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Posts posted by LChanto

  1. With the removal of trials (yes it's been a while from this, I know), you guys got rid of the single most relevant and important feature that trials had, which honestly was above anything else that the sweaty raid-only minmaxers complained about....

    8-Man capturas

    DE probably didn't expect someone to load a trials lobby and send all 8 into a Captura session, but it happened, and it was great for massive group pictures..

    Captura would simply be a much more expansive and creative place if it wasn't restricted to 4 players only.

    Simply put, let us bring more people in to Captura

  2. (Purely textual discussion, no images to describe my ideas)

    In the most recent Devstream, we got to hear from our 5 couch heroes that the Corpus Ship will receive some love as well

    I'd like to put my 2 cents in on what I think would be some cool additions for this new tileset:

    In general, for the magnitude of the corpus ships we see and multiple sections of them, we don't exactly get to see much other than cramped hallways and a large room for sabotage or assassination missions, so more tiles like an engine room, crew quarters, training zones, even a hangar bay would be great, since, again, those corpus ships are too important to not have a flight deck with interceptors and fighters ready to go out in the event of a space battle.

    A particular tile that could have some additional use is a Command Deck tile, where we'd get to directly attack the captain of that spaceship. This captain could act as a field boss, that drops new mods (perhaps an entire mod set?), or maybe bits of lore.

    Or, a new mission type could be introduced, which involves fighting through the corpus ship, reach the command deck, capture/kill the captain, and leave the ship open for retrieval, and into disassembly in order to use those resources for the Tenno's allies. Something along those lines is what I thought of.

    Now that I mentioned a hangar bay inside the corpus ships, I think this would also be a great opportunity for another new mission type, being a mix of Pursuit/Hijack, let me explain what I have in mind:

    "Ordis intercepts a suspicious supply order from a nearby corpus ship, you must infiltrate the ship, hijack a fighter-class spacecraft from within, and destroy these cargo spacecrafts before they deliver the package"

    I think the idea is pretty clear from that sentence; Enter corpus ship, make your way to the hangar bay, hijack a spacecraft, engage in space combat while trying to intercept these spacecrafts, snatch some supplies for yourself, extract, profit. Pretty cool idea, yeah? It'd fit nicely with the current move towards large tilesets, and vehicular combat with Railjack soon coming. 

    These are my 2 cents for ideas regarding the rework to the Corpus Ship tileset.

    Thank you in advanced for taking your time to read my ideas

  3. I had Ambient Occlusion enabled before Jovian Concord update, and something happened with this update that the video setting is grayed out and cannot be switched on or off.

    I've tried enabling everything else to see if AO now needs another video option enabled in order to unlock, to no avail. Definitely a bug.




  4. After Rhino's 4 was granted the godliest of additions (which is casting in mid-air, AND the ability to angle it), I couldn't help but spam it in missions and have fun. However, the idea is there, but kinda failed in the execution; the same animation plays out as if it was activated while grounded, but it's not exactly functional for the mid-air condition. The stomp (and CC) doesn't immediately play out the moment you touch ground if you don't drop from a height that can only be reached in the open-world tiles, or excavations, so at the moment, casting 4 mid-air is very anticlimactic, as you begin an epic drop, only to stop for a moment, and then apply the CC. Natural Talent seems to fix the delay between cast and applying CC, but I don't think it was in DE's mind to make us use a mod just to make the mid-air cast satisfactory.    

    I suggest adding a new (smoother) animation that prevents this pause on the ground before performing the stomp, independent of height before cast, natural talent involved or not... I think for this suggestion, even just passing over the slam attack animation for sparring-type melees into mid-air Rhino Stomp could even work out before inserting a new dedicated animation to him.


    My main points that I want to get across are already in the thread, however, side details and notes are still being thought about. I may add images with edits to further illustrate

    It's quite a read, so be ready to spend some time


    This was an idea that appeared while I was showering, so I guess this was a shower thought, and I really sat there thinking of all the ways it could go and mechanics.... while wasting water.

    Anyway, I'm gonna try to write this thread as polished as I can, with critical points being separated as much as possible, to not leave room for confusions or misunderstandings. Input and feedback is always appreciated, with the hopes that it makes this idea grow more and more, so that it hopefully covers every area possible (such as maybe from a technical standpoint, mechanics, gameplay, etc.)


