed.
    and her 4. making it do more damage for each shard consumed.
    would be a fair buff and give spell combos more usage.

  8. 27 minutes ago, kwlingo said:

    It was fine back than when Plains first stared and no one knew Itzel was such a King to flight because everyone felt of the same speed, except for the speed mod equipped. Then when everyone found out Itzel Speed trumps all except Gauss upside down speed, we all gravitated to keep up for missions for we would be always the last to get there. Without Itzel we all would be probably dashing in operator mode instead of archwings. lol

    ya. i saw all the post complaining it takes 3 hours to traverse the plane now that itzal lost rapid blink and there is a 3 sec cd. boo hoo.

    oh no. people cant travel 5 KM instantly like some kind of fast travel. they have to do it in 5 seconds now. oh the humanity.

    some people,right?

  9. no. one of the BIGGEST reasons no one liekd archwing was because it was slow,clunky,heavy,and you drifted way to much.
    I like this. its more similar to the OG AW but better. its tight. its easy to control. and its arcady like litterly everything else in this game.
    old archwing was like old warframe were if you jumped to far and landed you were forced to roll and had to wait for that animation to end as you fall of the edge or die to the grineer shooting the tumbleweed frame.

    AW controls like this are more likely to give people a reason to use it. because this int a flight sim.
    ((but of course every change will upset somebody. i mean hell letting vandals able to be colored had someone upset. *shrug*))

  10. ima just blame the playerbase. DE gotta protect the servers and ember prime would invite DDos from scriptkiddies.
    it happens everytime DE releases some highly coveted item. remember with 60/60 mods finally came back out? or during the return of frost/ember when they were 1500 plat each? hell I think the only reason primed chamber hasnt returned like it should ((despite being a not that useful of a mod outside of teh least used weapon class)) is fear of the servers catching fire.

  11. I feel like people keep forgeting that her 3 gives you increased heat damage if your shooting from the center of it ((havnt tested but I'd assume it would be absorbed into radiation damage))

    seriously the biggest thing she needs is a new passive.
    return over heat as her passive causing it to turn on for a few seconds on skill cast.
    that would push ember into using her skills constantly as the caster she is. while also giving her a 90% DR for lets say 5 seconds or so each time you cast.


  12. On 2019-06-20 at 8:49 AM, Blexander said:

    Here's the thing, the efficiency nerf is not bad. It stops people from turning 4 on and forgetting about it. The range nerf is 100% uncalled for, and the damage before a 100% charge being very low gimps her a lot because, check this out: Her 4 has a status chance proc that scales with strength. Meaning, if you went full strength, her 4 would proc the heat status very often (idk the exact math, let's say it's 60% status chance with 200% strength), and because heat procs don't overwrite OR stack, means she can't proc a stronger DoT because:

    a) the initial weak heat DoT would keep getting refreshed because of how S#&$ heat procs are
    b) her range is so low on 100% charge that you would NEED to be within melee range to even do the 2.2k damage she does

    The range nerf and heat damage being ass makes her 4 completely unusable. DPS or CC (firequake) build, neither work.

    I can't comment on how she was when she had DR. I wasn't a player at the time.

    fair enough. while I stand on my 1 for 1 clause. I can gladly give up on WHAT is nerfed/lost.
    but for the most part the loss of range was to reduce the amount of semi-afk players. since they would turn it on and never turn it off and not having to actually move.

    and the fun thing about her losing the DR was that apparently it was the dojo duals that was the breaking point for that nerf. but i mean...nezha AND gara have a MUCH better version of it now. 
    in the past it was 91% DR with intensify-this was before DE impelmented the 90% cap and this was before corrupted/nightmare mods.-
    and it was a half meter range. much shorter than the 2 and 2.5m range of nezha and gara respectfully ((both of which those 2 have scaling on them as well. be it defenseivly or offensivly.))

    moral of the story...bring back overheat as her passive that procs after skill casts for a few seconds. and then ember can have a truley viable close range brawler/caster.

  13. 6 hours ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

    even that wouldn't do the name justice tbh.

    Swirling pillars of flame, fireballs raining from above, liquid flame gushing from walls, napalm ponds forming, the very air itself releasing merciless waves of heat, the terrain exploding, metals warping, solids evaporating. All of that and some might do the name justice. Imo even that wouldn't be enough to suffice.

    Ember as a whole fails to embody the very danger of fire in it's many forms and do it justice. 

    as wild as taht would be...they already nerfed my beutiful kohm bouncy projectiles because of low end pc's...so this alas will not become a thing.


    2 hours ago, Arcira said:

    It isn´t really about this one nerf. The main problem is she never really gets attention or relevant gameplay adjustment but if they decide something is too strong on her it gets massively nerfed > see Overheat, Hemocyte, WoF. But at least we got 25 additional armor and some damage for poor scaling abilities ... yay.

