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Posts posted by (PSN)kiddkammakazi

  1. what you talking about ?? even with the nef the kohm is still a fantastic weapon 


    i use it all the time for T4 stuff


    i can get to 12 no problem on interception and go to 60 mins no problem killing all enemys


    and i only have 2 forma in the weapon... quit your complaining because it was stupidly OP at the start and you know dam well that it needed nerfing


    if you dont see that then wow... why are you complaining on the forums then ?

    The hell is your problem? Have you seen the forum posts about the Kohm when the patch came?


    I know the gun was good, and it still is after the hitscan and damage drop off was applied.



  2. Honestly it depends on the type of Warframe you have.


    Does it have an AoE ability?


    Remember that kills with your Warframe's ability gives 100% of that to the Warframe and only the Warframe.


    Easy to level Warframes include:  Oberon (First, and Ultimate), Mirage (Ultimate), Mesa (Ultimate), Rhino (Ultimate), Banshee (Ultimate, somewhat), Ash (Ultimate), Ember (First, and Ultimate), Excalibur (Ultimate), Frost (Second, Ultimate), Mag (Ultimate, somewhat), Nova (Second, somewhat), Nyx (Ultimate, somewhat), Saryn (Ultimate), Valkyr (Ultimate)


    Hard to level Warframes include: Loki, Zephyr, Vauban, Nekros (Good god), Trinity, Limbo, Volt -- These frames I classify as difficult because they don't have any good lethal abilities that can kill a lot of enemies quickly.


    I also assume that you have your Warframe potato'd so that'll speed up the process even more.


    The best place to level up your Warframe (provided it has any lethal abilities) is Kappa, Sedna.

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