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Posts posted by Similistorm

  1. Thanks for the tips,I guess I'll have to get quick thinking and rework my mods. I'll check those builds and hope it goes well. It's true I'm a little outdated on the damage rework,I stopped playing for 9 month and when I came the game was really different. I'll try everything that was said earlier. I've already tried Rhino for the index and it seems to go better.

    • Like 2
  2. il y a une heure, (PS4)guzmantt1977 a dit :

    Sounds unusually low, I'll check my arca plasmor when I get home. I'm thinking that it should probably be in the high teens or closer to 20k. Glancing at the picture shows that there aren't any primed mods on it so I am pretty sure that you're dealing way less damage than you are capable of. 

    I suspect that may be the problem, especially if it's common to all of the things that you're using. 

    Forma and the right mods drastically increases our ability to deal damage to our enemies. 

    Yeah I don't have any primed mods and I'm not rich enough to upgrade a lot of mods so I'm mainly farming credits so in general I stick with my original mods.

    • Like 1
  3. Thanks for the tips I'll look for this (exept maybe limbo since I don't know how to use its dimension thing and I don't really like his abilities)

    For the endo I actually don't need to farm it since I upgraded most of my mods before endo was a thing so I have 50k of endo,I'm mainly  farming credit to use it.

    For the shade I already maxed it but I'm actually using my smeeta kavat.

    I always unequip my dragon key. For the vormalyst I farm them a lot (got the semi-auto/charged beam amp and the shotgun one),I chose Naramon to get more focus (easy with Ivara) and with that I boost Unairu for a more defensive approach (I have equiped some lua lens so it's pretty fast). As said before I played for 5 years but I play about 2-3 times a week (yeah working is tough). I don't have any primed mods but I'll just have to wait for the merchant to come back.

    For the eidolons,I can't kill one yet but when fighting the first one I can destroy 2 of his limbs before he goes away with the lanka.

    Buying PL ? Don't really need, I keep selling most of my useless prime stuff on the market so it's pretty quick to get 500pl in 1-2 week.

    As for index...well I'm actually good with Ember but the bots are not as good as players could be lol (yeah Mag and Ivara on index is great when the game randomly chooses your partners). For Arbitration I still need to beat the Jupiter Eidolon so I can run it.

    Thanks for all the tips,I'll try to apply as much as I can.

  4. I play Trinity and Nyx for exterminations or survivals. For defenses I uses frames like Khora or Frost. I have finished all main quests until the railjack one that I just started,the last mission I did was the one when you unlock the sword that can go lv40 (don't recall the name). I'll try the corrupted mods and see if it's any better. Also for tankier frame I think I'll go for Wisp since it's in my foundry. Thanks for answering my question^^.

    • Like 1
  5. Ok,had to set the game in english but here it is :

    Arca Plasmor (I said 7k radiaiton,I was wrong it's viral)

    Also I know people told me to use Vicious spread but didn't like how it affected my aim so I don't use it.


    Sonicor (only used when reloading to keep distance with the enemies)


    Redeemer Prime


    Trinity Prime


    • Like 1
  6. I've been on this game for around 5 years but for nearly 1 year I haven't been able to play decently well. I don't get it :

    -My mods are at max rank and useful (like health/shield/energy + resistance/damage/elements and buff)

    -I also got decent weapons (mainly Arca plasmor and Zhuge Prime,I don't use sniper if asked)

    What am I doing wrong ? I get one shot in every 80-100 missions,I'am struggling a lot during 40-60 missions,let's not talk about sorties where I can't even pass the first step. I only play solo because my laptop can barely handle DX11 so public is out of my reach. But I never a hard time playing before. I tried the kuva lich,I can't even kill a group of enemies when they are lvl 80 even by using the Arca Plasmor with 7K radiation (btw I main Trinity P)

    Any advices to get better ?

    If asked :

    -I can do fortuna but haven't even starting it and don't have any interest in it so the arch-gun is out for me.

    -Can't do solo Eidolon so things like amps are a no-go for me too.

    -I don't use snipers since I'm extremely bad at aiming with the mouse so I use a controller (I aim better with a controller).

    • Like 1
  7. Hi,as the title says,I'm currently MR14 and my friend is MR27,we were trying to trade rivens but everytime I try it I get a message saying that I need to be master rank 8 or more. Is it a bug ? I'm trying to trading a veiled companion rifle riven mod that i got with Simaris. I was able to trade other rivens before but I can't seem to be able to trade this one.

    • Like 1
  8. il y a 11 minutes, Obe-Ron-Kenobi a dit :

    This is incorrect, built mine on the second floor.

    Though the strange restriction was still noticable, something is certainly going on without much explanation. A good thing for @Fr3shBoi to bring to light but perhaps there are different forums trying to figure out what's going on, maybe a good idea to look there 👍

    It's because it uses multiple floor height so be sure to not have any room above the stair you're builting it. I had to remove obstacle course to built it. Because it was above. It should be taking multiple floor height,that's a bad thing especially when it's not told to the players.

    • Like 1
  9. à l’instant, ExcaliburUmbra a dit :

    Yeah, pretty sure you’re right. The dock became buildable once I placed an extended hallway first. I’m going to have to clean up some nearby buildings but I think I’ll be able to manage now.  

    My dojo build is saved, as am I from the hell that is destroying each room with that two-hour wait.

    DE should add "takes multiple floors" in the room description.

  10. à l’instant, martin16k a dit :

    i can login but crash just a 0.2 sec later i have had it for 2-3 DAYS its not that i cant login its that i can be in for more then 0.2 sec and yes i have done everyting on the beeping site and reported it but iven with the info i stil gat the same stuff after i seyd i had tryd it 


    Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling ? Maybe a file that has gone wrong.

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