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Posts posted by Oraxidius

  1. UI Issue: Requiem progress not visible on Kuva Lich screen with "Orokin" theme.

    Reproduction steps:

    1. Have at least 1 unknown Requiem with progress greater than 0
    2. Change UI theme to "Orokin"
    3. Enter the "Kuva Lich Profile" screen
    4. Observe the unknown Requiem progress indicator

    Expected results:

    • The progress indicator is clearly visible and distinguishable from the circle (at least 4.5:1 contrast ratio)

    Actual results:

    • The progress indicator is barely visible (contrast ratio ~1.5:1)


  2. Client:

    • x64

    OS (observed on):

    • Win7 x64 PRO
    • Win8.1 x64 PRO
    • Win10 x64 PRO

    Reproduction steps:

    1. Open the menu
    2. Select OPTIONS -> Customize Key Bindings
    3. Bind both "Secondary Fire" and "Melee Block" to the same button (i.e. Mouse Button 3)
    4. Enter any mission or the Simulacrum
    5. Press the "Secondary Fire" button when the primary weapon is selected
    6. Hold down the "Melee Block" button when the melee weapon is selected

    Expected results:

    • Pressing "Secondary Fire" when the primary weapon is selected activates the weapon's secondary fire mode
    • Holding down the "Melee Block" button when the melee weapon is selected causes the melee weapon to block

    Actual results:

    • Pressing "Secondary Fire" when the primary weapon is selected activates the weapon's secondary fire mode
    • Holding down the "Melee Block" button when the melee weapon is selected DOES NOT CAUSE the melee weapon to block

    First observed:

    • Specters of the Rail, initial update (this used to work properly before that update)


    • If the "Melee Block" has a second, different key binding, the second one works properly
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