    I offer everyone a small sentence that will give you an idea of what I want to suggest here:

    The implementation of orbiter/landing craft/archwing combat to a small sequence tied in with escaping from the immediate area, rather than the current way we extract from any mission


    Index of contents:

    1. Background/Context
    2. The idea (1st case)
    3. The idea (2nd case)
    4. Time limits?
    5. How would this work in Solo and Multiplayer play?
    6. What if someone hasn't completed the Archwing quest in order for this to make sense?
    7. Levelling, Enemy levels, Damage values, Dying, Customization, Loot?
    8. Tile changes for immersion
    9. Images for further description of this concept (maybe)
    10. Moral "issues"?
    11. Why not Grineer as well?


    1. Background/Context

    Corpus Sabotage/Reactor Sabotage missions drop us into either a Corpus spaceship, or a base settled in its respective world, with the objective of sabotaging the Core of either place, and then getting out of there. Now, so far I only know the time condition for this to trigger, but wait enough time, and you get a countdown, with the Lotus also telling you that the reactor is close to hitting a critical point, and urging you to get out.

    Now, I don't know about you, but I really think Corpus personnel should also be winging it towards the nearest space shuttle in order to escape from the base/spaceship that is about to go critical and explode. Really, consider this: Realistically, I don't think we even travel 50% of the Corpus space ship or planet base with the way tile sets work, since it's a mostly linear path to the objective, with a bunch of scattered tiles to add variety and some deviation, so there HAS to be A LOT more Corpus personnel that were handling different tasks until we decided to show up and wreak havoc. Like, who is even piloting the ship? or at least a group of Corpus has to be at the control room monitoring everything and checking everything's running OK, which is a room that we never run across I believe.

    This idea also really resonated within me ever since DE announced Railjack, which is the first instance in Warframe to feature us in massive-scale vehicular warfare, as I thought this Extraction sequence could work as a way to test the waters with how spaceship combat and movement could work before implementing it to a larger scale.


    2. The idea (1st Case)

    This first case would trigger if you reach the extraction point with a "reasonable" amount of time left in the countdown:

    Once you reach the extraction pad, Ordis will appear with a quote than can be read in section 5. of this thread. If you agree to stay and fight, your Landing Craft/Orbiter (I like the idea of the Landing craft more) will appear for you to hop in, and after perhaps a short cut scene of the spaceship moving, the screen fades to black, and you are taken to a free-space tileset where you now have control of your vehicle and can engage other Corpus vehicles at will.

    Of course, I don't think Corpus ships should be piñatas for you to shoot at, so while they are on an evacuation path, maybe they could have turrets firing at you, in order to bring a challenge to this type of combat. (this applies to Case 1 and Case 2 of this extraction sequence)

    The orbiter/landing craft would come equipped with 2 types of guns to cycle from:

    1. A rapid-fire Gatling gun similar to the real-life A10's "GAU-8 Avenger". Small sustained damage with a limited ammo reserve, and a short cooldown to reload.

    2. A multi-lock on missile system to get multiple ships at once. Moderate damage, never enough to one-shot ships. Relatively high cooldown to avoid spam.


    3. The idea (2nd case)

    The second case occurs if you reach extraction with only a matter of seconds left in the countdown:

    This time it would be a little more different than the 1st case, as Ordis would appear with a more alarming quote:

    "Operator, the situation is critical, no time for safe extraction. Sending the archwing your way. Get out of there as fast as you can! Your extraction will await you at a safe distance."

    I know not many like archwing, but I think this would be another fun interactive way to implement that mode into the game.

    This case would work by being forced in a straight path with boosters enabled by default, heading towards a waypoint X meters away, with many Corpus spaceships around you heading a similar path as yours. You cannot alter this straight path, but you can strafe to the sides and also go up or down on the screen.

    The weapons currently available to us in Archwing cannot be as devastating as the weapons of an Orbiter/Landing Craft, so for this case you can only engage smaller Corpus escape ships which display HP bars, so you know you can damage those.

    For this second case, I think it would be cool if it was forced on the player to be done, with no prompt to either stay and fight, or leave, as you took too long to escape, and now must reach a safe distance as fast as possible, while taking down as many smaller-scale ships as you can. If you want to, you could opt to no make any effort at all and just let your HP run out to trigger the forced extraction, instead of playing it out until reaching the waypoint.


