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Posts posted by TripleThreeCubed

  1. I wanted to take advantage of the Zanuka Hunter Beacon from Baro Ki'Teer to finish the Anti-Violet pigment for the dojo. Since I was going with only one other clan member, I invited two other playeres from the same alliance to come along to help them work towards the pigment as well.


    I had two beacons, so we had two attempts at these drops. For the first beacon, I was able to pick up 11 Anti-Violet pigments, and no one else picked one up despite searching the area with Vacuum on their Sentinels. Before we started the second beacon, I contributed all of my pigments to begin the resarch of the pigment in the dojo. At this point, it should be impossible for me and my clanmate to be able to pick up Anti-Violet pigments. We ran the mission again, so I could use the other beacon. After using the beacon we killed it, and it dropped pigments. However, my clanmate picked up 7 pigments while the player from my alliance only picked up 4. It should have been impossible for us to get pigments at this point, but we still did.


    Eleven seemed like a suspicious number of pigments to drop from a single enemy even with double boosters. My guess is that the for some reason, the game thought we were in the same clan despite actually being in different clans but the same alliance, allowing us to pick up pigments meant for the other clan. This was a really frustrating bug because now the clan in my alliance doesn't have enough pigments to unlock their dojo color despite also having double boosters and two people involved in the process, which should have been enough to complete the research that required only 10 pigments.



  2. Hello,

    I do daily runs to max my focus by doing stealth exterminate missions to take advantage of the affinity multiplier with consecutive stealth kills. Recently, I've come across a frustrating bug where the Convergence Orb spawns several hundred meters away.




    Edit: bleh- can't add image properly


  3. 8 minutes ago, Toran said:

    Thanks for the hint, I gonna try it tonight. It's months if not years since I actively hunted affinity.

    No problem! Keep in mind that enemies have 3 alert states: Unalerted, Semi-Alert, Fully-Alert. The latter two alertness levels will break your stealth affinity multiplier, so be careful of them during a convergence orb. The reason Ivara sleep arrows and Equinox rest are so useful is that they lock enemies into an alert state, which helps immensely because a melee weapon hitting a nearby surface or the enemy seeing a corpse can easily put them into a semi- or fully-alerted state.

  4. The fishing vendor provides an item called Luminos Dye. It makes fish within a certain range of you glow brightly with a blue-white color. I recommend using that.


    Also, as recommended by other, turning up brightness can help. Also understand that some areas are easier to fish in than other. Some water is clearer than others. The Left Beach is notoriously difficult to see into in some areas. There are however some areas where the water is fairly clear glare minimal. You'll have to look a bit, but I promise you that they exist.

  5. Did you know that with boosters, you can get 100k standing in around 10 minutes?

    The biggest problem with focus gain is the DE knows the optimal way to farm focus, while only a select population knows and are willing to spend time doing it.

    The method I'm talking about are Stealth Exterminates. You only need 2 Greater Lenses: one on your Warframe and one on your chosen melee weapon (preferably with extreme reach). For this tactic, you need to use an Ivara or Equinox with Maximum Range. You need to put enemies to sleep to keep them unalerted, then kill them in droves. This allows you to build up a stealth multiplier that increases your affinity gain by up to 6x. Each orb with a booster can net you anywhere from 15k to 35k standing depending on the your luck with the orbs and the spawn density. This method is typically used against the Grineer on Adaro, Sedna. With this method, I literally do 3 exterminates with a booster to max my standing. Without, it would take 5 exterminates. That is very doable for someone who just wants to max out focus.

    PoE actually seemed to have hidden buffs to this method. Since I've been doing this method for a while, I am sensitive to the changes in this method. One of the huge benefits that seemed to go unnoticed is that enemies in Exterminates spawned in excess of the target amount. More importantly, they spawned in greater densities than before, which allowed for one to optimally use a convergence orb. There was one line in the patch notes talking about spawn rates in Exterminates, but its true effect is only felt by those who know this method for farming focus.


    The problem here is that DE knows about this method, but a large majority of the playerbase either does not know or fails to take advantage of this method. Consequently, there are two extremes with focus gain: 1) a paltry amount; 2) insanely quick. There is no in-between, which makes it difficult to balance them.


    I personally think it might just be best to remove convergence orbs altogether, and maybe lowering the new affinity-to-focus ratio to be equivalent to the previous 6x boost by the convergence orb instead of the new 8x boost.

  6. Can I get a clarification? Does the [*] mean that I can join a clan after the operation began and be able to contribute towards Clan Participation Tier but not towards the other clan rewards of Victory Tier and above? Or, does it mean that I can join to get the bp, but my efforts won't contribute towards the Clan Participation Tier at all?

  7. 11 minutes ago, Betaboost said:

    Thanks for all the fixes and additions but can you please stop trying to force people to play PvP so much?

    It makes for a miserable experience for both the people who like PvP (going against afkers and people clearly wanting to get this over with fast) and those who don't, who feel they have to participate for the rewards in a game mode they clearly have no interest in (they would be playing PvP already otherwise).

    I don't really think it's truly forcing people into a game mode. The rewards for the event are trivial at best, and you don't need to do it if you don't enjoy it. Since it just came out, why not introduce it to the general playerbase? It's not like the event will take forever.

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