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Posts posted by (XBOX)LightEnvelope66

  1. Am I doing the Twitch thing wrong? For the past month or so, I've been trying to follow streams to get the rewards, only to have the timers reach a point where they are unable to continue counting. I've tried deleting cache files, temporary files, and even switching between devices, but nothing seems to work. It seems like whenever I try to start watching it, it becomes tied to the specific twitch stream I'm watching, and whenever I'm booted from that stream because the one streaming has logged off, the timer will refuse to be added to. Is it tied to the specific streamer instead of the event? Because that is what it appears to be for me.

    Right now, it's stuck at 2% for the 45 minute reward, after the original stream I was watching ended.

  2. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

    How do you get back into it when this happens?

    In the situation where it simply continues to cost me energy, I cancel the ability, and then restart it. When i find myself unable to do anything but run and jump, I enter operator mode a few times, and that cancels whatever bug is making me unable to use weapons or abilities.

  3. 2 hours ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

    What do you mean you are being knocked out of Hysteria?  Enemies can't do that.  Are you, perhaps, using your primary or secondary weapons during Hysteria?  That stops the effects of the power, but doesn't stop the energy drain.

    No, I don't think so at least, I'll usually be in it, and then suddenly not.

    Maybe they changed it in relation to reviving someone? While it happens at other times, that is what comes to mind the most. 

  4. I normally play with Valkyr as my default. that being said, while I haven't noticed any problems with the other frames since the update, I have noticed two consistent bugs with Valkyr's Hysteria.

    The first is that when i'm in it, I seem to be randomly knocked out of it, by enemies that shouldn't be able to. After being knocked out of it, the energy cost will still go up, draining my energy despite not being in it.

    The second problem that I've been having is that when I exit Hysteria on my own, I lose that ability to do anything other then run or jump. I can't shoot a gun or use a melee weapon. If i try to go back into Hysteria, it tells me an ability is already in use.

    Hopefully this helps get some bugs fixed.

  5. I could be wrong, but I think they dropped them on all infested missions. It used to be really annoying when I first started. The invasions would tie up mission nodes for a while until completed, making it impossible to visit planets for resources. I remember having to constantly have to taxi to farm for orokin cells.

    Also, yeah, I am having issues with Hema research. Still though, it takes at least 500 just for the rest of the research, before the multiplier kicks in. There doesn't seem to be any matchmaking there either, which makes things that much worse.

  6. I originally posted over in bugs, as i wasn't sure about where to post this.

    I've been farming for both the harrow systems and mutagen samples lately.

    For the harrow systems, I've noticed that you either find the systems quickly, or after several hours spent toiling away, you give up trying. I've done that last bit several times now. While I don't think the devs are trying to make us spend plat like I've been hearing from other farmers, I do think they either need to fix, adjust, or put it somewhere less insane to farm.

    As far as the mutagen samples go, I think somewhere through there they changed the drop tables and forgot to take into account the dojo research requirements.

    When I first started playing, you could find them in any infested mission. It made sense. The enemies are infested, mutated creatures. They should drop mutagen samples. Somewhere through there though, they changed things up. Now, I can only seem to find them on the derelict. My extractors do turn up with some once in a blue moon, but thats it. Honestly, if Oxium ospreys are guaranteed to drop oxium, infested should be guaranteed to drop samples.

    I've got no clue how big clans research everything in the bio lab. There aren't many reason to go to void derelict anymore. Nekros, quests, and the rare person farming for corrupted mods seem to be it. With a multiplier on resources and credits the bigger your clan is, i can't imagine how long it would take to farm everything you'd need to get the research done.

    Thanks for listening. Hopefully I haven't annoyed too many people.

  7. Alright, I'm coming back from a bit of a brake, after burning myself out trying to farm for completing the hema research in my dojo. That being said, I kind of figured by now, someone would have adjusted/fixed the drop tables.

    When I first started playing, mutagen samples would drop during infested missions, any infested missions. Now, except for the rare sample found when farming for the harrow systems; another item that needs its drop chance adjusted considering that people are starting to say it's either bugged or impossible to get without spending plat.

    Except for the rare sample, which I've found once, and what I sometimes get from extractors, you can only find them in derelict missions.

    Come on, infested are specialty enemies. If oxium ospreys can drop oxium, infested should drop samples. They did when i started playing. I don't remember when they stopped doing that, but considering how many samples you need in total to complete dojo research, something that only goes up with more members, they should have a chance of dropping them.

    honestly, if i hadn't put so much time into researching everything for my own clan, i'd consider jumping ship. A minimum of 5000 mutagen samples, when there is only one clan member. Even if i increased that to the max without changing the clan type, that would still be 5000 samples, with the only place to farm them being derelict missions.

