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Posts posted by (XBOX)GrabDatFatCat

  1. Oi dear Ninjas!

    We all love to cryout for reworks but of course for the frames and weapons we secretly love and THAT might be the reason one in specific often is forgotten in that matter -LIMBO! Of course that was me just beeing ironic -I mean Hydroid, who has been voted least favoured by Mogamu's* fans a while ago. And I might have a good idea for Davy Jones seemingly low-priority rework. I thought trough most of my ideas so they are related to his pirate-sea creature-water-theme and not just MOA POWA!.

    *A warframe centered youtuber for those who didn't know


    I'll begin with ISSUES that need to be FIXED first as most of his abilities would be twice as good if they would at least work as intended:

    • Tempest Barrage - can't be cast properly trough doorframes and small tunnels in current state where the abilitys effect gets stuck on named objects making it a pure waste of energy.
    • Tidal Surge - some random enemies within range won't get affected by the ability even when they are not affected by healers or within a Nullifier bubble.
    • Undertow - sometimes hydroid stands as minature on his little pond not beeing resistant to damage anymore... he often also has no head... and enemies seemingly know you are there and avoid collision with the pond
    • Tentacle Swarm - some tentacles often spwan outside their actual range, often centered on one spot in the areal making it a huge risk to spawn them in an attempt to try blocking enemy pathways.


    Now let's head to the improvements, starting with his abilities:

    Tempest Barrage: Increase casting speed by ~ 20 %, increase base duration by 50 % - 100 % (7.5 sec. - 10 sec.) and instead of using the formalua (fix number of projectiles with X meters explosion radius on Y meters range) it should be more like (Z number of projectiles / square meter with X meters explosion Radius on Y meters range) basicly making the shots not spread out to become uncontrollable. Otherwise its one of the best first abilities in game and just lacks in duration and scaling with range.

    And as this ability has no aguments i got two ideas prepared:

    • Poseidons Wrath: changes the Impact damage type of tempest barrage to finisher damage and changes the cucumbers from heaven to tridents. 
    • Never ending Barrage: turns tempest barrage into a toggle-abiltlity but therefore can't be casted at multiple spots at once anymore.


    Tidal Surge: Make the ability toggleable (15 Engery to activate, 4 Energy channel cost) and reduces travel speed down to ~ 75 % of its current state (of course it needs testing to when it's actually properly controllable speed wise). During the ability you're 100% resistant to any type of damage and activating this ability deactivates all procs you suffer from and your hitboxs becomes smaller so you can flush under obsctacles. That brings me to a rework for Tidal Impunity, instead of giving you proc immunity for such an incredibly short duration you get complete damage immunity or high damage resistance for same duration (noone ever used tidal impunity outside of testing it for the first time DE, just face it it's more pointless to the communuity than this whole essay propably is to you) but its not just because I want it to be STRONGA! its the fact that it covers / turns you and your allies into hydroid's magic mixture which is impenetrable to enemies (looking at undertow and tidal surge).


    Undertow: Instead of beeing unable to move while the ability is active, you can move free within the ability's range like you would be walking on its surface (you cant move under pillars, boxes, down or up elevations etc. just like you would be walking BUT youre small enought to walk under gaps just like with tidal surge) walking outside the range will deactive the ability AND more importantly enemies that were in the pool get covered in magic mixture blinding them for X seconds depending on how long they were in the pool with a maximum of 10 seconds (if they're in the pool for 5 seconds they will be covered in water and blinded for 5 seconds, like they getting more wet the longer they stay in the water, yet extra duration increases the bonus time per second. For example if oyu have 125 % power duartion you get 1.25 seconds blinding for each second the enemy is inside the pool)

    EDIT: Also damage of undertow should be based on percentage instead of flat numbers, you can be as tough as you want, you will most likely still drown at the same speed as anyone else who can hold his breath.


    Tentacle Swarm: Increase damage by 50 % up to 300 / second and make it toggleable AS WELL (20 Energy to activate, 4 Energy / second to remain active) magnetic damage remains untouched and here comes the clue...

    holding down the button to activate for long enought will make the tentacles spawn out of you and some sort of water cocoon will evovle quickly arround you with some tentacles sticking out of it to grab nearby enemies with their standart effect smacking them arround but for 200 damage / second. Loot nearby the cocoon will be sucked in, the cocoon makes you 100 % damage and proc resistant except for explosions and in return costs 6 Energy / second to remain active and have 25 Energy cost to activate. You can still do all kinds of attack in the cocoon but with reduced fire rate as the cocoon slows your weapon mechanisms and meele swings.