    4. Time limits?

    Of course, the ultimate goal of everyone here is to escape the base/space ship that is close to completely failing and exploding, so you can't stay forever shooting down ships for  your sadistic pleasure. This applies exclusively to Case 1, which is the only time the player has full movement control:

    There would be a fair time you have to shoot things down, but it'd also be the time you need to reach the constant waypoint which indicates the safe distance that must be reached, before extracting out of that mission.

    What if I stay and the time runs out?

    I'm thinking the most fair thing to do if you don't get out within the time limit is to lose any loot you got from shooting down the ships, and forcibly being sent to extraction, while still keeping what you acquired during the actual sabotage mission itself.


    5. How would this work in Solo and Multiplayer play?

    In order to not make this sequence be something obligatory to play, I was thinking Ordis would first contact you once you reach the extraction point with a quote like:

    "Operator, my systems indicate a spike of Corpus air traffic. They are attempting to evacuate all personnel from the area. Will you attempt to intercept as many of these ships as you can, or leave?"

    A prompt similar to "Battle/Extract" from endless void fissures would then appear, so that players can choose to play out the sequence or just leave.

    In the case of multiplayer, you would have 4 orbiters engaging ships, so the tileset would need to be a rather large one where there is sufficient freedom to travel and fight around, without a sense of being too limited.


    6. What if someone hasn't completed the Archwing quest in order for this to make sense?

    Unfortunately, my mind can't come up with anything good if this condition happens, but I think the best solution is the game doing a check on each player if that quest has been completed once everyone reaches the extraction pad, and if it fails for one player, they would not receive the Battle/Extract prompt, and simply be pulled out from the squad with the current way you extract out of a mission.


    7. Levelling, Enemy levels, Damage values, Dying, Loot?

    I know how much the game likes to put levels, customization, exclusive loot and such to a lot of aspects of the game, but I think in this case, none of the space shuttles and other vehicles in this sequence should have a grinding aspect added into them. You would receive loot for shooting down X amount of spaceships, sure, but nothing too exotic or exclusive as to prevent this from turning into an obligatory "ughhh I HAVE to go through this to get X mod or piece"

    The ships would remain at set stats depending the planet and mission level, with HP and damage values not too insane and that do not ramp up with the level, so that the playing field is even, and feels relatively equal no matter the mission that you play. (For example, a low level planet would have low values in stats, but so would the players, to not make it easy at any point)

    In the case of your HP reaching close to 0, your health bar would be locked out, you will not be able to shoot any longer, and Ordis would interject with a quote regarding how much more damage you can take before being shot down, with a fade to the Mission Success screen, and being extracted.

    For the 2nd case where you are taken into Archwing, the levels in the Archwing and weaponry you bring would be overwritten by mission-specific, in order to keep up with consistency, as well as not taking into account mods installed, and instead bringing set values for damage they deal, HP for the Archwing, etc.


    8. Tile changes for immersion

    You know all the pads you bullet jump across when heading for extraction after you accomplish the objective in any Corpus sabotage that takes place on a base (Corpus Ice Planet tileset for this example)? They look rather empty to me, and I think it would be really sweet if there were scripted sequences of parked Corpus VTOL Spaceships attempting to evacuate the base.


    9. Images for further description of this concept (maybe)

    ---stil being thought about--


    10. Moral "issues"

    Someone might think "Wow. This guy wants to go against troops that are evacuating and have no intention on killing you, I know all about war and that's a war crime!!!! XDDDD reported"

    At the same time you think that, we also go on a crusade to pretty much balance out Grineer and Corpus dominance on the Origin System by exterminating both factions to lower their presence in the system, while disrupting tech they deploy for missions. So this whole sequence I thought of is not any less moral or messed up to what we already do just by playing the game.


    11. Why not Grineer as well?

    From a lore standpoint, Grineer are extremely degenerate clones thanks to the mass produce of them and the techniques that were employed for this by the Twin Queens, so I'd assume they see every single Grineer unit as disposable. They don't have families to run off to (at least I don't think), and are just war dogs engineered to obey the Queens, and do everything for them. So where exactly is the loss from a "few" husks dying in the explosion of their Spaceship/Base? They're as replaceable as Ghouls are, with the latter being even lower in the "quality" department and just working as raw bags of meat with weapons taped to them.