    On a side note, they really do need to do something about farming harrow systems. I've had an easier time farming one specific corrupted mod, then I have in finding the harrow systems. And there are over 20 with an equal chance of each dropping.

    This feels like a rant more then anything. Sorry about that.

  8. Does anyone know what this instrument is supposed to be?


    I couldn't find any information on it, and was wondering if anyone had an idea. Listening to it kind of reminded me of seeing musicians using electric arcs to create music, but I could be wrong. Although it would fit with the futuristic nature of warframe a bit.

  9. Since the war within update, I have been lucky if I can manage to get put together with a squad in matchmaking. If that happens, I'm usually unable to stay with the squad afterwards. Either myself, or other members are usually booted quite frequently.


    honestly, it has gotten to the point where I have stopped doing sorties, and only actually get on for the login rewards, which is a shame because I love this game.


    ive been at this for at least three years now, warframe being one of my first Xbox one games, and I've made a point to get prime packs when I can, to support the game.


    I would like to continue playing this game, but whatever they did to matchmaking has ruined a lot of the experience for me.


    honestly, its starting to feel a bit like trying to play destiny multiplayer, only warframe has built in chat functions, so you don't need the find a fireteam app.


    anyone know how to fix this?

  10. On June 5, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Top_Gun_1999 said:

    Given 1 out of 2 people have second dream, and IF they want to farm for VR it will be a pain since conculyst do not have a guarantee spawn rate (50/50) from getting a battlelyst or conculyst. Aside from that, conculyst only have a 0.125% dropping according to wiki. You could imagine how small amounts of player will have this mod, and also most of the player will keep one for themselves ........

    High noon is not common, but im pretty sure people have transmuted a bunch of them as well while i have never really heard of people transmuted a Vengeful Revenant at all.

    At the time High Noon was more painful to farm because players might need to buy the Alad V Nav Coordinates.


    If people want to charge huge amounts of plat for something, that's fine. It's there right. I think they're idiots for thinking people will spend 500+ plat on something they can farm, transmute, or apparently get from the conclave.


    what bothers me more about this, is it feels like people who have no clue how the game works, are setting market values.


    people who watch the market long enough will notice how it works. New stuff is priced higher. Sets can be worth more.


    there is always the argument of supply and demand to consider, but this doesn't really feel like that.


    it feels like someone looked at the market, saw the price of hunhows gift bundle, and decided to base the trade channel price on that.


    If that's the case, I think we'll be spending more plat on newer stuff then we did before.


    Frost Prime isn't going to be the most expensive thing on the trade channel any more.

  11. Recently, I've been trying to put together some extra plat. Not a huge deal. It isn't hard to get from the trade channel if your patient.


    the comments lately though, along with the pricing of some items, leave me a little confused. One in particular has me wondering whether someone release counterfeit plat on the market, devaluing it.


    ive played long enough to know that prices fluctuate. Even an unpopular prime warframe can cost hundreds of plat when recently released. Prices go down when the market has been saturated enough.


    mods can be a guaranteed source of plat though. Syndicate mods, stance mods, event mods.


    when I first started, high noon was guaranteed plat. Everyone wanted it, and farming for it was almost impossible. 


    the only good place people would farm for it was in the mutalist Alad v assassination mission, to get Mesa parts.


    nav coordinates only appeared as invasion rewards, and sometimes planets were impossible to unlock for weeks at a time because a phorid appearance locked up a boss mission, making it impossible to get nav segments needed for key planets. Collecting things like orokin cells and neural sensors required taxiing from other players.


    im sure more then a few of the players still playing remember that.


    circling back around to the confusing bit. The high noon mod. Hard to find to enemy, a drop rate of .25%, the mission everyone like to go to to farm it would sometimes cost plat, as nav coordinates for it could be hard to come by.


    the end price of this rare mod, at that time? Between 60 to 90. Completely new. All the new stance mods since then have had a similar price, unless it was an event mod.


    astral twilight and tempo Royal had people offering to pay around 300. Vermilion storm was worth 1200.


    the thing about them being that they were event mods. Vermillion storm wasn't even a guaranteed reward from the event like the other two, and the void trader wasn't even around yet.


    so why is it that vengeful revenant, a non-event stance mod, with a guaranteed enemy appearance is worth more then a brand new astral twilight, or tempo Royal? The drop rate is the same as high noon, your guaranteed to see 1 to 3 of the enemies that drop it in an easy to unlock mission.


    sorry about ranting, but I'm genuinely confused here. I will admit, after seeing everyone selling it at insane prices, I would probably sell it for more then 90. 


