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Posts posted by --Nef-Anyo--

  1. Well i am sorry but most players have no idea about what is and is not OP. They play the star chart, stick a couple forma on a weapon and I read in chat how the weapon is op even though we are fighting level 20 odd enemies. I would like DE to actually do special game modes where all powers are taken away and the starting level is 200. Then I want to see who comes out and says we need to nerf everything. If people find stuff OP then either dont use it or actually play higher content or DE can rework the conclave rating system. Either way if everything is nerf to a certain level, de might as well cap enemies to the start chart and everyone do 20 mins or waves in the game. I don;t think the game would even last that long if it went down that route. It would be a very boring and soon players will hate the repetitiveness even more than they already do.  

  2. One should always never plan anything around WF time tables. I don't think they have ever released anything on time. If one has not noticed already, with each passing year releases of updates etc are getting longer and longer with this one being over 6 months since U18. It should come next week before tenno con but if not then I would just wait till the very end of the month as the 3rd installment will be delayed as well. 

  3. Well you obviously learnt the hard way :( everything has different drop chances. They are low. . Its a good way to farm pigments from them but thats about it. 

  4. 4 hours ago, DeltaPhantom said:

    I feel your pain. I gave up doing nightmare with people I don't know after one where someone took the core from the driver, and hit an electrified rail before we could button up.

    Well if you cant raid with your squad you want because of CD then as a player whos supported DE and played all kinds of modes having completed everything the game has thrown at you then for me I am going to look for another game. Sick to the back teeth of the situation personally so nothing to play for. 

  5. This was bought up when they first released the raids and they have yet to implement much to a lot of peoples disappointment. Raiding with your regular squad now is so important as random squads are usually ill equipped and or difficult to find a prepared squad who actually knows what they are doing. (Just experienced another dumb team that loves to play jump on the pads and fail NM LOR)

  6. I think alot of the problems with raids is that the keys are expensive to build resources wise, and in addition groups who do the raid themselves tend to stick with their group as they are experienced and most probably use some kind of voice or know their roles well. When I have missed my raid times with my group for one reason or another even doing normal raid or nm raid is almost impossible. Far to many players relied on blind and bless trin to basically carry the team. Now these have been taken away i have failed with these public groups more times than i have ever failed since the raids first came out and ive done over 1000 raids. Alot of players what ever their MR cry about bless and constantly die because their frames and weapons have not been optimised correctly. Personally I am glad these changes overall were implemented to bless and mirage, although I would have given her a much faster casting time as that is still really poor, but at least more arcanes have more value than previously. 

  7. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)SupeBoss said:

    That'd require more effort than it seems.

    It would kill off a ton of the veteran players, since the entire game would be way too easy.
    It would kill off the players that like to do endurance runs.
    It would kill a LOT of the content creators (YouTube/Twitch) - the main source of this game garnering interest

    It would be painful in the void (not sure how U19 changes that) - since you'd only have one shot at Rotation C per void key.

    Unless you add some sort of "Choose a starting enemy level" option and completely revamp the drop tables accordingly.
    It'd require a rework of the entire game's reward system. And let's be honest. The reward system is the entire point of playing the game.

    Which is why I say they are having a mid-life crisis. It's like they want to kill endless missions, but don't want to kill everything associated with them. They're putting themselves in a bad position. Commit to one or the other and ride it out. Otherwise, this trip down the rabbit hole is just going to end painfully.

    Someone that actually can see the bigger picture. I know full well that a group who are vets or higher end players like myself who enjoy endurance runs will most likely quit and start a new game all together if they completely mess things up. No more 100 waves defense or a crazy 10k cryotic run. I have said before there is no incentive to really go past 20 mins even if its as boring as hell for higher end geared players so they play longer to push there 6 forma frames to keep them interested in the game. You take that away and destroy their time and investment then DE loses a customer. Its as simple as that. A customer is only as loyal as yesterday as the saying goes. If you cannot serve their needs then you part ways. 

