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(XBOX)OH geezushedtrp

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Posts posted by (XBOX)OH geezushedtrp

  1. I concur with Xodus03. I really hope this event is extended a reasonable amount of time. Xbox live issues affecting squad connection and party chat in the middle of two days of this event during peak hours really hurt scores. Heck if it wasn't for the issues my clan could have taken 3rd place in that last 30 minutes. I had two guys lined up to take on a run that had not run it yet but could not due to squad connection issues.

  2. Why spew such lies? We both know the truth my man. Unlike CFE and most other clans we don't have have to buy our members we pick them up when they are new and train them many have told me knights hospitallers are THE most helpful clan/guild they have EVER been in. Myself and a handful of others in KH were in art of war in the clan 0uter heaven when our leader flipping out and started kicking us and stalking our female members we left and created knights hospitallers dark hart brought us in and then we left from there due to alliance issues now we are the league of assassins. I can personally send you the screenshots of me with the alliance badges and I might still have the videos of us running rails in your "ultimate form" LUL but sure lets go with what you said if that makes you feel better my team will be there at 6 don't you worry :)

    Check yourself before you go accusing others of lies ebola.


    To clear matters up, yes ebolachan4life was in AoW. He was in my clan 0uter Heaven. He was kicked and blacklisted from 0H/AoW for being a hateful homophob and a liar. 

  3. Just give us Rails back that don't effect PVE in anyway but where the clan/alliance in control of a rail still gets some sort of benefit equal to what we had before. I'm so disappointed that DE thought completely removing the main type of play that plenty of the Tenno focus on the most was the answer to the issues that existed. All I see is non Solar Rail players complaining about taxes. DE, couldn't you have just put a tax cap of 10%-20% up until you guys figured out what direction you were going to take it? New mastery rank fodder is NOT going to keep me playing.

  4. I think the Prime Vault should be made into two packages. The first with the previously farmable items (i.e. frost prime and the prime weapons) and plat. The second with the syandana, extractor and avatar with some boosters. I was able to farm the prime frost and weapons before being vaulted but wasn't playing Warframe when the accessory pack was offered. I can't be the only person that falls into this category of players. I won't pay for something I already have just to get a couple things I can't get otherwise.

  5. im interested 

    glad to have you in the 0uter Heaven family jhurmon88!


    It seems like you wouldn't really want to be in a pVp clan by the sound of it.

    I organize a storm clan that is quickly growing. We already have a slew of veteran players who have reached endgame content and are willing to help others along. I myself have probably ran about 30 or 40 archwing bp extract missions xD.

    We have guys who love to pVp here too but that's not something we demand of our members. We're part of an awesome alliance with hundreds of daily active players to socialize freely with.

    How does it sound like jhurmon88 "wouldn't really want to be in a pVp clan"? I mean you were obviously wrong now that he is a 0uter Heaven and Art Of War member ;). So you on the rails soon enough. Squashing you guys shall be enjoyable.

  6. LnL is for sure the #1 PVP clan! Glad to have these guys as an ally clan in Art Of War. There is plenty to learn from these guys and would make a great home for any Tenno... Unless of course you're more into that silly Star Wars roll playing that seems to have popped up in a non Star Wars game ;)


    I'll leave my clan now :)

    Glad to see you have found your way into a AoW clan. I am positive you'll be happy with your decision to go with LnL! 

  7. If you want to be apart of the imperial tenno you have to prove that your clan deserves the wolf patch it will be a long road to take but if your dedicated you can be a part of us, we are the hardest working alliance and dont just let anybody in like the Arbiters Rage so if your up to the task message me on xbox and ill give you the details.


    GT: I Saw You Try

    Was the attempted blow at Arbiters Rage necessary? There was no mention of them before this and I see no need to drag them into this. Seems a bit unbecoming honestly.

  8. Hello, I'm looking for an active alliance for my clan.The last one we were in didn't help or communicate with us whatsoever. We're a ghost clan working on getting bigger and better.

    Tip, be selective in who you go with. Some are better than others as you have already experienced it sounds like.


    then again you could choose the flip side of the coin GUARDIANS OF LIGHT currently working on bringing them to their knees

    Haha good luck. Can't wait to see you and yours on the rails, even if it is briefly.

  9. In all honesty, trying to manage a FULL alliance of Ghost and Shadow clans gets extremely stressful. You can have upwards of 400 Ghost clans, or 130 Shadow clans if there is nothing larger in your Alliance. If you have a clan of 100+, then you know how hard it is to communicate with every single one of your members on a daily basis... Well it is even harder to communicate with that many people that are NOT in your clan at the same time. A few Shadows and Ghosts within an Alliance is fine, but as inigo said, they must hold their own in activity... but it can get out of hand extremely fast. We had 88 clans within The Order at one point, that was chaos. lol

    400 clan leaders would make my head explode!

  10. Geezus hed trip here from clan 0uter Heaven with the Art Of War alliance. I know myself and many others at Art Of War look forward to some awesome, friendly, competition on the rails (if or when they come back). The Order was once a formidable foe and I hope with new management you guys can accomplish that again. Cheers and good luck guys. 

  11. If you are looking for a clan that looks the other way when their members are being bigots then you've found your home. If that's not something you like then you might want to check one of the many other clans. Cheers!

  12. 0uter Heaven is all about quality not quantity. Check our thread out here on the forums or hit me up if you're interested in a clan that takes pride in leaderboard standing & loves PVP. We are capping at 100 and staying there. Also check out the Storm clan leaderboards for T4 surv & Kills if you would like some indication of where this clan is heading.

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