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Posts posted by NotDerpGod

  1. Not signed, or ever signing.


    Removing Resources would be great for people who grind the parts to keep, or for people who buy parts, but as the person who grinds parts to sell, Removing resources and forma would increase chances of getting the rarer parts, and even if not by much, would still lower plat prices of parts. 


    So what if you find a forma blueprint on rotation C? If you hate it that much, quit the game. It is a part of the game, and DE are most likely not going to remove it. If you get a forma blueprint, then what next? Just do it again. It isn't hard, people. 


    The people who are here are the reasons why they will not be removed. No matter how many times you have gotten Forma blueprints and useless crap in higher tier void missions, you still kept playing. DE know that you wont stop playing. If you really want Forma and other resources to get removed, persuade many people into quitting the game, and at one point, if you get enough people to quit, they just might remove it, seeing that many people are quitting the game because of this reason.

  2. Intresting concept, but its OP (especially in shadow).

    Health is basically Double of the highest other health (which is 300 at rank 30) and has armor that can equal valkyrs. 

    1,2, and 4 abilities seem OP as well, as the 1 is basically Nyx's 3, the 2 has great heal and gives extra health, and the 4 buffs everyone and can also do high damage.

  3. If we take a look at her abilities:

    -hysteria claws come from her fingers an un-modified part of her.


    The claws are not the only thing that come out of her, (the weird pole like things from the modifications Alad V put on), and how do you know that those claws that are on her (without hysteria) are not modifications?


    Forged in the labs of the Zanuka project, the original Valkyr was subject to cruel experiments, leaving her scarred, angry and frighteningly adept at killing.


    This Shows that she may have not been a "rage" warframe in the first place, and that she got these abilities from the experiments. Both of the abilites that come from yelling could also be a result of the tests, so if they do make a prime (which they will, because they said they would make a prime of every warframe), it would make sense for her to only have her first ability, Rip line. 

  4. I was the host of a T4 Defense, and my friend was using his T4 Key. My game crashed (absolutely wonderful) , and he lost the key, and we recieved no rewards. No rewards is obvious, but why is the key lost? When a Key mission is aborted, the key is not lost, yet when there is an accident (crashing), we lose the key. Why does this happen, and if this is a bug, please fix.

  5. No, primes are not "Orokin versions" modern frames are versions of the prime originals, and Valkyr wasn't made by Alad V, he took a frame and experimented on it, so there could easily be an original Valkyr Prime.

    He took a frame and experimented, which created Valkyr. So he made valkyr.

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