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Posts posted by Fire_Ashes

  1. Hey Guys! This is what I have available. 

    Arcane Aurora (Built)(BP)

    Arcane Aura (Built)

    Arcane Avalon (Built)

    Arcane Backdraft (BP)

    Arcane Chlora (BP)

    Arcane Coil (BP)

    Arcane Esprit (BP)

    Arcane Essence (Built)

    Arcane Flux (BP)

    Arcane Hemlock (BP)

    Arcane Menticide (Built)

    Arcane Pendragon (BP)

    Arcane Phoenix (Built)

    Arcane Pulse (Built)

    Arcane Reverb (Built)

    Arcane Squall (BP)

    Arcane Storm (BP)

    Arcane Thrak (BP)

    Arcane Vanguard (BP)


    Prices are negotiable. Hope you all have a wonderful day.



  2. I would have to disagree a bit there xXTheOnlyRedfireXx, we keep getting more mastery ranks and we are at 20 right now. Sure it takes a lot of time to achieve these but with a bit of tweaking we can really get all the weapons balanced in MR really well including new weapons. ALL MR ranks should be used because obviously this game is all about vertical progression... Just take a look at the way the mods are done if you don't believe me.

  3. Mandatory mods, there is a movement to get rid of these so... I think we should stop looking at the 'bug fix of multishot'... Sorry I just can't believe they would call this out as a bug. A blatant lie is what it is. Played since beta when it was coming to be and two years later, after DE plays the game in front us and not stating the 'bug'... not fixing the 'bug' for so long... I'm not angry about the balance from it... I'm angry that they are trying to pass it as a bug... anyway /endrant. Damage Mods, personally I think this is the next step in changing mandatory mods. Here at two ways I think we can make these non-mandatory.


    The mods:



    Hornet Strike

    Point Blank

    Pressure Point

    (Forgive me if I missed any, I have been taking a break from video games lately)


    Scenario 1:


    Add another mod slots for weapons similar to the stance mods where these damage mods will go instead of in the 8 slots we have, freeing up the builds even more. Now a good question would be will it act like the stance mods and give the weapon more mod points to use? Would it take points to put this mod in there. Making a player forma the weapon more for a complete build? I personally Don't know what the best balance for this would be so please, speculate on this point and share your thoughts on what would make this balanced.


    Scenario 2:


    Leveling up weapons increases damage.

    This has been talked about a bunch but it needs to be brought up at this time so it isn't forgotten. When leveling up it should act like a level of serration was put on, but in levels of 2 to match Serration's damage.



    Base Damage: 10

    Level 2: 11.5

    Level 4: 13

    Level 6: 14.5


    This would also scale well for new players in the star chart as they enemies would grow with them instead of trying to forge for the mods they need to continue. I remember after I reset my account once that it took me 3 months to get Cryo rounds again. It is less likely for it to happen now but it could still happen... RNGesus bless your soul. Anyway an issue for this is it would only scale to level 28, since Serration only has +165% damage at level 14, maybe create a small buff for this and add an Extra 15% (Maxing at 180%) Or have a higher damage reward for hitting level 30 with a weapon.


    Thoughts? Ideas? Please Share.



  4. In it's current state I would save a tweak for banshee later. Banshee is a wonderful frame, I too thought it wasn't a while back. Now I don't log in very much but when I do, Banshee, Banshee, Banshee. I am not opposed to a few tweaks and the ones you gave actually sound very good, I applaud you sir. However other frames need and deserve the tweaks before banshee. One day my friend, but all buffs/nerfs take a lot of time to come out. For instance take a look at excal, months of reworks before what it is now.

  5. I get that ancient healers are Tacticool but when you can't find them they are very annoying. I came up with the idea of keeping the tacticool while removing the annoyance. Anicent Healers will still give the same damage reduction to enemies but when you shoot those enemies the Healer will absorb the damage, bear with me. When shooting an enemy with the damage reduction, it receives the normal damage debuff but the ancient healer takes damage as well, but only 50% of what the normal damage would be. The healer would also not take damage procs, fire, ice, puncture etc.  EDIT: It would not receive procs if you are shooting other infested, it will receive procs if you shoot the healer directly.


    This way you could still kill ancient healers if you do not see them. If there are two or more ancient healers at once only one healer will soak up the damage. This still makes players want to hunt down the healers but if they can't find it, or when in doubt, SHOOT !@#$%^&* EVERYTHING!


    Thanks guys,


  6. I have come to figure that mastery rank means nothing in this game. (Except for Weapons) I have an MR 2 friend who is better with a boltor then a MR 14 with a boltor prime. Ignore them pal and realize there are a lot more people like me.

  7. Fellow Tenno... One of our own has fallen.


    Today I received a text from one of my dojo members stating that a friend had died. His Warframe tag was YsWolf. He had played since beta with me and a couple of other friends. We lost connection with him about half a year ago and recently learned he died this February. He was one of those people who made you want to keep playing, he made you want to get on and have the time of your life everyday. He was a great friend, leader, community member. He is one of the few reasons I still play today.


    I hope that all the Tenno can come together and mourn for this loss. He was a really great guy to play with, the gold standard for a community member... May he rest in peace....





    I lied about one thing, he is still my friend.

  8. Also. Got 4 Forma BP between both runs.  Which to me, as a new player, is awesome, as so many weapons require them to craft.

    Glad you got something out of it! I usually get nada from it because I have most everything in the game so far. But keep going for what you need and loki prime is so pleasing to get once you do!

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