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Posts posted by DedSecV

  1. vor 10 Minuten schrieb BiancaRoughfin:

    Or you could just not use Stasis. :V

    Sadly there is nothing you can do about it other than not equipping the Sentinel or its weapons.

    Yeah thats the workaround I use currently, but it is not a real solution. I kinda want a weapon on my Sentinel as long as Limbo can still be oneshotted by a fly, a helping hand/gun is always useful. And stasis is a substantial ability for Limbo when it comes to 'not dying in a nanosecond' 😄

  2. Hello fellow Tennos,

    I have been enjoying Limbo for quite a while now. He can be fun if you can do it right. But's thats not the topic.

    What I especially noticed while playing with friends, Limbo has many practical skills that don't affect teammates.

    For example, the 10 energy per kill passive. At the moment only Limbo gets it, but it would be cool if an energy-hungry frame could keep itself alive by killing enemies in the rift.

    Another case is the Rift Torrent Augment. iirc before the rework all teammates in the rift got a damage buff if the 3rd ability was activated.
    The current augment only gives Limbo a buff, which is kinda sad as he could be a very strong supporter even without stasis.

    Both skills should work on other teammates as well, it would certainly take Limbo out of the bad light a little bit;)


    Are these things too 'op'? What is your opinion?

  3. Hey Tennos,

    after U20 my UI and HUD is ab bit too big. No setting can fix this.

    My resolution is 2560x1080 21:9 ratio 60Hz running in borderless fullscreen.

    Never had this before.

    Here is a picture of interception extraktion screen which was before at least 1.5x smaller:


    Does anyone has the same problem?

  4. Hello Tennos,

    can somebody explain this super bad performance?



    Ich have an brand new Intel i7 7700K OC to 4.7GHz and a new GTX 1070 from MSI, which is not OC. But then I get 30FPS (no cap or so) on max settings, wow.

    But it seems, that near to none resources are used for Warframe?! Only 30% GPU usage and 23% CPU usage!

  5. I was playing like normal after the nidus update as the game suddenly freezes, but only the graphics. I can hear sounds and i´m able to move (according to friends vision). This mostly happens when i trigger a abbility/shot or something with sound and effects, right after i jumped into a mission.

    The CPU and GPU ramps up to 100% (usually 60%-70%) and falls down to 12% until i can hear sound again. The sound also sounds really distorted while the crash happens and then normalize.

    This is the GPU usage while a crash (CPU looks similar):



    pls find a fix i want nidus ^_^




    MSI GTX 1070 (no OC)

    16GB DDR3

    Intel i5-4460

    Windows 10


  6. I got 1 Riven Mod.

    The Quest is: Sustain a 3x melee combo multiplier for 30 second "with an active pet present" (the "" part was writen in broken german "mit einem aktiven haustier präsent").

    I tried everything.

    Got 3x melee multiplier for longer than 5 minutes.

    All weapons for 30 second active and my pet didnt died while this.

    Anyone a fix or tip?


    Here a pic of this mod:


  7. Hey Tennos,

    i will make this compact with some facts. I saw similar problems before here, but with little numbers. And so i´ll try.

    I was just playing after the big TWW update. But after 1 hour the performace dropped really hard. 



    Intel i5 4460

    MSI GTX 1070

    16GB DDR3 RAM

    600w Gold PSU

    Warframe is on Samsung SSD

    Res: 2560x1080 21:9


    Was playing on Stöfler - Lua with only 30FPS on low(!) settings, my GPU says 18% usage and CPU 47% usage with 1,8GB RAM used. (totally underused!)

    The FPS continued to drop till it was unplayable like 20fps.

    I also notice some annoying frame stuttering in the menues and while quick movements, and the GPU drops to 4% usage.


    I normally get around 90fps on maxed out setting ingame and 133fps in the ship most time.

    The only way to stop this fps hell was to restart the game. After restart it seems totally normal with 50% GPU 50% CPU and 2GB RAM used, but this only last 30 minutes until the drop started again.


    Another thing is my ping. On every server it is above 130ms. Also with friends were i got 20ms before.

    And i cant connect to any chat anymore.


    Anyone with similar problems? Maybe a fix?

    Nothing in my PC is overclocked or overheated (max 61 degrees) and the PSU is big enough to carry two of my PCs.

    Reinstall of the game did nothing.


    This is the performace before restart:



    This is a screenshot when everthing is normal after restart:


    And the overall temps while playing:





    • Fixed Razer Comms conflict detection occurring prematurely in the launcher and preventing updates.


    Still not working while Razer synapse 2014 is online. I have to close to update. After i started the game i can also start synapse again without problems.

    Oh and an Error occurred that said "Synapse Comm Overlay is not compatible with warframe" PLS FIX THIS WTF!

  9. Still can't update

    Do you have a Razer mouse? I disabled Razer Synapse or just stoped it in the tast manager.....and now it works. WTF DE! No i have to work without macros

    I completely re-installed the game and still am getting this stupid message http://i.imgur.com/IcSnY8W.png

    Do you have a Razer mouse? I disabled Razer Synapse or just stoped it in the tast manager.....and now it works. WTF DE!