    Also casting speed remains the same but incoming damage is greatly reduced during cast as hydroid covers himself up in water in his casting animation (if pressed shortly or held down).

     AND before i forget, healers do NOT affect this ablitlty negatively anymore (it's ridicoulus in the first place to have a cost of 100 energy and a simple healer has a stronger impact on it than a nullifier on almost all warframes).


    His passive should also be changed so it has 100 % chance to spawn a tentacle but you need to fullfill the requirement of jumping first so it doesn't get activated as soon as you wepon touches the ground, the limit of 3 tentacles also effects if you can or can not spawn a new one as the duration of one has to run out before you're able to spawn a new one.


    And finally he should be made the tank he deserves to be, visually as well as how his abilities work, he has nothing that really saves him from dieing but only drags out moment of death for a couple of seconds (nezha has his halo, zephyr her turbulences, trin and mesa straight out damage redcution, rhino a shield and is a tank, loki invsibilty, frost his bubble and is a tank...) hydroid survives because? -he doesn't... he should be a base health tank and have the ability to heal himself by killing enemies with Undertow and tentacle swarm. And don't you dare DE... don't you dare to cry out OP! before actual testing like you did with his passive as you also released inaros the invincibility itself.            Also the "attack for health" on hydroid should suit his element and be more sort of a healt regen instead of instant fillups like with inaros (enemies that are covered in water after undertow and killed regenerate 5 health / second over a minute and the effect is stackable... for example)


    To round up his rework and let his abilities look less goofy you should also make all the water in his abilities look more transparent, thinking about a bright blue (my energy colour on him) cocoon with tentacles sticking out is quiet funny, but if this cocoon would be transparent and you could see Davy Jones within in it that would be god damn badass!! 

    I hope my ideas can be turned into an actually working concept and if not at least can inspire you DE or some other people to come up with even better / more practiacal ideas.

    Of course many numbers are just place holders as I cant playtest that of course, yet in gerneral im all for making him the toggle frame and a tank as two if not even optionally 3 abilities cant be active at the same time.

    Have a good day,


  2. Its not like there is dps and not just apha dmg... to say a weapon is more op than an other because it has more crit alpha but worse gun handling is sort of stupid. How come synoid simulor, vaykor hek (it only lives up thx to better gun handling and not crit as the agument for normal hek proves), vaykor marelok, staticor etc. like everything is much more in use than lex prime? Maybe... but just maybe... because you fight whole armies and not just a handfull enemies where gunhandling doesnt matter :|


    the only weapons where crit makes them outstanding are tonkor and dread... and one of both will be nerfed as the gun handling is still to good for that damage

  3. Oi m80s,

    im looking for people to help me build up my new clan "Misfist".

    I dont care about your mastery rank, playtime etc.

    You should at least be decently active and in the clans current state communicative as well, if its voice chat or messages doesn't matter as well.

    Also you should be not to easiely offended, thats what made me finally leave my old clan as people continously report for just making jokes (if bad or not its not serious anyway) and don't be too serious, its only a game.

    My... or our clans final goal is to provide service, to offer clanmates all benefits of beeing within a clan and specifically -a community. So its not my goal to make this clan compete in events (its the clanmates choice to do so) but to make people have a great time in warframe and get help when they need it.


    Peace out!

  4. On 23. Juni 2016 at 7:58 AM, Kenshin98 said:

    Well, most of the passives are pretty easy to come up with, like Ash's. He's a ninja, he does bleed procs mostly, so let's focus on that 


    but some, like hydroid and oberon need a bit of thinking, and since DE was rushed to release the highly teased passives, they just went with the best idea they came up with on a short notice....at least that's what I think happened XD 


     I think it's safe to say that these are just ideas implemented too quickly, at least most of them, and they'll be subject to changes


     imo, hydroid's passive should've been related to water somehow, there's some in a few tilesets like earth, orokin moon, uranus, Phobos....etc. maybe he can get a certain buff when he stands on water or something  

    Would be just as bad if not even worse, it ends up the same way as oberons instead of beeing able to count on this passive, like with atlas, zephyr, mirage etc. or at least be able to build towards it like with ash...

    i think his tentecales should straight out have a 100% spawn chance and be actually limited to ground slams (no every kind of slam as right now) its limited to 3 spawns anyway, provides the ability to block off pathways without use of energy and is basicly a buff to all weapons that dont offer knockdown which tend to be the best ground finisher weapons of which hydroid van make the most use.

    like really, if it would be 100% chance it be really good. But no, DE says its op, so it is! No playtesting required instead give all the good passives to already stronger frames...