  8. On 5/27/2016 at 7:57 PM, S0V3REiGN said:

    This is a massive meta shift for sure. Raids took a massive hit, at least for those that relied 100% on their blessings. Arcane prices about to blow up.

    This is exactly why i haven't sold any arcanes for over a month as I heard rumours there was going to be big changes to core frames. DE did a clever thing in that regards as they should get more plat sales when people want to buy these arcanes. You only have to look at the success rate now to see how things have changed. Unless you have a regular raid squad for nm raid and are well coordinated it is a lot harder to complete, especially when the g3 decide to show up. Bring on the plat please thanks. 

  9. Ive stopped playing sorties a long time ago, no point for me as rewards are not worth the hassles, you carry to many players half the time when in public, all the mods i have are maxed and frankly what incentive is there to get more cores unless i just sell my prime mods max ranked? Even if DE release a new fancy mod that increases the tenno power creep what is the point of it? The game is played 99% of the time around a certain enemy level/time and we can kill them fine now if you've invested some time in the gear readily available. Unless of course you are a collector of the same stuff then sure carry on as you were sir/madam. 

    For me they are a waste of time. 

  10. I'd have like to see no range cap on trinity for her blessing and personally have natural talent built into her as i find her very slow in doing the animations for her skills. On low levels this dont mean much but when you are doing higher level enemies and you are getting swamped that split second always makes a difference to me, especially against corpus techs. I always use natural talent in my build and the difference is great for my play style and I am sure others would appreciate it also. 

    Mag i've not played so I cant comment just yet but she doesn't scale like before I believe so for those who like to do longer runs/endurance runs this will obviously be a problem. 

    Excal spin attacks shouldnt cost anything, low range anyway and having additional costs when his turret mode has been removed is more than enough

    The next question I have been thinking is when there are new events and clans are obviously competing how will they flare when warframes dont scale or survive as long? Does this mean enemies will be the same in terms of scaling and damage or will the requirements for obtaining a trophy be lower? Are we going to be forced to use Loki master race and ivara all the time to not be instantly killed due to them being invisible?

    Personally the players and DE themselves need to decide if a level cap should be introduced so things can be balanced fairly and correctly as currently there is no point going further than 20 mins/waves in terms of rewards. DE knows or can easily see the average time players stay in missions whether it be survival or defense, based on that, cap the enemies slightly higher and it would probably solve alot of these current issues. The way I see it, if enemies scale then so should frames. If they don't then we need to have an enemy cap. There are the higher geared players like myself who like to squeeze more out of one key rather than blow 3 keys doing say 20 min runs each time so obviously players like myself dont want to be handicapped by having too low of an enemy. Of course enemy AI could and should be looked at as that would totally change the game no matter what the enemy level, so this also is another question that needs to be answered by DE.  Once the foundation is laid down this would allow DE time to devote man power and resources to other areas of the game rather than going back and forth with frames, powers etc. Many of their projects/time scales are way off from there expected releases, so maybe this could help to release contents/updates much faster and more efficiently. 

  11. 39 minutes ago, Noteybook said:

    I hope these straight nerfs go along with enemies getting hard nerfed in the new starmap update, or I'm done playing. I've taken long breaks from Warframe before, but I'll just be done, because there is no point playing a game where a fun/useful aspect gets nerfed because we're supposedly running through missions too quickly.


    Ash's bladestorm doesn't need touched. Blessing doesn't need touched. Prism didn't need touched, and functioned as needed for missions such as Law of Retribution. Exaulted blade functioned fine as is, and is actually fun to use, and gave me a reason to use Excal for just fun.


    As usual, the core issue is not being touched, and just the loot caves are being touched. Why are people using this frames so often? Because they make missions easy, easier then other frames do. Why are people so desperate to be pigeonholed into frames that make things easier? Because of bad drop tables, and RNG that makes you do missions so often you see them in your sleep. I wish I could take the frames I wanted, but the game doesn't work like that. For X, Y, & Z high level/specific missions, I have to take certain frames, and have a certain team composition to make it work. Maybe instead of nerfing the ones that are useful, buff the ones that aren't used? 