    But it it isn't worth the price they're selling it for. It's not even the newest stance mod anymore, meaning that they will have probably made it easier to find.


    please tell me I'm not the only one confused.

  12. I was curious whether tower mobile defense missions could be changed to be more like spy or tower sabotage missions.


    in spy, for each successfully looted data vault, you get a reward of some kind. A key, warframe part, or mod. With tower sabotage, it's much the same way, only with randomly places loot caches.


    taking that into account would it be possible to change mobile defense missions so that you get a reward per terminal? While it could be argued that you don't need to find all caches, or loot all vaults, with alert or quest related spy missions you do.


    also, it would make mobile defense less mind numbing, and more rewarding to do so.

  13. I was just curious whether the kubrow mod load out could be altered.


    while playing, it struck me that unless ordis assimilates the various kubrow puppies, you aren't actually applying mods, or reactors to the kubrow, your applying them to the collar.


    so I was curious if the collar could be made to contain the reactor and forma, rather then the individual kubrow.


    or maybe just change quest to get the kubrow a bit to reflect that it is a cyborg dog. X)

  14. Question

    Will we be getting any of the same treats as the Chinese players somewhere through here?

    They've been talking all over the net about how China has been getting access to past prime accessory packs, for discount pricing. I wouldn't mind being able to pick up the accessories I missed.


    Any news on the warframe app?


    Will Xbox players be able to play with PC, or ps4 players?


    Will we be seeing more of the older event items, like the vandal or wraith weapons, Snipetron, lato, Braton, Dera, latron, or the sheev, or glaxion skin?

  15. It looks awesome, I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone that will say otherwise.

    That begin said, I do think they should make the tail, more tail like.

    Anyone with a cat or a dog could tell you that the only time it would hang between their legs is if it's broken, malformed, or if the animal is scared. Otherwise, it wags for dogs, waving about and sliding across things for cats.

    If you've seen Jurassic Park, or Jurassic World, or even the original Dragon Ball, you would have an idea for how it is supposed to work.

    The tail acts as a counterbalance, something of a requirement for the gersemi skin. If you set your Valkyr for something other then noble animation, and look at the curve of her legs and the way she holds her butt, I get the impression that it is there to counterbalance.

    Instead it hangs like a butt syandana, which I supposed might provide some counterweight considering it hangs, and looks like an anchor. Not quite the moving counterbalance needed though.

    It is an awesome reskin, other then that. A 9 out of 10, with a better tail animation possibly putting it over 11.

    If I sounded otherwise, I really am excited about how the skin turned out.

  16. Are we going to get the dark sword skin on consoles? We basically get everything a couple months after PC, which means, we would probably get it around Christmas if it is still in th cycle for the void trader.

  17. He is actually still really easy if you carry a well modded weapon, my synoid gammacor can kill him in the first few seconds after he stands up, and if I do miss enough that he starts moving, dodging till he uses absorb is actually good cause once he releases it, he's stuck in the animation for a bit so I can get off good damage

    I wasn't able to do anything until he stood up, at which time he simply cloaked. The few times he has appeared with a squad present, he goes into absorb next to the pod. Using spectres doesn't help because they stand in the way of the shot, and with the way they set up friendly fire, you can only shoot through enemies, not allies.

    This latest update wouldn't be so bad if he appeared more often. Instead all he does is appear when I'm in solo, cloak, and there are no weapons for cloaked enemies, and the few Tenno powers that help show cloaked enemies don't work.

    I didn't know it was oberons power, all I noticed was that it left you hanging. Don't know if that would be worse then if he used trinity so power.

    I will agree he used to be easy to kill, but that doesn't mean you should make it impossible.

  18. Okay, this really isn't fair. He is immune to Tenno powers, he can use Nyx, trinity, and rhino powers, and now, he cloaks.

    These buffs aren't fair. He isn't hard to kill anymore, he's impossible to kill.

    The only time I ever see him, despite increased chance of running into him with a full squad, is in solo mode. No back up, literally fighting against an enemy that will kill you, not can, will.

    He can lock you in a room, and use nyx's absorb power, use trinity's power and kill you while you're suspended in the air, or he can simply cloak, and shoot or hack you to death.

    Either increase the chance of him showing up so it isn't once in a blue moon, or don't buff him so that he can instantly kill you.

    It's bad enough that a few griping players got greedy mag, and soon, Mesa, nerfed. Please refrain from making killing him impossible.

    I'd even settle for being able to revive and kill him, instead of having him leave. It's bad enough that his drop rates are so astronomical that I'm lucky if I even see a blueprint from him. At least 50 times now, and still no Hate.

    Making it so on the rare occasions where I even see him, that I either use a revive or instantly fail my missions isn't right.

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