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Posts posted by Refreshing_OJ

  1. Nerfing Mirage as well or abilities "across the board" isn't the answer to fixing Excalibur.

    Of course it's not going to be fixing Excalibur, but it would give every other frame a solid baseline to work from. It would level the playing field of other frames so we don't have every rank 2 immediately spamming chat with "WTB Rhino Prime Set" due to his amazing tankiness and cc/buffing abilities.


    DE has, at this point, made it so there are definitive tiers of weapons, as some will probably never actually be buffed in any way to be viable outside of some of the beginning planets, such as weapons like the Burston, the Sicarus, etc. The Boltor Prime, Soma Prime, Amprex, those are, as they jokingly said in a devstream from quite a while back, "God Tier" weapons. They haven't done anything to try and balance the other weapons up to a level where they can compete with the potential DPS or cc that some of the best weapons can do. To be honest, I don't blame them. At this point, excluding a few event exclusive weapons, I've nearly mastered every one, and my god are there a lot of weapons. Trying to balance all of those would be a nightmare without having to include more mods to affect each weapon in a specific way to make it viable or adding in numerous new mechanics/enemy types to broaden the usage of those weapons.


    However, my main issue is that a lot of the frames in game can be classified into tiers. Nobody would bring, for example, an Ember into T4 survival, at least as their first pick. There are many other frames that trump her abilities, even with her recent buffs giving her some form of cc. With having 20+ frames, I feel that balancing each one's abilities and kits to not necessarily fill a nitch, but instead just be a viable frame if built correctly would not be NEARLY as much of a nightmare as trying to do that with the weapons.


    Now, that doesn't mean that some of the lesser used frames can't be modded in such a way that they can be viable frames at higher level content, but when compared to other frames abilities and kits, they can't compete.


    What I actually would REALLY prefer is instead of nerfing down good frames to compensate for some frame's bad abilities/lack of any effective strategies, I'd much rather DE take the approach of making all frames on the same level, and instead buff the unused frames in such a way that they are a viable option.


    TL;DR: Weapons in Warframe can be categorized into tiers, but Warframes themselves should not. Each Warframe should be unique, but should be a viable option in some way for end game content, and not only for ridicously skilled players depending moreso on their weapons than the frame.

  2. A returning player here, I was rather bummed out to learn that a huge part of Excalibur's kit was nerfed into oblivion. Since he's already an incredibly squishy frame, Radial Blind was fantastic for keeping him alive and controlling the flow of battle around him.


    So, after returning expecting to be able to sustain his general squishiness by spamming his only reliable cc ability, I suddenly learn that it longer breaks the laws of physics by having penetrating light going straight through walls. Conseqently, in the current state that Radial Blind is, if a bombard or another heavy unit comes into range shortly after you cast it, you might as well invest in some plat to keep buying revives, because they simply will not be affected by the stun that was something of his life support.


    Now, if this was an across the board nerf to all frames (for example, Rhino Stomp only stuns those in LoS, Accelerant doesn't go through walls, etc.), that would make sense to me, as that would be an attempt to make the game a little more difficult and more tactical. However, as it seems, a lot of the nerfs recently to Excalibur (such as the LoS nerf to Radial Javelin) has been in response to ways players were abusing the system to make the game way too easy.


    Okay, I can understand that. You want us to play the game a little bit more tactically? Cool, I can understand that. You don't want us to abuse mechanics? Cool, I can understand that.


    However, after building and playing Mirage, it's very confusing to me that she can proc the exact same stun based on the same general idea (bright flash of light), but it completely denies physics and can pierce through walls? Why is that the flagship Warframe is incredibly crippled in terms of cc, but a different frame with a generally speaking same mechanic can still do that form of cc?


    DE, if you're going to nerf something, could you at least make it something that is across the board?


    TL;DR: If Excalibur had Radial Blind nerfed to LoS, Mirage's prism shouldn't be able to proc the same stun through walls.

  3. I absolutely love the look of Loki Prime. The new spikes on the back, the extended elbow guards, the even more massive thighs, everything about him looks amazing.