    Corpus, on the other hand, look pretty "human" (in Warframe universe terms) to me. An organization that seeks to do everything in the name of profit and money. These guys have some form of humanity in them, and definitely aren't clones from 1 person, with each unit you killed being a person that had wishes, dreams, and aspirations unique to others. They definitely must have something to look back to before they were brainwashed into the Corpus ranks.

    And thus, I think this sort of "escape" reaction from Corpus personnel makes more sense to me coming from Corpus than Grineer.



  6. I honestly have ZERO idea why this happens, but all it takes is:

    -After pressing X to confirm a camera position

    And then the cursor will magnet over to a selection box with no apparent way to fix it in the moment.

    Leaving and re-entering Captura only fixes it if I don't mess with advanced camera controls again, but the moment I try to work with that, the bug occurs. Really annoying considering there's a contest going on and I'd love to submit my video, but I'm being held back by a bug.

    The video illustrates what I'm trying to describe when it comes to the bug.


    It's not me making the janky movement towards the "Visualize Camera" and "Defaults" box, it actually magnets over to it after crossing a section of the screen



  7. I'm a huge Mesa fan, and when I saw the Regulators on that deluxe and the pistol/dual pistol skin. OOOF. It made me start selling a ton of stuff in order to buy the collection.

    That being said, I'm loyal to my Mesa Graxx masterrace, and when I saw that Presidio skin suffers a reverse Frost Harka Syndrome (that being: selecting Presidio body with another helmet that isn't Presidio's gives you a giraffe neck), it really crushed me. I was hoping I could keep a Graxx Helmet and Presidio body combo, but since Presidio doesn't have a collar like regular skins, it turns up looking acceptable-bad.

    I really think for the next Deluxe skins that DE creates, "compatiblity" should be considered, that being, a user being able to choose another helmet combined with the Deluxe body, without the warframe looking "off".  There's nothing I'd love more than the team giving (mainly) the Frost Harka and Mesa Presidio skin another look to see how they could be more compatible with other helmets, but that'd involve redesigning the skin and possibly come up with something different. So maybe this should be considered for future Deluxe skins.

    Moving onto the Pearl skin for pistols. While visually they look really damn good for the gunslinger that Mesa is, they feel really rushed, or rather, not much thought or polishing was placed in them:

    The skin being compatible with every and all Pistol/Dual Pistols is a neat feature, but you can't tell me a revolver with 40 rounds in the cylinder (Akstiletto Prime) or a Revolver that isn't designed as a shotgun revolver shooting pellets (Twin Kohmak) isn't a tad bit ridiculous. I know this part is clearly the consequence of having a "universal" skin, but I think this next one could have been done when you equip the skin: An appropriate revolver reloading animation; Sliding a magazine out and in(any pistol) in a revolver just looks plain goofy, on top of the fact that the sound is entirely muted when reloading (when equipped with Lex Prime), we're not interacting with the revolver.

    I can be sure the Pearl pistol skin isn't the only case of this, since Ember Deluxe also comes with a custom pistol skin, and I think other Deluxe collections do as well, but I'm not as aware of them or tested enough with.

    Another thing with the Pearl skin: The shooting sound. I can't help but think it was a quick emergency copy-paste, it's the shooting sound of Mesa's regulators without her Deluxe equipped, but even more annoying since some sidearms shoot faster then them. No additional comment other than they could use a few more polish runs.

    Final thing, and this is the suggestion: Add a tab to the attachments section so that we can choose between Mesa's normal Regulators or Presidio's Regulators, same way we can change the cables hanging from Valkyr/Valkyr Prime's wrist-mounted things, or Nekros' Mortos Binds. Those new regulators are honestly beautiful and I'd love it if I could keep them while having a different body design (Graxx, probably :P)

    I promise this sentence is the end of this thread. Thanks for reading.




  8. On 7/9/2017 at 0:51 AM, MillbrookWest said:


    I see whatchu mean, but I think the plains would be way too empty if the room between the 2 doors was your last chance at getting into a squad or solo, which is where my suggestion comes in, keeping general areas multiplayer so it is lively in some spots.

