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Posts posted by Fatetaker

  1. 5oWksGI.jpg

    Focus: PvE, PvP, Endgame, Progression, Crafting, Social, Hardcore, Casual Friendly
    Time Zone: Eastern to Pacific NA; All TMZ welcome
    Voice Chat: Dedicated 512 slot Teamspeak Server
    Website: http://badwolvesgaming.com
    Size: 75+
    Alliance: Orion Emperors

    About Us: Bad Wolves is an adult oriented community for casual and hardcore gamers. We meld our play styles together to compliment each other with a focus on co-operative team play with competitive tendencies. We do not require members to play any particular way in order to be a member although our members are commonly group oriented, competitive and unabashed by adult environments. We have members that at times do not participate in any of the games we play and are around just for the camaraderie. We like to operate by the idea of if we are not having fun, we are not doing it right. Our team is lead by seasoned leadership from many corners of the gaming world under the shared vision of staying united no matter the paths and games we end up playing. Our leaders are veterans of successful endgame progression guilds dating back from EQ, EQ2, WoW, Aion, Final Fantasy XI, AoC, AO, and FFXIV. We have seen too often what the instability of fickle and unsteady leadership does to groups of gamers and friends and hope to unite all those who find appeal in our vision so that we may have a community in any game our members decide to delve into.

    Our Mission: We aim to be a progressive endgame entity but are openly casual friendly. We are an adult oriented community that follows a no drama policy and our guiding rule is respect. Although no community is perfect, we strive to provide a relaxed and fun environment for whatever playstyle your into. Our membership vets each new member to ensure that we maintain quality over quantity. So come get to know us and if you have time hop on our teamspeak and say hello. If your interested or have questions feel free to reply here or contact us via our website or steam group
  2. SkZI5Iv.png

    Focus: PvE, PvP, Endgame, Progression, Crafting, Social, Hardcore, Casual Friendly
    Time Zone: Eastern to Pacific NA; All TMZ welcome
    Voice Chat: Dedicated 512 slot Teamspeak Server
    Website: http://badwolvesgaming.com
    Size: 75+
    Alliance: Orion Emperors

    About Us: Bad Wolves is an adult oriented community for casual and hardcore gamers. We meld our play styles together to compliment each other with a focus on co-operative team play with competitive tendencies. We do not require members to play any particular way in order to be a member although our members are commonly group oriented, competitive and unabashed by adult environments. We have members that at times do not participate in any of the games we play and are around just for the camaraderie. We like to operate by the idea of if we are not having fun, we are not doing it right. Our team is lead by seasoned leadership from many corners of the gaming world under the shared vision of staying united no matter the paths and games we end up playing. Our leaders are veterans of successful endgame progression guilds dating back from EQ, EQ2, WoW, Aion, Final Fantasy XI, AoC, AO, and FFXIV. We have seen too often what the instability of fickle and unsteady leadership does to groups of gamers and friends and hope to unite all those who find appeal in our vision so that we may have a community in any game our members decide to delve into.

    Our Mission: We aim to be a progressive endgame entity but are openly casual friendly. We are an adult oriented community that follows a no drama policy and our guiding rule is respect. Although no community is perfect, we strive to provide a relaxed and fun environment for whatever playstyle your into. Our membership vets each new member to ensure that we maintain quality over quantity. So come get to know us and if you have time hop on our teamspeak and say hello. If your interested or have questions feel free to reply here or contact us via our website or steam group
  3. Inspired by Thypari's thread



    Problem summary
    So again here are the core problems concerning the current Energy System in Warframe:

    -Players skip a lot of abilities and sometimes they only equip 1 ability at all Players spam damage abilities until they have no energy left. Then pick up Energy Orbs from killed enemies and repeat the process indefinitely, making damage abilities superior to utility abilities


    -After clearing rooms players with 0 Energy tend to go back to former rooms to pick up Energy Orbs instead of just going into the next room and kill enemies for Orbs. This slows down game play


    -There is no tactical decision in when to use abilities or how to chain abilities together


    -Caster abilities, like Ember’s Fireball, aren’t used often because gunplay is superior



    I suggest a Street Fighter inspired system. Support abilities and low cost abilities have thier costs reduced to zero and the powerful high cost abilities use a power bar. This power bar refils as you take and do damage. Problem solved, no more energy orbs, keeps action going and encourages one to push engagements.


    This keeps the game more fast paced, risk oriented and heart pounding. This could also be applied to healing, Would bring alot more immersion to the game as red and blue orbs makes me feel like I am playing Devil May Cry and not being a futuristic space ninja.


    Ex. Teleports, Shurikens, Fireballs are all like Street Fighter Special attacks, but Avalanche, Blade Dash, Blade Storm and simliar powerful abilities are like Supers requiring a certian amount of super/energy bar.


    Here's to hoping for positive feedback ^_-




    So I tried to design a new system that replaces the current energy system, because it has many flaws. Well, this is the outcome.


    Warning! A lot of text.



    I am very open to feedback, constructive criticism and suggestions from hardcore players, elitists, new players, and DE.



    As much as I agree with the reasoning behind this, the proposal is not much different from the problem presented.


    Placing a 20-30 second delay on energy/ability use is only delaying the speed and tempo of the game. Instead of having players dropping back and refilling thier energy you will have players waiting before engaging the the next room.


    A better modified proposal would be to have a portion of the energy bar being a rapid regen to say half and then reducing energy orb drops to say, half. This would reduce the need to return to previous rooms to refill and keep the tempo forward.


    As for using support abilities, the balance of cost would have to be reduced to say something trivial or no cost. As players will always prefer thier primary finisher over some weak support.


    I suggest a Street Fighter inspired system. Support abilities and low cost abilities have thier costs reduced to zero and the powerful high cost abilities use a power bar. This power bar refils as you take and do damage. Problem solved, no more energy orbs, keeps action going and encourages one to push engagements.

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