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Posts posted by someguysomewhere

  1. WAR-2769142


    Just started encountering this today, checking up after the scarlet spear closed down.

    Warframe Launcher Hangs on start up, doesn't display window, does chew up a lot of system resources, waits a bit and crashes out. Issues persists after both restarting steam, and the whole system multiple times. Doesn't appear to be an update or connection to Warframe servers issue, but something with the launcher itself.

  2. This was actually quite helpful, I'm doing the same thing regarding examining the Dojo layout for my clan and figuring out where a room as large as the Drydock could go. I've still got a long tendril from the original dojo layout due to that same lab. 

    Wonder if they'll do any rework to the dojo itself with this new addition...after all more clan members are likely to show up if you need to gather there for a mission.

  3. Also noticed this issue when I did the quest, I'm not much of a decorator but it would be nice not to have everything I've worked for vanish for the second time.

    Some minor differences for the operator's head gear cropped up when I did the quest. Evidently the revenant mask makes eye addons like the dual oculus vanish now, and the mask itself is now treated like a hood, so you have to 'close the hood' in the options to make it appear.

  4. I've noticed this as well.

    The "Rell's Relic" item as well as the Oro Decoration, from the "Chain's of Harrow" and last big PVP event have, after being moved to the Operators new room, then going on a mission, vanished from both their new and old locations, and inventory. For Me at least.

    I assume that such event items simply didn't make it into the updated collections addons and got left out. The Fact that they no longer appear in inventory however is an issue for getting them back. Hopefully there is a event flag on accounts to mark receiving these items for later restoration.

  5. Getting similar issue with having to escape missions...the cursor is there, and the text box option is there, but there is no exit button, no function for the esc key, no interaction with any of the menu options such as the slider for gear. It generates the menu but stops there with no interaction and no escape.

    I have been going for pigments on a corrupted creature and mostly running unlock relic missions during this time. so maybe the above has something to do with it.

  6. Ok....I'm just starting to poke around the update after the download made it through....and I find one thing rather shocking, and REALLY hope it's just me having a brain fart.

    Where did the option to buy weapon blueprints in the store go?

    I see all the usual Buy weapon with plat options, but none of the old credits for blueprints and build it yourself options in the redesigned storefront.

    Now, there is this tin foil hat paranoid little corner of my mind going "They redesigned the store so no one would notice that you now have to buy all weapons rather then build them." DE's earned my trust on not being Pay to Win so far, and I've got most of the store weapons from updates past. But for new comers trying to get gear I see a really big problem here.


  7. Ok, so here's a question. With the most recent Dev Stream talking about Parkor being reworked, and the team demoing a current Dev Build that completely REMOVED Stamina...how does this impact Blocking?


    Without Staminia loss on blocking stuff the idea of running around blocking all the time can come to the fore.



    So how do you build for blocking and or reflection if you aren't working around stamina limitations now?

  8. I noticed this recently as well, since I was maining the quanta vandal since we got it.


    I went to the Simulcrum for some added testing.


    The Cube are actually damaging enemies while passing through them, NOT detonating on impact.

    The extra shots trying to detonate them was hitting the dead or dying bodies.

    Also changed is that they no longer Chain detonate, that is blowing one up near another cube does NOT set off the second cube with the blast. Even using Multishot and picking off one thats practically inside the other only had one detonate.



    I was really enjoying this weapon, and even with these hickups I still like the mechanics over the boring but practical soma.




    EDIT: Well haha on me... figured it out, Had a dual stat mod with punch through (thought it was the fire rate one) mod on ...of couse the damned thing isn't going to detonate on impact if it blows through like that.


    tl;dr watch your mods

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