    Then again we don't even know if squads in Plains of Eidolon will be the standard 4, perhaps they also raise it to 8 or maybe more, but it would still kinda leave a sense of emptiness across the entire playable surface. (Unless they raise squads to 30 members lol imagine)



  9. Just now I was talking with a warframe player about what would happen with the experience of people who have done Quests and content Solo for most of their playtime:

    Think about it, this is going to be Open World, we don't even know if a server is going to be dedicated to house a single instance of the Plains of Eidolon and all the players running in it, or have multiple plain instances running to keep population not so contaminated (if so, you better prepare some titan-class servers, DE), but single instance or not, assuming the areas you're directed to in a quest aren't randomized across the plains, you're going to see almost a herd of users running the same way, and people killing things before you get there, esentially getting carried.

    So I thought about this: Why not have the areas of the plains that are meant for general gameplay/messing around be multiplayer, and (if the player chooses so via a prompt or something), have the immediate area of an objective transition said user to single player, so no other payer carries him/"ruins" the solo experience? The player could also have this prompt since the beginning, and if he chooses solo, he would not appear to anyone, and no one to him, but his instance is still there in the plains.

    Also I think if it's a player's first time in the plains, and if there's going to be some sort of tutorial, it should take place in SP/Offline, and once that is done, once the player crosses the doors (if those even stay in the final product), transition to multiplayer.

    Just my suggestion on satisfying both Multiplayer and Single player enthusiasts.

    (I think Destiny does something like this)

  10. 6 hours ago, zopney said:

    Content creators are free to distribute their glyph as they see fit. Just wanted to let people understand that this is the reality and how it should be. However, there's a fine line between being a child and being a content creator.

    First off, nobody cares how much money you spent on your channel, how much time and effort you spent, how much of "your" community loves you or not. You willing let a FREE game dictate how you would like to spend a hobby. Your investment does not entitle you to be above your fellow Warframe players. Please understand that this is a blanket statement and not directed at anyone.

    So you're saying being a moderator, guide of the lotus (these guys have a shady reputation, but I'm speaking about the rank itself) or any other role in this game and forums means nothing, the effort they invested to be where they are and DE taking their time to hand pick people is worthless since  they're at the same level as a regular warframe player? I can talk smack to one of these guys and nothing will happen to me since they're fellow warframe players, right?

  11. I knew from a start glyphs would make the best of communities a toxic place with users joining and first thing they say being:

    "hey [streamer] how u get glyph sry for bad englis thx" and then a quick follow so they look convincing.

    I also thought of some solutions to prevent partnered extra items be less "community does something to get their item" and more "A partnered has greater status than a casual player", what I mean is:

    1) Partnered streamers could have their username with a special icon next to it, or a tag, or even a color across all places where a username would normally be seen. E.g: in chat, in friend list, in a squad, etc.

    2) The partnered streamer would have a special skin set for their favorite frame and weapons; not just random scrabbles across the frame and guns, but maybe have an actual special effect over them, like the Gemini Sheath for the Nikana.

    So yeah, I think the solution to giving healthy communities a break from gold diggers and toxic people constantly spamming and harassing Streamers/and the mods of their communities even, would be for the partnered streamers to be the ones who receive a special attribute or something that isn't in the form of a code that needs to be begged or make a task for.

  12. It's cool that enemies can be spawned in Captura to add some sort of dramatic effect to a scene, but they run a bit too wildly.

    What I mean is that we have zero control over their actions/poses; maybe you want to set a scene with the enemy side-by-side with your frame, but what does a mob generally do when you get close? they melee your or just back off.

    So what I suggest is the ability to manipulate enemies, some ways that I have in mind are:

    -Set the aggression level of mobs individually, so we can have them either always attacking and on the move, or just stay in their idle pose, without moving.

    -An option that will make mobs ragdoll or not after being hit with a weapon or melee attack that has properties of knockdown or send them miles away.

    -The ability to spawn enemies where the player wants them to, and not all 3 piled up in a corner

    -Let us spawn more than 3 mobs PLEASE

    -Something like a Limbo stasis, where your warframe can move freely while mobs are frozen: I think this would be great since maybe your warframe is out of position or in an odd pose, so while the enemy is in the perfect pose, we can relocate the warframe so it fits better.


    Off-topic suggestion: Let us be able to see Chroma with and without his pelt while in the appearance tab. We can see Equinox in her 3 forms, and Nidus' appearance with max stacks, so why not Chroma?

  13. This Warframe idea is far from being useful/fun/non-repetitive/possible/ in being done by DE, It's just an idea that suddenly came to me with no actual in-depth thinking, so take this concept not serious.

