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Posts posted by (PSN)Shadovvolfe

  1. ...Nyx Nemesis and Proto Excal are not deluxe skins; they're pulled from Dark Sector, DE's own game from 2008. Educate yourselves before shouting falsehoods.


    Although if anything, that makes it worse since I think that means Ignis made every deluxe skin outside of Gersemi (which was ok) and Nova's (ugh)


    As for the issue at hand, while its true DE does reserve the right to do whatever the hell they want with his designs, the bottom line is, their alterations have sucked so far. People prefer his concepts without their alterations. If they were improving his stuff it would be one thing, but the overwhelming consensus is that we want them to stop touching it. So with that said, I'm glad he gave them what for. Inferior artists don't need to "correct" superior work.

  2. 4 hours ago, Thrymm said:

    This, right here, is why the official forums should be the only place feedback gets solicited.  Subreddits are a toxic backside for the internet and have been for nearly everything.

    It's pretty obvious when decisions get made from other sources----it gets toxic here.  Design council takes notes there, and misses the mark, despite being well intentioned, etc.

    It's actually pretty astonishing how issues are perceived here and in game, versus the other social media sites.  In game appears to be on the same page as the official forum far more often than not.

    As far as community in total...it leaves it pretty divided.  You've got people that actually believe PvE shouldn't have balance, and people that do.  People that believe that RNG everything is great, people that want it reduced.  People that believe hours in a single mission is challenge and reward, people that don't.  If focus was made to go a specific direction, it'd draw a specific crowd----or if energy was(and is much better than it used to be) used to appeal to both crowds relatively equally.

    Overall, it's not all that bad.  Most people that REALLY take to be a shouting pain in the butt are the minority.  Most of the community is just fine.

    I agree for the most part.


    I would counter that in game, at least in region chat on ps4, is just nonstop trolling though. It's not cancerous opinion policing, "play-the-meta-or-get-banned" nonsense, but people just sit on region spamming garbage for hours on end without getting banned (or they get kicked and somehow come back 30 seconds later).  Makes it hard to have any real conversations and watching people saying "kill yourself" and making pedo jokes every 5 seconds definitely doesn't make the community look good.


    Not sure if PC/xbox has that issue as well.

  3. 5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

    excpet this time it isnt half the player base like it was with ash . its a few people who want missions to be played their way and no one elses

    Is "our way" "don't spam mirage simulor, barring us from participation"?


    No. That's your way. It's one way out of a million ways to play the game, and it's cancerous. You're in the minority. Ash also wasn't considered this top tier frame to begin with, even before the rework. Hell, one of the most common complaints was that Ash took all day to kill stuff; people didn't like having to sit there and wait for him to BS a crowd of level 100+ mobs while they couldn't shoot them. I think DE even commented on that, as apparently making enemies killable during finishers can break the game.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Angrados said:

    I only broke it into two because I was having a hard time articulating the thought. Thanks for expanding on it, though--you did a good job with this.

    The bottom line is that right now we have a community which is slowly fracturing under its own weight at the moment, with different contingents and portions of the community turning on one another/people who don't really fall into any of the catagories, thus driving away players while they go and do their own thing. I would say that's something that we need to be really conscious about. 


    ...okay, so that on its face sounds like you're just complaining that people think things need balancing. That's ultimately what a nerf or a buff is--an effort to balance the game. I think a balanced game is good. The question  oomes to mean, then what is the balance that we're trying to find? Just gotta be respectful about it.

    Multiple people, myself included, were banned from the Warframe subreddit for saying Mirage+Simulor is a problem.

    I'm not going to blame DE for the current extreme toxicity in the community because this happens in almost every game to some extent if its not single player. I *will* however say that I've never seen a community that is so split and hostile about the issue; half the people saying "stop being a tryhard and let us play" and maybe 20% saying "go to hell I want to play on public while using my OP cheese strats to finish the mission in 30 seconds"

    In other games, people from the second group were taken to task. Dark Souls, Destiny, GW2; you have to nerf these things for the benefit of all. A minority group of players shouldn't get to dictate the game for everyone else, and that's exactly what's happening right now, hurting the gaming experience and giving a handful of jerks power over everybody.

    I hope DE does the same, because this is reaching critical mass. This is a social game; half of us shouldn't be playing solo all the time to avoid people who refuse to let us participate in missions.

  5. 14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

    True balance never exists in a PVE focused game . Some things were meant to be better than others and when people start to whine about this, it becomes annoying. Have you seen the number of "why banshee needs a nerf " and "why mirage needs a nerf" or " i hate the synoid simulor"  and even better "i loathe ember" posts on here in the span of just 3 days ?

    True balance never exists in any game, that's not an excuse for it to not be strived for. If one thing dominates everything else, it's a problem. If one thing dominates everything else and ruins the fun/undermines the purpose of the game/mission/experience, it's going to be complained about because it should be changed. The fact that half the playerbase hates it enough to constantly complain about doesn't make them annoying, it means they have a point.

