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Posts posted by Kutsus

  1. 37 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

    dem... :T


    Isnt that Illegal?  Yer using Macro?


    Thats reload... o. o

    DE has clarified this several times, the only macros that they dont allow are ones that let u go afk, a simple slide attack macro is perfectly legal, not to mention a rather common thing as well.

  2. There are some skill gaps as a result of experience, the "skilled players" are generally more efficient in traversing the map in the quickest way and not getting hit as much due to always moving quickly. I can't tell u how often i facepalm at noobs being downed all the time and crying, because all they have to do is use the parkour instead of walking around/standing still.

  3. DE just needs to fix the damn scaling, not add more bandaid mechanics

    Enemy damage resistance/output is fine in early to mid game, before u get good weapons and mods, but then after that the enemy scaling is just terrible, lvl 30-80 enemies are oneshot fodder when taking the players progression into account, and the difference in scaling between factions is also way too big, corpus sapping ospreys and corpus techs ramp up their damage way too fast, grineer armor ramps up way too fast (compared to other factions, they're still too weak in general).

    There needs to be a larger level disparity or more aggressive scaling on the last 3 planets, as well as the void, lua, kuva fortress and derelict, and sorties should go even beyond that. To clarify, by more aggressive i mean enemies should have atleast 3x hp (but with lower armor scaling to even out the factions) or alternatively the base level for these missions should be 100+. If you dont have true endgame gear and therefore think this is a bad idea, ur mindset is all wrong, the endgame content should require endgame equipment, thats such a stupidly obvious fact, but DE apparently doesnt understand this.

    People bring up the idea of bullet sponges, but even sortie 3 bosses get totally facerolled most of the time (hyena pack OP tho), the only time bullet sponging happens in warframe is the early to mid game, where u need to grind mods and credits/endo to get appropriate amounts of power, after that ur just a god for the rest of the game.

  4. 1. Actual rewards for doing normal non-endless missions, and scaling rewards for endless missions. Basically incentives to play.

    2. Buff the squishy frames and nerf the super tanky frames, some frames should be able to take more/less damage but the current gap between the squishiest and the tankiest is absolutely ridiculous.

    3. Once a mod slot has been Forma'd, u should be able to change the polarity of the slot freely without having to consume more Forma. I cry.

    4. Give Warframes universal vacuum ._.

  5. Well, if you're okay with just spamming slide attacks the whole game, that works very well for any level and any frame tbh, use orthos prime or telos boltace with primed reach and a maiming strike build, the thing with slide attacks is that all enemies just completely miss you 99% of the time even if you're just sliding right up to their face, and if u keep slide attacking to move between enemies, you barely even need to invest in defensive mods, as the only things that ever hit you are aoe's, this tactic also removes the issue of nullifiers and sapping ospreys on high levels, since the slide attacks will instantly take out all sappingo sprey aoe orbs, an u can easily just slide into a nullifier bubble and oneshot him, and enemeis jsut keep missing you.

    tl;dr spam slide attack with orthos prime because enemies actually miss u 99% of the time while ur doing it.

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