  5. I think not just more but also rebalancing the current ones.

    From a blance point of view it doesnt make any sense that the the effekt wise strongest auras also offer the biggest bonus capacity. It would make more sense to give the "weaker" auras the bigger bonus.

    i for example would love to use speed holster more often as it allows me to focus more on skillplay than cheese and therefore is more fun but i would loose 4 capacity which you need if you dont want to forma your frame once more just to make it impossible to sport other builds, due to unfitting polarity. And jesus, i formad my hydroid 11-times!! just to be able to try everything out (he is still broken but i love him...)

    Also the effekt of some should be buffed or reworked, like... why would you use rifle amp instead of corrosive projection?

    also sprint amp... its quiet nice actually but ffs its capacity again!

    something id like to see in use more often is "infested impendence" it actually reeeaaally good BUT the alert for it appeard like twice troughout the history of warframe (of course an exaggeration but its half as common as wnergy siphon and thats already rare...)



  6. 16 minutes ago, Navarchus said:

    If you ignore the fact that it misses over 50% of the time as it's RNG based & when it does knock down, it's one or two enemies, never the entire group you've got in your sights.

    Having to turn one ability on and off can get tedious, doing so with ALL of them, 3/4 of them being immobile in a game you mostly move around or go to different destinations in feels bad. I can agree with two long lasting abilities being immobile tops. I really don't think this would work out.

    But badS#&$ crazy stuff that DE will never be able to implement properly and wouldnt work at all at the end is good?

    you act like those things you mentioned couldnt be easiely tweaked. (X projectiles per squaremeter) instead of the current (x projectiles over the complete range) would already be it.

    yet i never had problems knocking down specific enemies anyway as long as i kept 100% or less ability range.

  7. On 18. Juni 2016 at 4:24 PM, Navarchus said:

    I feel like his 1 being a toggle would simply get annoying since it's in 1 location. His 2 wouldn't really work either since you'd just spend energy getting stuck on corners and walls.
    Then there's the fact that Duration mods would be entirely useless on hydroid if you make all his abilities toggle, I don't think this would help him, at least not that alone.

    Duration decreases energy cost/second, so no-not even close to useless, actually makes more builds viable as you can also go for low duration, yet hight duration doesnt criple tidal surge for example.

    And the speed of tidal surge would just need to be adjusted to be fix at the speed of ~50%-75% duration. Would actually make it a better panic button than undertow as you would move, knock down enemies and be invulberable to damage, maybe even make it possible to slighty manuver the floodwave.

    And barrage having a fix spot is fine, remember its his first? im actually afraid it might be op when its a toggle ability as it offers infinite knockdown!

  8. also a suggestion sides me: ALL! his abilities can be switched on/off, it would suit them all and make energy consumption more managable. and let his abilities ignore healer buffs as they completely nullify his all-CC ability set and are usually responsible for him dying... wanna knock down that bombard - healer, just about to activate 4th to CC the dudes in front of you who are going to kill you if it fails -healer comes arround the corner AND you just wasted 25+ energy, want to save yourself with undertow and a little rest of energy? - healer gets into or near the pond, youre done!


    or just plain nerf that stupid healer buff, its op as hell!

  9. In the first phase (before you fight the acolytes) i recommend picking a frame for loot farming. Got gaias tragedy, combustion beam, rapier stance + a couple gold cores in the last mission just by using agumented atlas and playing the mission normally. Those corpus dudes are a blessing...