    Vento (Gallician/Italian for "wind") - Master of air 

    Health = 100 (Max 300 lvl. 30)

    Shield = 120 (Max 400 lvl. 30)

    Power = 100 (Max 150 lvl. 30)

    Armor = 100 (Max 150 lvl. 30)

    Sprint Speed = 1.10

    1) Feather strike (25 Power): Using intense focus and the power of the wind, Vento blinks to a target area and does AoE damage, any enemy caught in the AoE is knocked off their feet and Vento returns to the original cast spot. (1 second animation of him doing some sort of move before teleporting)

    2) Wind's agility (20 Power): Vento activates 4 boosters on his back (2 on his shoulders and 2 on his arms), and for the next 10 seconds, he suffers less friction while sliding, the boosters deploy and give Vento's slide a big push, with the acceleration moderately falling off. Enemies close to Vento when the boosters deploy are pushed back. (5 meters) (No cast animation)

    3) Air zone (75 Power): Vento sends forth a wind tunnel, dealing damage and ragdolling. Enemies inside the wind tunnel when casted take moderate damage and ragdolled intensely once. 
    (The tunnel has a 15% chance to redirect to a random direction enemy bullets/projectiles, % does not increase with level or mods) 
    Allies and Vento receive either a Mov. Speed boost or Less slide friction while inside the tunnel. (More Duration = Friction, Strength = Mov. Speed) (Fancy hand movement cast animation)

    4)To the skies! (150 Energy): Vento prepares for a huge feat, channeling ancient energy on his legs. Vento's next Slide + Bullet Jump will lift him more than a regular Bullet Jump and creates a huge wind tunnel, with Vento being in the middle of it, that he flies along with in a rotationary fashion until he meets the max range or natural terrain is in the way, which he then proceeds to slam the ground with a downward kick, enemies within the range of this kick are launched 10m off the ground and remain there for 2 secs. The tunnel fades after 2 secs have passed since Vento flew by that part of the tunnel.

    Along Vento, 2 ancient dragon auras orbit around him. Any enemy that is in direct or in proximity to the dragons takes heavy damage, and ragolled intensely with the tunnel's
    trajectory plus a random direction. (So kind of like a Hanzo ult with the two dragons rotating)

    The diameter of the tunnel increases with the amount of Mov. Speed, Slide and -% Friction Vento had before the bullet Jump. (So Air Zone + Wind's Agility is a great combo for an even bigger Ultimate)

    The length is affected by how far Vento slid before the activation, instantly bullet jumping after a slide will turn the ability into a more compressed CC Box.

    The wind tunnel's base size could maybe be big enough to cover the entire middle hallway in a Void Defense, and large enough to go from the staircase behind the pod to the double doors.

    The only moment Vento's Ultimate does damage is while he is passing by with the auras around him, more Duration makes Vento travel the tunnel slower, so there's more time to do damage.

    Ultimate has an animation for initial cast, if within 10 seconds the Slide + Bullet jump is not done, the energy cost is refunded and the ability is canceled.

    Vento takes no damage while flying across the Ultimate wind tunnel, and the tunnel won't reflect any bullets/projectiles

    Vento's default Movement Speed, Slide and Friction value will be the "unaffected" state of the Ultimate, so no buff or nerf happens to the stats.


    This could be considered the male version of Zephyr with the whole Air theme.

    I may add stats, damage values, effects and what not as time passes but this is the skeleton of this fantasy Frame I thought about.

    Feel free to say how difficult, impossible or situational this guy is.

    Hopefully making this thread makes my mind stop thinking about the Frame idea.





  14. So after an Ivara shot me with an invisible arrow, my Nezha would randomly appear not invisible and just the bubble around him, AND his head gone.

    I could replicate this bug more while sliding long distances.

    Picture to show bug:



    The ivara invisibility bubble is the red aura around me.


  15. I play this game in a flexible way, depending my mood, how important it is (the loot, etc), and if I'm really feeling like playing.

    If it's, say, a Sortie, I try really hard to bring a frame that would do well, a proper weapon and elemental damage for the debuffs and whatnot.

    If I just feel like listening to some rock while playing, I grab my unkillable Chroma with my Fragor P, or if I want to slice through everything quick, I get my Orthos P.

    But generally I just grab my trusty Hek and stay in mid-range from enemies, trying to kite and bullet jump around, it's always fun to ragdoll Ancients with the hek :D

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