    His model is very different in comparison to that of Loki. Now, in comparison, the other Prime models are.... rather lackluster, and are more akin to re-skins.

    - Excalibur Prime has nothing new on his model in comparison to Excalibur. Yes, a different skin texture adds some pretty lines and throws on some gold to pimp out his forearm fins.


    - I actually built Frost Prime before I ever made Frost, and I was always confused when I saw a Frost in a mission. I thought it was a different skin, until I realized that Frost Prime was the re-skinned one, as the few pimped-out section of his body are sparse.


    - Mag Prime falls into the same category, but falls hard. The new skin texture barely looks different than Mag's basic skin, if it's any different at all. Her swirly arm bits and inversely placed Assassin's Creed-esque dual hidden blade-thingies are pimped out in gold, which looks lazy in comparison to Loki Prime's design.


    - Ember Prime is a step-up, editing the thigh armor into a skinny, more pimp-ified version. Even some spiny shoulder pieces accent the reskin, but that's it. Since I'm having to compare the previous Primes to Loki Prime's deisgn, it's esay to see which one has more new model assets in comparison to its non-primed counterpart.


    - Rhino Prime gets some shoulder, back, and hip tumors to match his helmet, which definitely shows a progression from just throwing some gold paint on a new skin, with some new swirls on his thighs and shoulders. He does have redisgned shoulders to make them more round, but nothing close to the new model design on the latest frame.

    So, we've been at least told that the other primes (Ember, Mag, and Frost) will be getting stat boosts since Rhino Prime has increased sprint speed, Excalibur Prime has increased shield recharge rate (even though that's not a visible stat...?), and Loki Prime has increased base energy.

    In the same light, are the other Primes going to be getting some make-overs/plastic surgery to make them look as sexy as Loki Prime?



  4. This has been happening since the event was released. Even once the game has registered that I've accepted the reward, it brings up the fact that I need to change to my NaT settings.

    If I press accept, mash the escape button to close that window, or just sit and suck my thumb, the game crashes after a few seconds. Literally cannot play at all, which is unfortunate, since this decided to happen during an event period...

    Tried having everything else closed, nothing seems to work.


    Running Warframe on a netbook, AMD E-350 processor (1.6 ghz), 8 GB ram, Windows 7 64 bit, AMD Radeon HD 6310 graphics card. Have Ad-Aware antivirus on this computer, tried it with it running, off, completely closed, even its "gaming mode", so no idea if that's messing with the game.

    I'd enjoy participating in this event to help out my clan and get the cool new mods/vandal prova, but I literally cannot do anything, and I have no idea how to fix this.

  5. In this case, Etzelal is all-right because she has me to fend them off! Plus her bite is worse than her bark, anyway :P

    Oh god. As soon as I saw "...female warframers", had this weird feeling white knights would start showing up.

  6. Ya know, I love that the dark sectors give you such an incredible bonus over every other mission type out there.


    - Want to fight infested to farm for their drops? We gotcha.


    - How about having ridiculous amounts of credits thrown at ya? Sure!


    - Farming for some resources? How about we give you 30 per cent more!


    - Really hate grinding for mastery? Bonus experience!


    - How about that terrible weapon you're using? Even more experience just for that specific weapon!


    But wait, there's more!


    If you call us in the next 48 hours, we'll give you brief access to these missions for a day! After that, you'll have to wait another 2 days to use them!!


    Why? Because taxes!!! And.... Uhhh... I guess bragging rights? Yeah!


    Hope you enjoy only playing Warframe once every 3 days, because that's the only time the grind becomes easier!

  7. Statistically speaking, one enemy firing at you with anywhere between a 2-7.5% chance to proc bleeding on you is not very frightening. Now, when you increase the number of enemies firing at you, that's where it becomes ridiculous.

    I get this has already been complained about plenty of times, but there's nothing more frustrating to have to use a revive 3 feet away from the extraction point because you have blood spraying out of your everything. There have been tons of complaints, along with numerous proposals to fix it. 


    All I can say is that this is a problem that needs to be addressed. Why does it have to kill you? Why not make it so it instead just drops you down to 1 health?


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