    As long as you avoid the problem DE, you will not make the community happy. Meet us in the middle. I'll take power nerfs if you can nerf enemies and fix drop-tables. Does that sound fair?


    I'm sorry, but as a veteran player(Update 1, anyone?), starmap update really is make/break for me. I know a lot of people who feel the same way. DE, this is your chance to start to fix the huge, fundamental problems in your game.

    Nicely said. I'll wait myself and decide whether to carry on or just quit entirely, especially when farming resources for plastids and neural sensors seem to drop less and less of late. I need alot of plastids as we run alot of raids and the resource costs are a joke. If I'm farming more resources for hours on end to build some keys then its bye bye anyway as there's only raids for me to play and sorties does not interest me in the slightest. 

  12. 2 hours ago, TheTundraTerror said:

    So, let me get this straight, DE? I put a bunch of Forma into my frame to unlock it's full potential. You put Forma into the game for the sole purpose of getting more money unlocking the full potential of our frames (and weapons). So, we do that. We put all the time, effort, and resources to bring our frames to their fully realized potential... and then it all goes to waste as you sodomize my frame because someone who only plays 20 minutes of Survival or 20 waves of Defense threw a fit.

    After spending 5 Forma in Mirage and 3 Forma into Trinity (with another 5 planned for Excal) only to realize that DE are basically going to skullf*** my entire work, I have no desire to play the game. I'm sick and tired of being bent over and screwed by developers over and over and over. If DE actually goes through with this nonsense, I'm done. That's it.

    To the people who are celebrating this because "Oh, now it won't trivialize content" that was already trivial to begin with, play more than 40 minutes of T4S. The only thing that scales in this game is cheese.

    Unfortunately risk for rewards does not exist so there is no need to go further than what you state which is why I agree with your statement. I've spoken many times about this before with other higher end players and they all say the same thing. The funny thing is though, DE likes to bring out prime mods to make you spam/more powerful even though you're still essentially fighting the same enemy level each and every day. The logic behind DE amazes me every time. 

  13. If people dont forma and add reactors then just play game for 20 mins each and every time and then repeat. It saves you time and effort in thinking of a build.  I mean thats what alot play anyway due to enemy scalling and how rng works. Its most efficient for alot of players so might as well change the whole game and make it throwing star space ninjas for 20 mins/waves and thats it. Who needs frames with powers or anything else. Once you get the new content,  which wont be much point other than bragging you are a high MR you can play some other games. Oh yes I forgot its a 3 year old beta game so its to be expected. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, KnotOfMetal said:

    That would be Ivara for T4 Int. She can even cause enemies to perma glitch capture points so the enemy can no longer capture anything and all the tenno have to do is find a nice perch or hide out until the end of round where it's either covert lethality or noise arrow to get everyone to crowd around in front of the doom lasers. 

    -Time for group hug! Everyone gather around.  Aaannnddd ZAAAP-

    Hey at least DE will get plat sales when people buy ivara off the market...Clever tactic :)

  15. So these nerfs were to be expected but it's all nice and good these changes to their powers but what about enemy scaling so we are not killed in 1 shot when we go past a certain level? Can DE implement a system similar to other games where enemy scales based off spawns and AI rather than mindless dumb zombies with insane output?  For me the game only gets exciting when there is a considerable increase in spawns and not me having to find an enemy when a group is split up in a survival.  Maybe DE should just cap the enemies at 1 level only and then after that just end the mission as all I see is balancing around a certain enemy cap and thats it. It does not fix the bullet sponges or the insane damage they do as that is what I consider OP. In this situation you either have to use covert leathality on a particular frame or we are forced to use a banshee always for damage output against them and she is about as tanky as a wet tissue. 

    I can see why these were the most popular frames to use in the game especially for raid set ups but a few frames needed some serious rework like hydroid who is frankly a joke. Enemies just walk in between his tenticles like nothing is there or they up against walls that do nothing but swing around for show?  

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