  10. Hey Guys,


    after playing now several Hours of farming for this damn Centaur Blade, I just need to report a few annoying problems in the archwing End Game! I will just list them up. and i know Archwing is in an early state, but hey lets make it better with my report below ^^


    1) Since update 16.5 i have huge hitbox problems in melee against Dreg. sometime i slam 20 times on one without hitting it. Pls fix this. :)


    2) attract collision death. Yeah, I hooked up melee to an target near a wall. The Target will get pushed through the wall (i dont know why??) and i collide with the wall getting super rapidly dmg and insta death. This is super annoying in Solo mission and missions where move far apart each other. Maybe you could remove this type of dmg...


    3) poorly visible or even invisible revive marks...this is also important because how can revive my mate if i didnt see him flying in the giant space of a grineer interception?? Dead Mates should blink or otherwise made more visible.


    4) HUD...why must the HUD always disappear while sprinting ??? i´m always sprinting so i have to slow down to get my crosshair back -.- why?? it would look a lot cooler if it would also distort while sprint as with normal tempo ... otherwise you can leave it out because i never see it and and it makes the stamina display down there nonsense xD


    5) and pls remove the roll function when you press shift shortly. it makes me unable to fight for seconds! and it does nothing in space so pls remove this function!


    6) Droptables...in archwing they are SH****T! I do not want the mods I have already 1 million times, and why did T4 Keys drop?!?!?!?!?!? Especially why defense ??? remove them and push the drop rates from Centaur Because I did over 90 runs on Uranus and still dont got it !!! My brain is bleeding, im now a archwing zombie (-.-'). These have to be balanced or pushed because this makes Archwing super boring!


    7) Dragyn Rockets! They make too much damage and the hitbox of them is too huge. it cant be true that this little lightball hits me 50m away! and oneshot is often the end of it -.-


    8) The 2D-Radar is so useless in 3D space we need the good old 3D-Globe radar like in Starconflict, starcitizen, Elite dangerous and so!


    while im writing this i did around 20 more rounds on uranus and still no centaur blade so you can feel my rage in the post and probably there are further things that have to be improved until archwing makes fun over a long time. and sry for the bad english :)


    I hope im not the only one with this problems

  11. Die Idee habe ich mir in der Schule ausgedacht und ist nicht sehr durchdacht, Kritik nehme ich gerne an!


    Meine Idee war, da der Archwing wenige neue Missionen bringt, einen neuen eigenen Spielmodus zu gestalten. Es soll ein bisschen was von Kreuzfeuer, Verteidigung und Ausgrabung enthalten.

    Dazu wählt man am Anfang der Mission Corpus oder Grineer (jeweilige Vorteile wären eine Idee) danach spawnt man am oberen Rand des Kampffeldes mit seinen 3 Kollegen. Die Karte besteht aus einem Corpus und einem Grineer Schiff die sich seitlich gegenüberstehen bereit für eine Schlacht. Dazwischen für nette Manöver ein kleines Asteroidenfeld.

    Beide schiffe besitzen Geschütze die nahekommende NPC´s des Gegners beschießen um eine Gegnermasse zu verhindern.


    Jedes Schiff besitzt einen Reaktor den es zu beschützen gilt! Dieser wird zum Weltraum mit einem Hangar verbunden welches ein Energieschild besitzt das für Gegner undurchdringlich ist. Ziel ist es diesen Reaktor zu zerstören und den eigenen zu beschützen indem man ihn mit Energie auflädt welche man von gefallenen Gegnern bekommt (wie in Ausgrabung), die Energie versorgt die Geschütze und das Energiefeld am Hangar.


    Das Gegnerische Schiff kann man ausschalten indem man verhindert das Energie beim Gegner ankommt (Energieträger sind auffälliger gestaltet) und diese allmählich zugrunde geht. Sobald die Energie einen kritischen Wert erreicht fallen die Geschütze aus was NPC´s den Energietransport erschwert da Gegner nun freie Schussbahn haben. Und wenn die Energie auf 0 fällt deaktiviert sich das Hangarschild und man kann das Schiff stürmen!


    Jetzt gibt es zwei Enden da ich nicht weiß wieviel in Warframe möglich ist:


    1) Man stürmt im Archwing das Schiff wie bei den Fomorianern und zerstört dort den Reaktor und gewinnt.


    2) Man landet im Hangar (Ladebildschirm evtl) und man muss wie in Sabotage zu Fuß den Reaktor im Schiff zerstören. (diese Idee ist seht komplex aber gaube ich machbar)


    Nachdem der Reaktor zerstört wurde kann man sich entscheiden ob man an der gewählten Seite weiterspielen möchte und in eine schwierigere Runde mit mehr Gegnern oder weniger Energie kommt. Danach spawnt man wieder oben am Schlachfeld und es beginnt von neu.


    Man kann dieses Spielmodus auch in ein PvP Event ändern was natürlich stark an Battlefield etc. erinnert aber das überlasse ich dann doch DE ^^ ...


    Ideen zu Rewards oder noch Feinheiten einfach unter den Post. Ich finde im Archwing steckt enorm viel Potenzial!

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