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Posts posted by Crispy_Calamari

  1. 10 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    could just be laziness at that point

    Oh okay. Its not often that I see someone in the squad who is not running a viral/slash setup so on the rare occasion that I do, without exception they always run with corrosive cold, whilst also always bringing armor stripping capabilities. Its been happening so often, that I started to believe that there was an actual reason for why people do that.

    Considering that people usually (not always) have their builds well thought out when trying to go to level cap and also taking into consideration that guns that cannot deal slash due to bad IPS spread or low crit chance really rely on the correct element being used, I expected people to pay close attention to what damage types are most beneficial to their loadout.

  2. On 2023-06-26 at 11:52 PM, taiiat said:

    the main scenario i think of is when you're trying to get the highest values possible so that additional effects that scale off of your total modded paper Stats will have the largest values to work with. in such a case, you wouldn't care about what Damage Types you're putting on.
    would you do that for Demolysts? unlikely.... but just saying it.

    If the raw damage value is what people are after and the damage types that the raw damage value consists of does not matter, then I understand this as "as long as the number is the same, it doesnt matter if its corrosive or radiation or cold or heat or whatever".

    I agree with this. But what I dont agree with is how that leads to corrosive+cold > viral+electricity.

    Because at the end of the day: damage types do matter. And against unarmored enemies, viral+electricity is better than corrosive+cold, right?

    The corrosive+cold damage TYPES have literally no bonus against just pure cloned flesh health.

    Whereas Viral does.

    If the target is armored, THEN I completely get it. Because then not only is the corrosive+cold damage TYPE useful, the status effect is useful too.

    But the people all strip the enemy armor anyway. So they are (in my eyes) literally removing the only part about the enemy health that their damage type is good for.

    So why not mod for the damage type that the enemy is susceptible to AFTER removing the armor because thats what they do anyway, right?

    To me this is the same as modding a weapon for magnetic damage but before you shoot the corpus unit, you remove all the shields with something (idk Styanax ability or mag or whatever). Why??

  3. 22 hours ago, Cryoxiis said:

    So speaking specifically for the Felarx (not sure about the other incarnons) GunCO is multiplicative to modded damage not additive and that includes the 2000% damage perk. So building for as much raw damage as possible means its scales far greater than the 75% damage boost from modding viral because shotguns have access to 2 primed elemental mods + Blaze so corrosive/cold is a monster. As you mentioned players are still fully armour stripping so that its only the health they need to eat through despite not receiving any elemental damage boost against cloned flesh. Yes that also means the weapon can still be used to kill mobs but I don't think that's a key factor behind the intent.

    Regarding primed base damage mods, they really should be running a Bane/Expel/Smite mod as that's again multiplicative to modded damage and not additive. If for whatever reason there's a leftover slot even with bane then sure throw on the primed damage mod. The likely reason though is because players can't be bothered to switch out bane mods so the primed damage mod is good enough.

    hm ok but then there´s one more thing I dont understand.

    You but also taiiat made the same argument regarding the primed elemental mods. But I dont understand to be honest haha.

    You have access to Primed Chilling Grasp and Primed Charged Shell. Those are the only primed elemental mods right? (for shotguns). So yes, you can make corrosive+cold using both of those primed mods and a 90 toxin mod. But you can make viral+electric too, once again using both primed mods and a 90 toxin mod.

    So the "total damage" (not considering what damage TYPE it is) is the same, no? (Assuming all the other mods in the build are the same) because youre using all the same mods and youre simply rearranging them. And in my eyes, one of those combinations has the advantage when it comes to killing unarmored enemies.

    If the base damage is the same (which I think it is, right?) and it all gets multiplied by GunCO the same.....then why choose the one that not only doesnt give you a 75% dmg boost (due to the elemental weakness of the cloned flesh) but also doesnt even have the better status proc?

    For simplicity lets say the felarx deals 100 dmg

    (and lets say thats the value you get after ALL the dmg calculations including the multiplicative gunco, arcanes, what have you. everything that matters before you shoot the enemy. The only thing thats missing is the elemental weakness of the poor soul that youre about to murder.)

    and you were aiming your gun at an unarmored enemy

    Why on earth would you ever choose the elemental combo that does no bonus damage, over the one that does get a slight boost?

    Reading what you guys said, I get the impression that Corrosive+Cold somehow deals more "raw damage" than viral+electricity, even though both elements use the exact same mods, just in a different order.

    Once again, if the enemy was armored or the goal is to slow it down with cold procs, then I completely understand your argument. But against an unarmored enemy.....? I dont follow.

    For clarification: I dont mean that the viral build is a status build and the corrosive+cold one is not. Both builds are EXACTLY the same:

    The only difference is that one of them has the elements in a different order.

    Raw damage, status chance, multishot everything is the same. Its really just Corrosive+Cold or Viral+Electricity.

