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Posts posted by connek

  1. so yesterday while playing an assasination mission on mercury, vore startied saying his normal taunts  something  caught my eye. vore said something about the stalker being a powerful being and today it was the same thing escept vore said something about the stalker being ashamed of me.

  2. ok so on minecraft xbox 360 edition i started a new map and when it was done loading everything looked normal. i found a cave. while i was mining for hidden areas something caught my eye it was a hole i jumped down (i was in creative mode).


          what i found shocked me it was a mineshaft. i went exploring and found probably 40 or 90 parts to the mineshaft

  3. ok so i was with one of my friends and we were in the void. later on in the defense mission i saw a hole in the ground with some water in it.(not deep enough to the point i would die) and then i remembered the African militia cutscene in mw3 where soap and ghost (and someone else) were in the swamp behind two guards and soap saw a truck coming and they all hid under the water. after the truck passed by, ghost and soap went up and grabbed both guards and killed them. then i came up with a plan and it worked i jumped into the water and crouched.


    the corrupted couldnt see me so then i stood and shot both with my pistol(which had a fire and electric mod) it stunned them long enough for me to finish them and ill be using this tactic over and over for stealth kills

  4.  ok so i was on the warframe wiki and i decided look up j3 golem and i scrolled down to the pictures. then something caught my eye.


     a picture of future golem rework. looked the picture closely and i saw what appeared to be the stalkers scythe (hate) attached to a boltor



  5. so when i plug in the charger for my ipod into my computer warframe crashes


    im getting to the point where i want to blow up my computer with C4

  6. OK  so  heres the deal. today i was playing warframe, was playing cytherion on venus and while i was playing i saw this stalker ( at first i thought he was a player until i pointed my crosshairs  at him). he didnt shoot me until i shot him iwith a bullet and the stalker took me down with one swing of his scyth (hate).


     but i was still excited because this was my first stalker encounter.

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