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Posts posted by CrazyLilBlackMan

  1. You sure, cause I'm sure they can get my name and verify my pc account make a checklist of sorts and from there gift them to the console I'm trying to switch too. Let's just look at the warframes I have.

    I have better, better yet the warframes I don't have yet are Chroma P, Gara, Hydroid P, Khora, Limbo P, Mirage P,  Oberon P, Revenant, and Zeyphyr P (Mag is the only exception because I made her prime before I started going around acquiring them). So that's like 30 plus frames I already have and I would rather worry about playing with them over and over again and forma-ing them over again any day then do the countless missions over again just to try and get this one item that may or may not give me the piece to make the frame. Now even if they were to say hey put this in a spreadsheet format so things could be checked off I would gladly do so just to truly and without any compromise enjoy this game the way it was intended. And if X piece(s) of item can't come over, some things you'll just have to do without with then.

  2. You sure, cause I'm sure they can get my name and verify my pc account make a checklist of sorts and from there gift them to the console I'm trying to switch too. Let's just look at the warframes I have.

    I have better, better yet the warframes I don't have yet are Chroma P, Gara, Hydroid P, Khora, Limbo P, Mirage P,  Oberon P, Revenant, and Zeyphyr P (Mag is the only exception because I made her prime before I started going around acquiring them). So that's like 30 plus frames I already have and I would rather worry about playing with them over and over again and forma-ing them over again any day then do the countless missions over again just to try and get this one item that may or may not give me the piece to make the frame. Now even if they were to say hey put this in a spreadsheet format so things could be checked off I would gladly do so just to truly and without any compromise enjoy this game the way it was intended. And if X piece(s) of item can't come over, some things you'll just have to do without with then.


    On 2018-09-29 at 8:55 AM, Othom said:

    Since both servers are completely different in economy, updates, and etc. (that's due to Sony and Microsoft rigor) You cannot transfer your PC account to console.
    That's very money-based, since all Fortnite versions have cross-play with PC.
     In a Far-away future, maybe we can get account transfer or even Cross-play with PC.
     A little observation: Sony has a cross-play system being tested.

    I'm in a similar boat with you as I wish to transfer over because what I play on now (Surface Pro 3) can barely run Warframe and that's including with settings set to as low as possible all the while at a smaller resolution. But I think everyone is looking at the transfer in the wrong way. If it is possible to just find out what all you have and then have that sent to the new platform then it wouldn't be that much of a hassle. Almost no real conflicting issues other than playing certain mission over again. 

  4. Hello,

    So after x amount of time of trying to enjoy Warframe (at almost the least settings) as much as I could on whatever laptop or currently tablet I have at my disposal. I've finally found the time and courage to see if there any possible solution for me other than getting a system that can handle it. Now I know to ask for something like this seems impossible to do but hear me out it really isn't all that hard to do once you think about it. But I think everyone is looking at the transfer in the wrong way. If it is possible to just find out what all you have and then have that sent to the new platform then it wouldn't be that much of a hassle. Almost no real conflicting issues other than playing certain mission over again. And, other than that you keep all the stuff you had just got to do some mission over and that is least troublesome than trying to get that prime frame or weapon again.

  5. Very interesting indeed, with him only losing energy as he is marking enemies, he is able to have this up and ready to go at any time or just pop it to escape death possibly and if you tag an enemy you didn't want to (like that would ever be the case) you could easily kill them with any other means and get your energy back and proceed like you normally would. Also if there is a Trinity or Limbo (that keeps you banished) you will be able to get energy back while you continue to mark as many enemies as you can while you have energy (a cap may need to be introduced). So in the end, Ash is now in a McCree ultimate state (High Noon) but also has other means to kill them along side blade storm and this doesn't end until he runs out of energy or activates it again.

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