    I feel like I am either misunderstanding something about elemental weaknesses or im just plain dumb

  4. 10 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    the reason can situationally be due to Elemental availability. there are times where maximum paper Damage is all you need if you're stacking things in a particular way, and so whatever Primed Elementals must be present and that means whatever Damage Types those can make.

    ok, but even so. in case of shotguns, viral is still an option. And in case of pistols, there´s only primed heated charge. so why not go for viral heat?

  5. Im kinda new to endurance runs and looked up a few builds. Most of them are viral/slash (as I expected) but some others are also interesting to me, especially the incarnon weapons.

    So regarding the Incarnon weapons with the 2000% damage buff: what would be wiser to use for endurance runs?

    I know that corrosive damage falls off due to the armor scaling in the higher levels. The Kengineer made a cool video about that topic.

    When going for a slash / Hunter Munitions build, viral is the better choice but here is where people start doing things that I dont understand.

    In endurance runs (especially in grineer disruption) people run corrosive or corrosive heat/cold on their Felarx or Laetum. If they wouldnt reduce the enemy armor, I can understand that they´d wanna do as much raw damage as possible and just murder the enemy that way.

    But to my surprise they instead whip out the epitaph, prime the demolyst, strip their armor (ash´s shuriken most of the time) and then shoot them with their corrosive felarx/laetum.

    I dont understand why.

    Viral should be much better no? If people go as far as priming the target AND stripping their armor, then why not use viral for maximum overkill? Corrosive isnt even a good element to use against a non-armored unit, whereas viral should give players a nice damage boost due to cloned flesh being weak to viral.

    And i didnt see this just in the videos on the internet. During my own endurance runs I see plenty of people doing the same...

    When I ask my fellow tenno in the squad chat, they just say -> "it does more damage."

    Does it though?

    Same with melee weapons. They dont put viral on them (which i understand if you have a primer) but instead of going full slash, they go for corrosive....

    Am I missing something?

    My only guess is that during the first hour or so, where enemies are not really super tough yet, people dont wanna go through the hassle of armor stripping and priming every enemy and because of that just slap on corrosive to help them deal enough damage at the beginning, whilst at the later stages of the mission, the dmg you deal to a primed and naked enemy is so big, it doesnt matter that its corrosive rather than viral. Is that it?

    And also: Primed base Damage mod even though they alrdy have a dmg arcane....why?

    Any fellow endurance loving smart people here, who can enlighten me?


  6. To me bladestorm doesnt feel much different tbh.

    like some people said: jes you do have to target the enemies first and jes u cant nuke a whole room by pressing 4 once but in the end of the day it still feels very similar to the old bs.

    I mean when DE said that they were planning to change bladestorm i expected a complete rework of the ability like saryn or mag had with their kits but to see that now instead of pressing 4 you just need to hover your mouse and then press 4 isnt that big of a change to me. 

    I´d even consider this a nerf since the animation is still there, the damage is the same, it costs more energy and it takes longer to execute/target the enemies. this isnt a rework in my eyes.

    im not saying that its useless now or anything. Actually its quite fun to have a slight change gameplaywise but for me it doesnt fix the problem that you still have to watch how ash kills all the enemies while you can just lean back and do something else in the meantime.

    wasnt the rework supposed to make bladestorm more interactive? i mean in a certain degree it surely does but then again not so much.

    I even have nothing against bs being replaced with a complete new ability instead. it wouldnt bother me if there´s no animation anymore (since it felt really boring after a while anyways). 

    For instance i really like the idea of some people which basically is that ash´s clones do the killing and the player himself is able to move around freely.

    or some sort of melee mode like xcal or valkyr have in which ash actually makes use of his wrist blades. (its quite a shame imo that you have those but u cant get to use them except for in the animation which are too fast to really "enjoy" them anyways).

    If the melee mode would even provide some sort of mobility tweak it would synergize well with parcour 2.0

    maybe something like being able to teleport and latch onto certain constructs on the ceiling or walls from which you can execute finishers from.

    or maybe even something like being able to dash in order to evade stuff (for example like tracer from overwatch)

    hell i´d even prefer a full on dual katana melee mode instead of the same old animation. (onikiri and ubadachi ftw)

    These sort of changes would make his ult more interactive.

  7. 1. Als ich Uranus Boss Mission spielte erschienen die Oculist Erscheinungen. Hab einige male drauf geballert aber nichts ist passiert. Sie waren glaube ich lvl.24 Was hat es auf sich mit dem Viehern?

    2. Ich sammle seit einigen Tagen manche grüne Teile, die sich Saat nennen. Hab gestern bei so eine Syntikat Mission 3/8 gesammelt da stand Saat großzügig. Was sind das für Teile und wieso gibt es unterschiedliche? Was bekommt man, wenn man in einer Mission alles aufsammelt?