  6. 1 hour ago, 0zryel said:

    In PC in-game the community is ok... there is always salt, toxic or trolls, still that's in every game, but they don't last as they are basically ignored by most players...or strike down by moderators almost as soon as it gets out of hand.

    As for the Forums... it has become a bit unstable... to put it nicely. I really don't know how the community managers are filtering their usual game data to add to their reports to the high ups...  as things have gotten to messy to follow up, even after disqualifying post to be ignore even if not close that are not following the Code of Conduct its still overwhelming. Not that I would know anything official like that of course... lol 

    Thankfully there are still official forum post that are focus on gathering specific data that help out... 

    As someone who spent a lot of time on the subreddit for this game, the forums here are as good as it gets. Say anything about the meta and you get downvoted to hell and banned.


    Honestly, I think that when people talk about how great "the community" is, it's largely colored by all the content creators. Lot of youtubers make WF content, art, concept ideas, etc.


    The actual playerbase has been...pretty horrible in my 2.5 years of play. I guess its the price you pay when the game is free.

  7. On PS4, at least, it's become hilariously toxic. Region chat is an abomination. Nothing but people cursing constantly, spamming, getting into racial/sexist/other "debates" to piss people off, purposely using it for trading/recruiting when that's not what it's for, people literally sitting in region chat all day telling everyone the game sucks, etc.

    Noobs spam it with questions no one ever answers, and in general it's a toxic, unfriendly, and entirely useless channel that doesn't promote anything other than S#&$posting. That's not even getting into actually playing the game, where normal people have to contend with Mirage Simulor tryhards in a lvl 30 mission.

    So yeah overall pretty bad, but that's the fault of players, Almost 3 years in and I still love the game itself so whatever. I just play solo unless it's a defense/excavation sortie.

  8. On ‎12‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 3:25 PM, Supreme_Warrior said:

    Who are you to criticize anyone elses' country or their laws? I think you must apologize for this... As a paying customer, they have the right to demand to participate to the giveaway. IMHO, DE should choose an appropriate giveaway, which is equally suitable for all countries... what's happening here is, they just avoiding customs fines... that's all.

    Stop crying. It's a GIVEAWAY. I.e. FREE stuff. You didn't earn anything. You don't deserve anything. No one cares if you're a paying customer, because someone could register tomorrow, play once, and win. Why? Because it's a completely random selection. DE isn't obligated to do a damn thing to accommodate the laws or shipping costs for your country, because they're giving away FREE stuff. If you paid for something and they couldn't be bothered to uphold their end of the bargain, then you'd have every right to complain.


    Which is not the case. So be quiet and stop acting entitled. Because you aren't entitled to anything.

  9. 18 hours ago, Enchantica said:

    It's a shame, everyone's money is good enough to buy, but not everyone is good enough to enter. The rules etc. in my country for enetering?

    WOW. Guess my 2000hours+ spent on Warframe just came to an end...

    Right, because DE is responsible for the laws of wherever you live. They absolutely have to cater their distribution of FREE stuff  around every single law of every sovereign state.


    Common sense. Get some.

  10. Also, some of yall are ridiculous. Do you really think DE just arbitrarily decided "and to hell with this country, that country, this province, that state..."?


    Use your brains. If your region isn't qualified it's for a reason. It sucks for sure, but that's not their fault. Besides, you're being an ingrate over free stuff you have a less than 1% chance of acquiring even if your area didnt have silly laws. Come on.

  11. Sorry...the reason people complain about Rhino is because of uninformed posts like the OP. He's not bad, but his abilities and stats make it too easy to play him with no skill, which leads to noobs being dead weight in t4 anything because they want to spam iron skin when it barely lasts longer than it takes to cast. Also, non prime rhino is slow as molasses. No one cares about his arcane helm; most of us don't have it. And, as said by a lot of people, he's just...boring to play. Slow, and uninteresting abilities. And even stomp isn't that great...the CC is strong indeed, but if you need a CC with a duration that lasts all day, you're just bad. The animation itself takes forever; even Oberon, of all frames, can immediately lock everyone down with reckoning if you have a simple power range mod. Rhino has to sit there and do his cute little animation while level 60-70 gunners and bombards are riddling him with bullets. Nerps.


    He could definitely use tweaking, but he deserves to be on the back burner until at least Ember gets fixed. He doesn't outright suck; he wouldn't be so popular if he did.

  12. Nope. Nope. Granted, DE *is* pretty cool, but that's for a myriad of reasons. No one needs to learn any humility; F2P is a business model just like subscription based models and B2P. If you think any company that makes a F2P game deserves any kind of props for that in and of itself, you don't know much about the industry. People have as much a right to complain about things in this game as any other.

  13. The Founders can get over themselves. No one will ever have Excalibur Prime, the Lato Prime, or the Skana Prime other than them. That's what they were promised and it's held true. This is something new, and anyone who is actually mad because they won't get to be better than everyone else has some serious e-peen problems. Appearances are subjective anyway, so aside from the stats and the name, what does it really matter?

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