    I like the idea for a more survival oriented passive. My Idea would be:

    1.) Change the effect into heat damage taken is converted into power strength and energy regen (not just ignite procs)

    2.) Add an effect where x% of all incomming damage is converted into heat damage (the % value is increased against enemies affected by your abilities)

    In addition to a more consistent passive you can equip mods like Adaptation or Flame Repellant for more survivability.

    the first one would still come with the same issue...fire out in the field hurts ALOT at higher levels.
    and the 2nd one would be a little much considering it would be giving you a strong damage boost at no cost while also giving you free DR.

    thats why i opted for overheats return. because its mostly a DR for a few secondss aftr you cast. requireing you to activily maintain your energy levels and constantly casting to keep it up.
    while i like the convert % damage taken into heat. that would be better off as an actual skill otherwise it would get nerfed into being a useless passive that either dosnt absorb enough or dosnt convert jack for damage.

  14. 7 hours ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

    it should be renamed homing fireball or something.

    World on fire that ability is not. Inside of a kiln is more a world on fire than that sad excuse.

    ya at one point I had thought of an entertaining rework that to remake her world on fire into a large aoe zone that just made everything around you a constant fire trap ((similar to the randomized fire enviromental hazards but on a LARGE scale))

    I think I also had ring of fire with a higher status as well and some other stuff I dont remember

  15. 2 hours ago, BlachWolf said:

    She was nerfed a while ago, though it really didnt change much, but it was for her to become irrelevant.


    ya. they nerfed her range over time at the cost of more str. but worst eff

    honestly have 1 positive at the cost of 2 neg is really the BS part ((I'd been find if the range shrank but it didnt spike up in cost...

    but the real change was to combat the "semi-afk" play style of her and banshee. ((and the people complaining about starchart ember...but ember lost her overheat because of "dojo duals" so...what do I know.

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  16. 3 hours ago, BlachWolf said:

    I think armor giving DR is a good thing and even now we can easily deal with it. The problem with armor as said previously is that it constraints our elemental combos way to much.

    ya but the issue with current armor is it scales constantly. wihtout DR and just a really big number. you can still get the same effect. its just instead of armor scaling up in DR AND armor health. it just scales up in armor health.
    then you rebalance around the numbers that way instead of armor being INSANLY good on enemies it can help the factions be more on par...and then perhaps we can make it so corpus dont have to be able to one tap us just to be "even" with grineer.

  17. 3 hours ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

    could just get rid of that pitiful excuse of setting the world on fire. 

    personally the 1 positive ((bonus str)) for 2 negatives ((loss of range and eff)) isnt a fair trade off. but otherwise it DOES have decently high status chance and its constant.



    2 hours ago, XenMaster said:

    I need to remind DE that,


    Firequake augment of World on Fire knockdown will remove Accelerant's stun effect. Which contradict both cc based effect.

    Ya. I personally never used firequake so i dont have first hand but I have heard that was an issue.

  18. 3 hours ago, BlachWolf said:

    Just making armor a static value, that would fix most of the problems it causes. What you're talking about is basically shields.

    with variations. Armor would be hartier in values. have different damage resistance/weakness. lack the regeneration properties of shields

    that would ALSO mean that grineer just arnt meat shields while corpus sends an army of glass cannons. ((hell i'd even say give shields a slighly shorter delay to buff them up slightly to make them "even"

    it would make balancing factions ALOT easier thats for sure. 


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  19. On 2019-06-15 at 12:18 PM, BlachWolf said:

    Ember suffers from three problems. Firstly armor, it has been established many times that armor is broken, we can deal with it but the the problem with armor is that it limits our elemental combos to much, basically when armor is present its always better to take a corrosive / slash viral weapon then for example a gas weapon, especially now since the corpus are starting to use armor more frequently. Secondly, her dmg type is fire one of the worst damage types ingame that really is only worth using for CC and CO priming, even against infested your better of running corrosive. Thirdly her kit, ember has was always used for WoF, even though as I've read that accelerant was her best ability, her nerf while it didnt change much was enough for her to fade into obsolescence.

    In my opinion DE has to start tackling the first two issues, before they cab fix ember. Armor is such a strong factor in the game that having an ability that can deal with it is becoming a stable in new frames, Garuda can force bleed procs, Wisp can proc Corrosive with her 4, Hildryn can strip armor in an AOE and Revenants 4 can proc corrosive on armor.

    im not gonna lie...Ive been in the very tiny pool of taking the mass effect approach to armor...having it a different type of Health bar instead of an infinite scaling DR.
    would also make the "health" state more viable and put more reasons to take more than a single damage type into a mission.