    3. Polarisieren. Ich habs so verstanden, wenn z.B. ein WF auf max. Rank ist, polarisiere ich ihn und der geht wieder auf 0 dafür bekommt man, was?

    4. Mods Slots. Es gibt glaube ich 8 Slots wo man seine Modsfähigkeiten einsetzten kann. Wie kann man es einstellen, dass man mehr Slots bekommt, oder geht das nicht?

    5. Wenn ich bei den WFs mir die Färtigkeiten anschaue oben Links ist so ein Kästchen, ganz oben steht Concalve, was bringt das?

    6. So und ein Feststellung: Ich habe seit dem letzten update einen Bug, der sich immer wieder wiederholt, wenn ich im Modsinventar viel zu oft (schnell) nacheinander Sachen bearbeite. Dann friert das Bild und kann nur das Spiel neu starten. Ist es bei euch auch so?


    1:Oculyst sind gegner denen du kein schaden zufügen kannst. sie erscheinen in jedem neuen uranus tileset zufällig. wenn du solche siehst einfach scannen. wenn dann lotus anfängt zu reden was du gesehen hast usw...glückwunsch. du hast soeben die quest natah erhalten. Viel spass xD


    2:Saaten sind Gegenstände die du in syndikatmissionen sammeln kannst. die sind meistens gut versteckt und bringen syndikat ruf wenn du sie im relais eintauschst.


    3: ja genau. also du polarisierst eine waffe dann wird ihr rang zurückgesetzt- bekommt aber eine polarität. welche und wo kannst du dir aussuchen.


    4:das geht nicht. beim warframe gibt es aber eine ausnahme, denn da gibt es neben der aura ein exilus slot. den kannst du mit exilus adaptern freischalten. in diesen slot passen aber auch nur bestimmte mods rein die mit einem zeichen gekennzeichnet sind.


    5: das conclave zeigt dir quasi wie gut du gerüstet bist. jeh höher zbsp der rang desto höher das conclave. zbsp mit einer skana rang 0 und einem xcal hast du sagen wir mal 100 conclave. wenn du das skana auf 30 bringt erhöht sich dieser wert.

  8. Du bekommst keine neue daily solange du die alte nicht abgeschlossen hast (so wars bei mir jedenfalls).

    Bekommst aber jeden tag neue zur verfügung ie du aber wie gesagt erst dann machen kannst wenn die alte fertig ist.


    Das mit den Quests weiss ich zwar nicht aber ich gehe mal davon aus dass man die gemacht haben muss.

  9. im planning on forma'ing my equinox 2 times.

    this would be my build. didnt try it out yet but thats what i would slap on it first to see how it goes.


    transient fortitude (in the y polarity)  costs 7 mod points

    stretch                                               costs 9 mod points

    streamline                                         costs 9 mod points

    intensify                                             costs 11 mod points

    vitality                   (in the formad polarity) costs 5 energy points

    redirection            (in the d polarity)   costs 6 points

    flow                                                    costs 9 points

    p. continuity          (in the formad polarity) costs 6 points.


    thats my build.

    if you have any suggestions to make it better i would appreciate it :)


    ps. some mods like prime continuity and vitality are not max rank. just double the mod points of them (only if there in a formad or already installed polarity) and youll have the mod points they take up without the polarity (but i think you already know that hehe)


    and if i didnt calculated it all wrong i should have about 12 points left.

    (60+14 < energy siphon= 74.    all mods up there minus 74 -> 74-62=12)

    these 12 points are for the exilus slot. since i wanted to have ice spring (really had no luck with that) and i just got toxic flight ill put that there.

    toxic flight max rank should fit there perfectly. 

  10. Hello.


    Ive got a question for Equinox Ability.


    When u change the form from lets say day to night there is a 2second delay between it. Right?


    so my question is: does this delay get affected by duration mods for eg continuity?








  11. im mastery rank 2 and i have enough exp for rank 3 and i did the test with melee.

    yesterday after i finished the test and the coundown to the main lobby started ticking down the game was lagging and i got signed out.

    then of course i logged in again and i was still 2. so i tired to do the test again but then it said that i have to wait a day to repeat the test.

    nor today i tired it again and the same thing happened. i got signed out and when i logged in i was still 2. that sucks and i said things to the game i shouldnt say at all. so now i can wait till tomorrow to do the test again but im afraid that this sh*t will happen again so i am reinstalling the game right now.

    someone got an idea to fix this or had the same experience? cuz i aint wait 5 years or so tp get to rank 3


    and and one thing.

    as u already know im rank 2.

    but my problem (if thats even a problem) is that i almost got all the planets. i got every planet till europe and the enemies are way too strong for me.

    so i have no choice but to stick to the easy planets like earth venus mercury mars and so on.

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