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Posts posted by Saryn

  1. Chroma isn't like this frame infact this frame is better than chroma if you think that he also breaths fire no thats not one of his abilities


    Chroma isn't even considered to be a dragon let alone a dragonborn


    Chroma isn't considered a dragon 

    dragons and dragonborns are two different things

    What Chroma is isn't the problem, it's that your frame's theme conflicts with another frame. If DE were to make another frame of a similar theme, I'd think it'd take quite a bit of time until they do. By all means that is no reason to stop though, your idea could be considered if you gather enough resources and followers! Good luck, Tenno!

  2. Are you the Prosperity I know?



    If yes, thought you didn't visit the forums.

    I very much am. Yeah, I don't really frequent it, been giving it a try lately though.

    Long time no see Snyph.

  3. Warframe0139.jpg

    Excuse the 800x600 resolution, was testing out different resolutions and forgot I even had it on.


    What you see here is exactly as is. Not a Bastet helm on an Excal with Proto-Armor, but Proto-Armor on a Valkyr (thank you, I to Inspect). The user him/herself didn't notice. I pointed it out, but even so all s/he could see was their Valkyr, in the flesh, no flashy Hayden bod and the like. Others however, including myself, were seeing something else.


    Since this is most likely a visual bug I am posting it under Art & Animation respectively.

  4. I wouldn't like my kubrow to be huge. Also personally I like the randomness involved, it makes it feel a little more like a being and less like a thing you just craft and manipulate at will.

    If anything, breeding should be reworked so that we could at least see the result of our kubrow's offspring beforehand. I mean, we are in the future, and space ninjas with amazing technology at our fingertips at that. I don't know why it shouldn't be a thing.

  5. TBH, the only reason I still have interest in them is so I can brag about how cute my Kubrow is or how cool my Kubrow's pattern/color scheme is. While this might be the same for others, the least I could say is that the Raksa and Huras kubrow are pretty neat utility-wise (Even if Shade can do the same as Huras and that the cross-sentinel compatible Guardian mod on a sentinel would be the equal to the Raksa's exclusive "Protect" precept).

    How do I put it... If there was something unique about Kubrows like a time-to-loyalty type of system, I'd think they'd have more value in my eyes. As in, the more successful mission you have your kubrow accompany you in, the more of a bond in trust you and you kubrow would have, resulting in less loyalty lost for each lost mission. It seems utterly illogical for your own pet that you watched grow for the two server resets that it was a pup for, to so easily lose trust in you just for losing a mission. Still, even though this wouldn't exactly change their current inferiority to sentinels, it'd be a change in the right direction in making kubrows less of a pain to use.

  6. OP, just give up. You're asking for plat compensation for a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with plat itself. You're right, people like discounts. I wouldn't mind one either- but no one, not even you or me, OP, is entitled to asking for compensation. Compensation is given accordingly based on the situation at hand; If your plat had suddenly vanished into thin air one day, then your plat compensation wouldn't be too far out of reach. The servers being down, though, is a completely different matter. The only possible reimbursement I can imagine being distributed for this issue is a booster weekend or a free two-day booster given right off the bat. Don't keep your hopes up though.

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