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  20. So ive been one of the people that seriously think people are over blowing the WoF nerf. mostly because it almost didn't even effect me because accelerant ember.
    but ive gotten to thinking. there IS one part of her kit that gets worst as the levels scale up....and thats her passive
    currently her passive requires you to be on fire to gain power str and energy regen...but out side of self damage ((which requires you to take a porly moded weapon and hope you dont gib your self trying to proc fire)) all you have is area/scenery damage and our favorite units with flamethrowers...both of which make short work of you as the levels go up.

    while tinkering on. "how would i fix that' i remembered something...old ember before accelerant. over heat. the skill that was "too powerful"
    but you see...compared to now days that skill is mediocre. a half meter aoe with 40% ((91% with str)) DR...
    we have multiple frames that do this but better. Nezha with 90% DR as well as lacking a duration because it runs on a scaling HP bar.(( as well as a 2m range slash aura)) and Gara's Splinter storm. which is a 70% (scaling easily to 90% with a single mod) as well
     as a 2.5m range aoe with infinite scaling ((cuz 1 tapping 200+ CHG by sprinting past them is fair and balanced))

    so at this point..overheat is no longer the scary boogyman and in fact fits more with modern ember than before.
    with the nerf to the range on WoF ember is being pulled more into a short range caster. so i feel giving overheat as a new replacement for her passive would be fantastic for her health in the game.

    The way it would work would be on ability cast it triggers overheat. giving you the short range fire aura and DR for a few seconds.
    Would incentives  actually being active on ember instead of just letting WoF burn constantly. and would buff up her def enough to make up for the oh so painful loss of range i been hearing about for the last year or 2.

  21. 1 hour ago, ES-Flinter said:

    I agree with you.

    I love it.

    But is it possible to add a fifth tower, which gives you ammo?^^

    My heart is burning for this.

    What is about a combination betwenn vortex and bastille. Every enemy inside bastille will be pulled to the next vortex. (Even if they aren't in the range of the Vortex.)

    ya that last bit would be an interesting synergy. 

    also i thought about the ammo thing origonally. would be neat to add in some augments to give a new rotation of "support" skills on his 2. including ammo refund/mutation.

  22. So i been thinking on my take of vaub.
    as people who may have seen me post here and there...I often take a "minimalist" approach to changing. while yes Ill change skills for the most part its on the minor levels of somethign equivalent to Oberon FIRST rework way back when. So with introductions out of the way. lets brush off some dust and get started

    "ideology" So vauban is the CC frame. alas thats a hard put in todays meta with murder being so much better than CC.
    atm the closest equivalent we have is the offensive Khora. ((similar to how Rhino and frost fit in the roll of offensive/defensive tanks)) so I wanted to kind of work in an "elemental master" into his kit similar to how khora venari has the IPS combos.

    Passive: his passive works. it fits REALLY well with his kit giving him bonus damage. if it DID need a buff. I would be to instead increase the damage the enemies take by 25% instead of vaub's damage.

    Tesla: Okay first off.it's simple and the idea of a stationary CC zaper is neat..but the skill underperforms. so first...increase the base status chance remove the requrement to charge for 3 seconds to hit 100% ((and the bse of 10% is insanly low for a skill with low damage ment for CC.))
    second change. remove the cap of charges or remove the duration. it makes no since to not have both. especially since high duration builds you can get 30 charges but the mine despawns at 18 zaps anyways.

    Minelayer ---> Emplacement so minelayer is an interesting skill but for the most part half the skill is useless and the other half dosnt work. Well taking some advice from khora ((on IPS/ability change for vinary)) and a bit of of our new friend,wisp. 
    So we are scraping the multiplacement mines for a single encampment. Pushing forwardthe idea of Vauban being a defensive engineer. and taking the idea of Khora IPS. we will let his tower of power based on elemental damages.
         Fire: Fire a constant conical jet of fire toward an enemy. Chance to proc fire/panic. ((alternative. a double sided rotating flame jet.))
         Ice: Emit a large slow aura in the area. reducing enemy movement 
        Electric: Emits a shield pulse restoring shields (( alternative: Grants Skill Efficiency reducing cost of abilities and/or ability str ))
       Toxin: Emits a toxic gas in the area,draining HP and restoring allies health in the area. ((debating on weather to keep it an HP drain or to make it HP regen.))

    Bastille: I like this skill. it works. so isntead of making the skill different or buffing numbers...Ima add everyones favorite word "synergies~~~"
    Tesla can now be placed ON Bastille. causing it to charge the wall zapping everything entrapped in the ability.
    If there is an Emplacement in the area of Bastille as well the mines damage will combine with the element of the emplacement. ((giving Bastille the ability to deal electric,radiation,corrosive,magnetic damage))

    Vortex: this one is difficult for me. so outside of inventing new augments ((there is no reason we CANT have more than 1/skill)) every few seconds Vortex pulses. stumbling enemies in a larger area toward the vortex. ((this is probly my weakest change...I honestly have nothing to make it neat and interesting to me. send help or we can leave it alone))

    well what you think? let me here your insults and thoughts. sure it probly wont be picked up by our based god Pablo but I kinda enjoy doing these.

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  23. both.
    but if i had to choose one. Id like to at least get one or 2 more areas ((tau and mabey something more spacey))
    afterwords I'd like to see a few more expansions. atm fortuna is slowly expanding with the additions of the orbs expanding the story abit.... cetus kinda...was very short. sure we got boss fights but outside of the 3 beasts ((with story in the background)) a rare event,and a random event. we dont got much in the way of "story line" for cetus. Just a small quests and a few hidden lore books.

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