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Posts posted by Maadguy

  1. So we waited a whole week, gave you a ton of constructive feedback and ideas to fix Oberon, and this is what we get? A modified energy pool? Took you this long to come up with this?

    This is just honestly insulting, I don't have any other words for this, the community litteraly worked the rework out for you, you just had to follow the posts, but no. Nope, energy buff.

  2. I feel like the thinking process of DE is wrong, they are nerfing frames that players have to use by default because of endgame scaling being too ridiculous (hello raids, sorties, level 100+ ennemies, and so on...)

    Most frames (and i really mean most) are litteraly useless in endgame, yet the only ones that are viable are being nerfed to the ground without changing anything to the scaling, making endgame extremely tedious and honestly just not fun.

    Don't nerf to the ground the few viable frames / weapons, buff the ones that are currently not being played because they are too weak. We want more diversity to the game and more options to explore, not nerfs. 
    I thought gaming was about having fun, guess i've been proven wrong.

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