  10. Can we expect a rebalancing of some weapons? As the players selection gets smaller and smaller due to some weapons beeing completely overpowered and easiely accessable and other weapons beeing hard to get and quiet underwhealming. (Same for some warframes, but that topic must have already been mentioned by everyone else)

  11. I think at first he needs a fix and then see if he still needs a buff/rework.


    1st ability is just weak and a bit too random as you could relay on it as CC-ability. (more projectiles, higher explosion radius, less delay [maybe stunning the enemies on spot, by turning the ground into water for a second or launching a huge start up projectile]) 


    2nd ability is kinda good, it deals enought damage to weaken or kill grunts and is more relayable as his 1st and fuctional as panic button, IF it works as it should! often, when enemies are too close or straight infront of you, they do not fall on the ground nor recieve damage and for its effect in generall the ablity shouldnt cost 50 energy! And too be honest, the agument for it should be its basic effect (remove procs, short timed proc immunity)


    3rd, while its unspectaculer, this ability is just fine, BUT making it possible to deal more damage would be great, it'd be already enought if enemies would stick their head out of the water, so other abilities would synergize and maybe get headshot bonus damage.


    4th ability needs a heavy fix, tentacles spawn too random, dont react on enemies instead randomly punch/swing in a random direction and infested with healer buff cant get picked up... most times? whille no 100 energy cost, CC-ability should suffer from that!! zephyrs tornados for example do not suffer. Also do the tentacles often spawn out of the abilities actual range. The tentacles spawn needs a fix, they need an AI and not an RNG and NOTHING but nullifiers should be able to shield enemies from their effect!


    And stat-wise is hydroid kinda fine, but his casting times need to be shortened or he should become more of a tank.

  12. U ps4 tenno better help nef anyo, over on the xbox one *we started to help Salad Veggie. If you guys dont help Neffy we will never know what would  have happened by helping him, and how the dera vandal is we might find out in like... a half year or so.                                                



  13. I would like to see people who got Zephyr and Hydroid the hard way (including me) getting a reward, like a special skin, helmet or one mod slot more. It is not like I want to be the only one running those frames, but come on! to build Zephyr it required 600 oxium of which you got barely 20 per higher tier corpus mission if you farmed for it pre-patchES, now you get 40 just randomly playing any corpus misson. And the beacon farm for Hydroid was even worse! farming those barely dropped thingies just to have one more chance to get one of three parts you needed... every time I got a part twice or more a part of me died. ;-; Aaand now always available bossfight on earth? -_-

    Those were the reasons many people bought those frames, because they tought they're never gonna get them by farming and both aren't even close to be the best frames, they are hard to mod and offer not much relaiability, still many people 'suffered' or payed (quiet much) for them... for no reason.

    I am playing on Xbox One so this treat comes quiet late for PC-gamers, but it also applies for them.


    Both are still my favourite frames, but noone asks for zephyr and hydroid to join a T4 lobby... and now it's easy access it feels like you left over people who thought those are never gonna be. |:-(


    note: PC-games have to switch time form sometimes


    2nd note:    the most important part was actually the end of my post, when it was about people who wasted theyr money on those frames (important stuff is always written at the end of a text to make it easier for the reader to remember, but I forgot on the internet only the first three lines matter)

  14. Ich hab gestern mit der Alarmierung für Vaubans Helm endlich alle Teile für ihn zusammen gekratzt, gab den Helm dann zusamen mit dem Chassis in Bauauftrag, die Systeme hatte ich bereits pre-patch gebaut und die Blaupause für Vauban selbst zeigte auch an, dass sie bereits fertig sind. Nun entschied ich mich dazu die zweite Systeme Blaupause die ich hatte zu verkaufen und sah zur Sicherheit nach, ob die fertiggestellten Systeme noch da sind -und ja sind sie noch. Nach einem harten Tag des Grindens beende ich das Spiel, schalte die Xbox aus und hab süsse Träume von meinen Abenteuern als Vaubann nur um beim nächsten Start des Spiels festzustellen, dass die Systeme weg-, der Helm und das Chassis da sind. Obwohl ich Alles nötige hatte kann ich Vauban nicht bauen da die Systeme einfach verschwanden (hab das Spiel auch neu gestartet) und wer weis wann das nächste mal wieder eine Alarmierung für die Systeme startet und ob dann nicht einfach der Helm und das Chassis verschwindet...

  15. It did not work for me and because i tryed to log in lately i lost my Day 7 log-in bonus, after downloading the patch 4-times i deinstalled the whole game to download it again... Well, i started downloading it past 24:00 -.-

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